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Everything posted by Fortress_Maximus

  1. This thread should shed some light on the subject: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?act=ST&f=4&t=17460 Read on.
  2. Wasn't very impressive for the amount of monies they were supposedly throwing into this.
  3. Religious films in general hold no interest for me and besides where are the hot babes?
  4. Good questions... In any event, I all for more chunkey loving!
  5. Too many storylines are getting mashed into this "final" film. Not looking forward to the butchering of the multiple storyarcs.
  6. Looks damn good! Thanks for sharing.
  7. Excellent job! Curious, do you plan on adding more 1/48s and creating a squad or even recreating specific scenes? Nice room layout, very organized!
  8. Sounds like I need to rent this one soon and get rid of my old ones.
  9. Anyone got pics from their previous visits to this con? Thanks.
  10. Nice new pics, thanks!
  11. Good to know that they took the time to fix the errors, might rent this one later. What kind of extras were there? Thanks!
  12. Many years ago close to 2k for one cel. Boy were those the days when the market actually had decent cels at affordable prices. Nowadays it is mainly crap. *sigh*
  13. Love the tie-in with the GSC manga series, classic Sonoda! Definitely a must if you love high attention to detail especially on cars and guns! And the anime is enjoyable too. Prefer Rally as a blond than in the manga of GSC but hey more Bean is cool too! This is one series that truly deserves its own tv series!
  14. Were the errors from the first Patlabor movie released by Manga properly corrected? You know the glitching and the freezing? Those should defintely be fixed! Not concerned about the dub, so long as the sound on the original Japanese dialogue track is crisp. I doubt anyone can come remotely close to doing as good of as job for Asuma aka Ataru from Urusei Yatsura as the original seriryuu. Likewise with Goto, Kanuka, and Ohta.
  15. woah, tons of missing context. Will checkback when its all fixed. Take your time Rob.
  16. I've got a huge project going on at work at the moment, so don't have much time to post. Anyway, I've had an early preproduction sample for a few months, but just got a production version today. One of the yellow antenna on the tail fin tips was bent in the box, but I managed to straighten it out by hand, without breaking it. haven't had time to transform it yet. More comments later. Graham 396231[/snapback] Looking forward to your review Graham!
  17. got more pics?
  18. So anyone here actually have the creditcard valk so we can compare the Stealth to it sidebyside?
  19. Monkey POWER!!!!
  20. Oh very nice! So very nice!
  21. SO FREAKING TRUE About time someone said it! 395249[/snapback] AMEN! And no I do not think Yamato would notice if we the entire MW community stopped buying, there are more buyers in Japan than on MW. Just my ten cents.
  22. Ditto! $200.00 for a non-transformable?! Frack youz Yune and HG!
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