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Everything posted by Fortress_Maximus

  1. Finding one isn't difficult it is the price you are willing to pay to own it, that's the challenge. Congrats Kyatsu!
  2. I thought the samething.
  3. Interestingly enough, I don't qualify as a hoarder of any toys and I don't seem to mind.
  4. Nothing wrong with hentai so long as you understand what you are getting into and deliberately consent to watch it. H isn't for everyone and it never should be, it is a niche market for adults, period. Don't like it, don't watch it. Another WC remake? Hm, I say pointless they already have the live action H version which IMO is good enough. The anime by Kawaijiri was excellent, so I highly doubt they will improve on what's already created, regardless of the technological advances. Get a new idea.
  5. Pity sounds all too common, though I wish Target and Walmart would crackdown on this too.
  6. IMO get the ZERO first and if you have extra monies pic up the VF1S Roy and Hiky.
  7. Looking forward to pics.
  8. Really? Hm, I guess I am not use to seeing it from that angle, thanks!
  9. Surprised no one has raised the talented mangaka Takahashi Rumiko's excellent works over the years, including Urusei Yatsura, Maison Ikkoku, Mermaid's Forest, Fire Tripper, Ranma, etc.
  10. Those are some excellent photos and cosplays Dana! As always, thanks for sharing!
  11. Tis a great time for Mari then, assuming it is true I am happy for her. Divorce is hell for all parties involved.
  12. That stand looks interesting, where is it from? Thanks.
  13. I am kind of surprised some of you preordered so many knowing Yamato might have qc concerns w/the first release. Hm.
  14. Ah, I too remember with fond memories casually browsing small, large toy stores and department stores alike and finding practically everything my little heart desired. Gosh those were the good old days, no such thing as hoarders and/or workers hiding things then for G1 TFs or 1/55 Macross toys! In fact, if I recall correctly there were stores that regularly had a good stock of Macross toys since back when they originally came out, they were mighty expensive for the standards back then, basically the price of a new 1/48 or 1/60, and did not move quickly. Pity those stores have since closed down. Nowadays, I do not even bother hunting especially with the price of gas ever increasing and there just isn't anything I recall crave the way I use to when I visit a store anymore. Besides Macross toys for one are rarely in stores nowadays and the TF toys are cheaper to pick up online even with shipping added. The only places I'd even consider going would be cons and even that is a huge maybe. Your mileage may vary.
  15. Please learn to use the search feature at MW.
  16. Great job! Yamato should take notes!
  17. About fracking time!
  18. The kites look fine now. Perhaps we can add more content to the other MW sections too?
  19. I never get tired of looking at that custom! Yamato are you taking NOTES?! Probably not and it is your loss!
  20. I like the newer ones you created J, IMO quite classy and uniform in size. Good work!
  21. For myself I don't dislike the design but like others I prefer it w/o the fp and in plane mode. Pity we probably will never hold these in a 1/60 scale yammies goodness.
  22. Save up then if you really want these things, same goes for shipping... You got to pay if you want to play. Good luck kids.
  23. Generally I like the icons current and the ones JsARCLIGHT created, however, I was wondering if there was a way to select a barebones MW version without all the icons and images for both computers and pdas? Whenever I try to view MW on the pda, it is a bloody nightmare. O can never post even in full view. Off topic of the snazzy kites and miniMinmays, is there anyway to post and view a users inbox on low-fi version? I've been meaning to ask that for the longest time now. Thanks!
  24. Btw, none of the pics work from: http://www.threedy.com/site/forum/showthre...78&page=1&pp=15
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