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Everything posted by Fortress_Maximus

  1. They are from Ikea. These are the Ingo cabinets. I think they run about 90$ each....should be listed on there webpage. What I did was..........I took two cabinets, added a center strip, screw them together and added some base around the bottom to hide the peg legs. 403138[/snapback] Very nice cabinets and at a relatively good price! THanks for sharing!
  2. I love it! I really need to dedicate some serious time soon and properly upload, categorize, and title all those cels images I've collected for the past decade. Sorry for the delays M and H.
  3. Never realized just how chubby the JMs are... KAAWWWAAAIII!
  4. Indeed great find and nice collection! Love the chunkies!
  5. I have the same monitors and keyboards as Hurin! Seriously though nice poster!
  6. I don't keep anything here at work I don't want stolen or damaged. Plain and simple, this means no valks and certainly no 1/48s! Too expensive to risk some idiots damaging it!
  7. Confirmed pics show the completed version w/packaging and usually show the finalized version w/any last minute modifications. Prototypes are just that... prototypes. These can be changed for whatever reasons by the companies before they enter production. Also many prototypes aren't even colored yet, just grey... oh lovely. I for one prefer to see confirmed versions by the respective companies before I preorder anything.
  8. No offense but reading about situations like this kind of makes me wonder ... who was the less sensible one. The person that broke a toy unintentionally or the person who knew if they just did what they were told, they'd get what they so deeply desired. Again, no offense is intended, but if I saw something like this about to happen today, I'd tell the kid to just suck it up and do it already.
  9. Ugh, no. Start with the original MS Gundam movie trilogy. 403137[/snapback] Yellowlightman is right. Ignore all this confusing poo and just watch the original Mobile Suit Gundam trilogy, the ones set in UC 0079. Mobile Suit Gundam I, Mobile Suit Gundam II: Soldiers of Sorrow, and Mobile Suit Gundam III: Encounters in Space. That's what you want. It introduces everything nicely, it's easy to follow, and the three movies give you a complete, self-contained story. 403139[/snapback] Precisely! If you actually watch Seed if at all after watching the original trilogy, you will understand why Seed in particular pales in comparison. Seed reuses too many character situations, plot devices from the trilogy, and IMO seriously lacks the emotions that made the original trilogy a revolutionary classic. Yes the animation & music is dated, yes the character designs aren't as clean as subsequent series... it is no big deal. If you take the time to watch the trilogy at least you will understand the primary influences on almost ALL of the subsequent series and alternative universe characters and the cookiecutter rehashed plot devices. Try it you might like it and besides watching the trilogy is a hell of a lot shorter than Seed!
  10. Well then, hoping to find cheaper preorders AND confirmed pics.
  11. IMO the CG Appleseed movie was more for general audiences ... toned down, filled with eyecandy action and far less philosophical. However, both GITS films targeted a more mature audience and at times I'd imagine would put the general audience to sleep with the pacing and sparse action sequences. Still for myself, I can appreciate Appleseed for what it is and if I require more substance I reread the mangas. With GITS movies and SAC, I can usually pass on the urge for the mangas... to each their own.
  12. This is the forthcoming SOC man. It's a big bugger alright, I can't wait. 400420[/snapback] Ditto! Looking forward to the pics and confirmed price.
  13. Yep, got one also. I have the money for it right now, so I will not be spending it until this order comes in. It will be undoubtedly the most expensive piece of plastic I have ever bought, but it will look nice on my Gunbuster site. I have got to keep the toy page current with the newer stuff coming out. 381814[/snapback] Hey hey! I thought your cels were the most expensive pieces of plastic (ok ok acetate) you've purchased!
  14. These filters can be fun to use, sometimes. Frack!
  15. kiss your wallet and the hard earned monies goodbye!
  16. Agreed! Thankfully I won't be getting one, more for everyone else.
  17. Sounds like a storm is brewing....
  18. Great pic of the 1/55s on the USS Flag! I wonder how the 1/48s would look... *ducks* in a separate thread.
  19. That pic is awesome! Another good one is having it flipped facing the battlepod and preparing for release pointblank shots from the gunpod!
  20. Nice collection, really like the spread! Thanks for sharing!
  21. Really? I still want an Ostrich and Elint... if I can't find the originals MIB... the reissues are good enough for moi!
  22. Come on... I too need a chunky fff...iixx! Make it happen Bandai!
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