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Everything posted by Fortress_Maximus

  1. Hot damn Deimos, nice Strike find! Whitey!
  2. Anyone got pics of the older customs they admire, ie the Jetfire one by al11? Thanks.
  3. Ever plan on stickering up that nice custom?
  4. Thanks for the info about the acrylic shelves. Are there any reputable companies that you recommend or the extreme recommend to avoid? Thanks!
  5. Would love to see more pics if any are available!
  6. Amazing work so far PatS! Hope you will continue sometime soon, looking forward to updates w/pics. Thanks!
  7. Indeed, even though I can envision it a few pics would be nice.
  8. Really nice trimjob on that Hiky! Oh look he is flying!
  9. Got any pics of the tangerine Mars LV pattern?
  10. Seriously, yes anyone else kindly post your pics! Thanks!
  11. Yes and this subject is but one of the many subjects bouncing about. Since the preexising thread is all about the rumored LV variation anyways, which is exactly what that thread is about, it makes sense to combine them instead of creating a new thread for every single thought involving the highly speculated LV variations.
  12. That comment is merely one persons experience. Overall we do not know how the QC is for these b/c most of us have not received it, yet. I am just bitching about how the QC issues as mentioned by the thread creator, ghostryder was not addressed in his version.
  13. Ditto here, I too offered my assistance but so far no word.
  14. Your answers are within: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?act=ST&f=4&t=11308 and http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?act=ST&f=4&t=143
  15. Mods can you merge this thread with the existing rumored LV thread? http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?act=ST&f=4&t=17691 Thanks!
  16. This thread should be merged with the existing threads. Mods can you make it so?
  17. Or we could encourage people to post in the existing threads on the same issues. Please feel free to share your joys, hopes, concerns, fears and any other ideas in one of these existing threads. Thank you. Re: 1/48 Hiky VF1S reissue http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?act=ST&f=4&t=17118 OR Re: 1/48 Hiky VF1S QC concerns http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?act=ST&f=4&t=17625 Enjoy!
  18. AFAIK, I'm the only one who has posted a review, and I KNOW those who bought from Rob have theirs. COME ON GUYS, chime in and give Fortress_Maximus some hope for a perfect valk! ... or dash his dreams, just put him out of his misery. 365938[/snapback] I keep dreaming of the perfect 1/48 valk. Only Yamato can put me out of my misery. Oh the great Yamato giveth and taketh.... *sigh*
  19. Can we see the pics you referred to on how you IDd the last batch of Max 1As I and Toy Wave? Thanks.
  20. I agree, but I also think Yamato is going to seriously piss people off if the QC issues are not addressed, regardless if they release limited LV variations or not. These unaddressed QC issues IMO show a complete lack of attention to improve their products. Different colors aside, I don't know how this is going to appeal to the mainstream market and/or if Yamato even cares about that currently. The way I see it they are using a four pronged marketing approach. First flood the market with the Roys for potential noobs, then do subsequent rereleases for the most popular versions. Second, repaint with a slightly different scheme the VF1A or VF1S (or both) and target those to the diehards. Third, reissue the FPs and GBPs regularly. Fourth, release the VF-0 and start building demand for the mold and shortly thereafter issue variations. When will the madness end!
  21. Interesting but I will wait until pics arrive and this is verified before getting worked up.
  22. That is fracking awesome! I really like it! Great work! What is your next custom? I am looking for to seeing more. Yamato take note!
  23. I missed out on the first go around too... I place an order awhile ago hoping for the best. But, I still feel since it is a reissue Yamato should FIX the bloody QC errors that are reasonable to expect from them to be corrected! After all for the prices we are all paying for just one, IMO it is not unreasonable for us to expect a product that is fixed.
  24. Kindly read and post in this existing thread, it answers your questions. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...ST&f=22&t=16688
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