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Everything posted by Fortress_Maximus

  1. "Pat Lee and his brother formed dream engine right after he bought a porsche and his company went down in flames alongside not paying some artists/writers who still were owed money from dreamwave." Those two should burn for what they did to the artists and DW. Bastards!
  2. GOWD DAMN! That is fracking awesome! Nice collection! And thanks for sharing too!
  3. I for one need to see pics before deciding.
  4. I agree, then you could use on the original low vis 376126[/snapback] Yup. I will probably pass on this repaint. Lookie I am saving tons of money!
  5. Rather than spending your money once, you spent it twice. In the case of knowing there will be an improved version around the corner, "hate it? Don't buy!" makes sense, but I would argue that it is better to just release a "high quality with no flaws" version from the start to not piss off the early adopter who will feel shortchanged. Who cares whose feelings you offend so long as you are being honest and up front? ... Sure there are people who just want to voice thier opinion, but the majority can agree on certain things they would like to see: -more tampo printed detail (or improved stickers) -nicer box art and smaller packaging -straight skulls -no loose head They are all nitpicks but valid complaints and worth mentioning. We want to hear the good and the bad.... 375404[/snapback] Dude I completely agree about the need for Yamato to fix those QC errors, but I doubt our collective complaints will do anything. Perhaps if there was someone who could pass our concerns on to people with actual pull within Yamato, then, maybe there would be a chance in hell of something constructive being accomplished. Still as someone who has complained in the past about QC errors, yes I too believe it is NOT too much to ask for an error free product, especially after shelling out $150! As for the Transformers Alternators/Binaltechs... gawd I am so sick of those F'UGLY repaints or UGLIER than HELL licensed only molds I quit! Some Tfans are just grateful we even have anymore Alts, but IMO the way they are going they might as well quit. Mirage looks like he'll be ok but the rest like Prime... Look at how pathetic Optimus looks now?! And as a quick sidenote, when they repainted MPP as Magnus, boy that was a stupid move... Magnus sold poorly. They should've done Scourge instead but oh wells.
  6. I was forced to bludgeon the wallet voices to death when I was searching for my Bandai Elint and SuperO. Now I just hear the occasional whisper. I think they're saying to just get the Super Stealth and ignore the standard stealth. Either that or it's telling me to miss work tomorrow and just get super drunk while watching the clown kung-fu commercial repeatedly. 375430[/snapback] I just locked my wallet away and I haven't heard a whisper since. Solitary confinement does that to it sometimes. But sometimes at night I hear voices in the room and I think it is coming from the other 1/48s telling me they need more bretheran!
  7. Sidenote, Noir was dull and flat out boring, not a hell of a lot better than Lain. And I actually watched the entire fracking series for Lain b/c people insisted it got better, BULLSH*T that was biggest waste of time in my life! I don't know about myk, but I watched the first nine episodes of Noir and I was bored and completely unimpressed. *Yawns the popcorn episode, how utterly stupid!* As others have stated, the whole tough chick blasting guns like experts is totally boring. Also, it should NOT take 5+ episodes for a series to "pick up" and get better! Either the series IS or IS NOT good from the get go in episode 1! I.e. Macross, Bebop, Urusei Yatsura, Full Metal Alchemist etc. Back on topic DOA, Dead on Arrival, as others have previously stated would be better off as hardcore porn. Or would have been, if they had bothered to cast a girl who was remotely attractive. Casting one of the fugliest "actresses" in Hollywood to play one of the hottest videogame ladies was simply an unforgivable offense. The movie simply as no redeeming elements at all. 348016[/snapback] I completely agree! All of the chicks in the video game were hot. The best Hollywood could get was Devon?! How pathetic! There are quite a few lovely Japanese big chester pornstars that would fit the image for role of Kasumi nicely. Why I bet most of us could think of some now.
  8. Post some pics then if you have! 375164[/snapback] 375190[/snapback] AHHHHHH, I dont want to burst your bubble but is'nt she a bit, I don't know, flat chested? 375194[/snapback] Anyone know a site with more pics of this chicka? Hard to tell just how flat she is! But back on topic, I don't know what IS the point of this type of movie. It really is pointless, kind of like a stripper IMO.
  9. 1 LV = 1 kidney 4 Roy = 1 liver 12 Max = 1 Heart transplant ........ You could make a person with some of the stuff you own. 375238[/snapback] One can ONLY hope the collectibility/demand for the 1/48s sustain themselves 30 years in the future! Now how much do I need for a new healthy spinal column and brain?
  10. Sometimes it is just that simple, but it depends on the individual. We can all suffer from analysis paralysis or bitching until hell freezes over; but in either situation usually nothing constructive is achieved as a result. IMO whining and complaints that lead to a constructive solution are ideals. And as we all know rarely achieved on the NET since everyone is a critic and has an opinion or complaint(s) sooner or later. Also, some people just love to complain and/or hear themselves talk too.
  11. What do the voices in your wallet and savings tell you? Mine says only get the Stealth w/FP.
  12. Seriously, if they packaged these things in Battloid mode they could easily be in boxes half the size. I think Yamato is in bed with the shipping companies of the world... 375026[/snapback] Wish someone could slap some sense in Yamato with their senseless box designs and size!
  13. Probably will do either one of two things, give them to my kids if I ever have any OR sell them for other necessities, like medicine or an operation. All the 1/48s, JMs and 1/55s in the world won't mean squat if I am bedridden or need assisted living!
  14. Don't forget: FP = FastPack booster/armor set placed on the valks in both the Macross tv series and DYRL film
  15. Now to complete the circle we need A1 to chime in!
  16. Welcome aboard, now hide your wallet and destroy your credit cards!
  17. Are you serious G, this again... deciding between the house or more 1/48 valks? :lol: As always you know we are glad to help ease your "burden"!
  18. Quick questions: 1- when is the deadline that we can cast our vote for the event date? 2- do we have an announcement date set yet for the results? Thanks.
  19. Better pics! Great! Thanks for sharing.
  20. Looks like the Super Stealth is the one with the FP. Not sure if it is really worth it, need to carefully examine the pics again.
  21. feudalcultlord, just my two cents but if you are serious about collecting you might want to make an honest evaluation of your financial situation and especially your debts. Going into any debt over toys is one of the stupidiest things you can do in your life. As hard as it sounds live within your means and if that means you cannot purchase all of the new 1/48 or other Macross goodies, so be it, accept it and enjoy what you CAN afford. If you are willing to work a second or third job to fund this hobby that is your decision, but do not LIVE for your collection you know? There are so many other important people and experiences in life than accumulating things. Worse go worse, you can always purchase them as they reissue them in the future and you KNOW they will do so! Good luck and feel free to pm if you need to discuss more.
  22. I concur! THAT piece of crap is the best they could create for the stealth? The LV v2 is a pathetic joke; DEFINITELY WILL PASS!
  23. Whaa, looking great! Fatty Nanny indeed!
  24. Someone ought to create a listing of the cheapest places to buy the zero.
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