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Everything posted by Fortress_Maximus

  1. And worth the entire wait! AWESOME WORK!
  2. Well according to her own site, she is scheduled to perform at 2:30pm. http://www.marimusic.com/index2.html I spoke with a reputable source and learned the event will in fact be held at Peace Plaza AND the Cherry Blossom Festival does have a contigency plan this time around. Btw, she is scheduled to perform for 45 minutes! Lets give her a warm return welcome to San Francisco!
  3. Seeing your excellent work Kurt reaffirms my belief that Yamato half assed the LVv2. I am so glad I am NOT getting it, especially when talented people such as yourself create AWESOME CUSTOM GBPs! Indeed the way they should've been done!
  4. These pics keep getting better and better.
  5. You don't find too many of either in the stores but online you can find both and plenty others relatively easily. It ALL comes down to how much you are willing to pay.
  6. This should be pinned and then locked.
  7. Awesome pics! Thanks Graham!
  8. I am still waiting for the ThunderHammer version. Anyone else like that version better than the GBP v2?
  9. Actually for myself, I'd like to see the offical box art if there are pics available.
  10. Time to save them pennies from the streets!
  11. You get always get the raw versions guys if you cannot wait. I am waiting for the dvd sets myself AND hoping someone will release a PERFECT GUYVER MANGA series set. Yo dumb$sses at Viz, get the F*CK OFF of your lazy fat asses and make this happen already!
  12. Going to do well, lets watch the stock go up!
  13. A third movie is cool, actually prefer the detailed character designs and higher attention to animation. If all goes well, they will probably do a third SAC after the movie. We just have to remain patient.
  14. Interesting... I wonder if this will affect US sales at all.
  15. Very mysterious. Looks like it was blacked in. I think it would be good to have a fient skull insignia or maybe something else. (different from skull squadron) maybe: Ivanov lives on. (had many clones of himself and look-a-likes explaining why roy thought he was supposed to have died ) 380825[/snapback] I really like the fiery skull if it was against a black heat shield. I wonder if they will have one like it for the Stealth's heat shield as well.
  16. Do me a favor, and I am asking you this as one of the owners of the GB group at Yahoo. Please do not post those images on the group. I am currently trying to get ahold of original photographer to obtain copyright permission for use on my site. I will let you know when it clears. 378970[/snapback] I hope it was ok that I added 39 pics of the new GB model. If not, pm and lmk. Thanks.
  17. Enjoy both so it really doesn't matter to moi.
  18. Alex, this is the wrong location for this. Also there is a lengthy preexisting thread about shopping in Japan. Please read it here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...ST&f=13&t=16861 Happy hunting. Mods kindly lock this thread. Thanks.
  19. Hm, well if Shawn or Graham ever wanted to do something like this, I'd like to support the effort. I agree!
  20. Damn Graham, your list is almost the same as mine! The only animes I would add are: Mecha series: GunBuster OVAs Dangaioh OVAs Iczer-1 OVAs Gundam 0083 OVAs Orguss02 OVAs Patlabor tv, OVAs, & movies 1&2 (yes mecha is not the focus I know, but the Ingram is cool) Escaflowne tv series & movie (also not mecha focused but the Guymelfs and Escaflowne are cool) Full Metal Panic OVAs & movie (enjoyed the mecha) Non-mecha series & movies: Nadia tv series Mahoromatic tv series Maison Ikkoku tv series City Hunter tv series, OVAs Urusei Yatsura tv series, OVAs & moviess 1-3, & 5 Kimagure Orange Road tv, OVAs & movies 1&2 Full Metal Alchemist tv series Street Fighter II movie Perfect Blue movie Millenium Actress movie GITS tv series and movies 1&2
  21. Indeed! We will need a trustworthy witness/name puller whom I suggest cannot participate. But I do agree whatever funds remain should go to support the MW maintenance costs. On that note, why don't we create MW shirts and hats to raise funds for the site? We have the logo already, all we need is some vendor for it.
  22. Nice win! And yes quite possibly E_D did get hosed, but we only are hearing one side of the story, the seller is not speaking up to defend his actions, so we do not know. Though I do not blame E_D all the same.
  23. If I go I will try to take some pics, not sure might be busy. I just wish I knew when the dang thing started!
  24. Not sure if anyone is interested in this and I do not know if this information is 100% accurate, but... Mari Iijima will be performing at the 2006 San Francisco Cherry Blossom Festival on Sunday, April 23rd after the Grand Parade at the Anime Costume Parade awards ceremony. Where exactly? I do not know, but odds are at Peace Plaza. How long? I do not know. Will she take pics w/fans? I do not know. Will she sign autographs? I do not know. What do I look like her agent? If anyone else knows information, feel free to share. Thanks.
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