In ten years time I probably won't have time to deal with Macross toys even if they still release them. But that doesn't mean I still won't think fondly about it and the memories; I still see myself watching the anime series though that I doubt will change. However, I'd probably sell everything or close to everything by then, too many priorities by then and toys certainly won't be one of them. I am just glad I am not one of those super hoarders who'll be stuck with toys that they need to liquidate in the foreseeable future for other financial priorities.
As for the closet comment, dude they are already there! And my personal take on the companies releasing products is they will continue doing it, as long as they can maintain interest and proftable sales. But, think about this fact, even URUSEI YATSURA which was the UNDISPUTED KING of anime in its day for nearly a decade cannot be revived. UY is pretty damn dead, sure reruns still air in JP I know I saw some just last month, but toywise very few things and NO new anime.
IMO Macross' time will come in the future where it just isn't profitable enough to continue making new molds or series and by then I no longer expect to be involved. I will getting off of the Macross train by then. 'Nuff said.