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Everything posted by Fortress_Maximus

  1. While I do enjoy seeing everyone's pics, we currently have a bit of mayhem going on in the managing of them. How many threads do we have? We have the "Display your Collections", "Strike a Pose", "1/60, 1/72, 1/48 Gallery", and then we have other threads for vintage stuff and jokemachines. It is a bit much at times. That's just an observation though, I certainly wouldn't want to discourage anyone. It shall be done! Afraid that even if I wanted to rush I couldn't though Too much work mixed with vacations, friends weddings, and CPA cramming. I appreciate the enthusiasm though! I love the "ugliest" thread. 425504[/snapback] Oh I completely agree, we do not want to discourage people from sharing their Macross treasures. But come on repeat offenders, how hard is it to put your pics in the correct threads? After all that is what they were created for. Excellent jenius! Looking forward to your CHUNKY MONKEY pics.... Thanks!
  2. These mixed reactions for the ending just confirm my growing concerns about TOP2. At least we can still enjoy the CLASSIC whenever we want and that is all we can hope for. Also with the new flux of GB toys I am one happy camper indeed!
  3. I've been so dreading doing the monkey shoots... when I do a shoot I take 40 +/- shots of each toy. Since there are 5 monkeys that's 200 pics I'll be taking. When you throw in the unpacking, transforming, posing, putting back away that's a large investment of time... but it'll be happening soon If I do two a week over the next few weeks it shouldn't be so bad. The whole process really helps me out when it comes to putting my little blurbs about the toys online too. 424966[/snapback] Hey jenius, I too am really looking forward to the CHUNKY MONKEY pics.. but, no rush! I don't know about the other regulars, but I am actually getting pretty sick and tired of seeing the flood of relatively new people sharing their collection pics that belong in the 1/48 and other respective threads. There are threads created for those people... use them. Back on Haterist's topic, love the 1/48s in all three modes and the 1/55s come second for moi. Great topic.
  4. Claps for the releases... but I DEFINITELY will not pay a huge price for any of the Yammies as others have mentioned. These are toys come on they are not essential to our survival in any sense. I am happy any company is releasing Yammies but I will buy some if and whenever I have excess funds, otherwise I can wait nearly everything has been reissued. Btw, I like my 0S.
  5. Nice collections, organized in the right thread too.
  6. Cool, thanks for sharing the pics GB.
  7. I completely agree w/A7 too many of the n00bs don't know about the great animes that influenced and set the standards for todays anime. Pity, ignorance must really be bliss. - Bastard OVA - too damn funny. You got to read the manga for more. - Dangaioh OVA - Toshihiro Hirano, Kawamori Shoji and so many other anime veterans that we love worked on this series. - Devil Hunter Yohko OVA - Damn sweet character designs and fun storyline with just the right amount of h. - Fire Tripper OVA - Takahashi Rumiko's Rumic world is a based on the manga one short. IMO it's a great old school anime that combines a feudal tale, time travel, love, and discovery. - GunBuster OVA - Yes we know about it on this board but you'd be amazed how many newer fans have never even heard of this classic. WTF? - GUNNM aka Battle Angel - Awesome series, the manga is excellent! Martial arts, philosophy, sci-fi, revenge, and the heroines journey. - Iczer-1 OVA - Toshihiro Hirano's original OVA that is widely overlooked due to age, style, and its horror elements. - Laughing Target OVA - More Rumic World goodness. Horror. Yes. - Kimagure Orange Road tv, OVAs, movie - Takada Akemi art and classic 80s music mixed w/tragic hs love! - Mermaid Forest/Mermaid Scar OVAs - Yes another set of Rumic World OVAs. - Ninja Scroll and Wicked City movies - Kawijiri classics, horror, sex, violence, more sex and violence. - Patlabor tv, OVAs, movies - Great work by Headgear and you got to love Oshii's work on the films. - Urusei Yatsura tv, OVAs, movies - IMO one of Rumiko's best work ever. Hilarious and I don't care if it IS dated... I still love it!
  8. Yawns, I doubt his remake can surpass the original Infernal Affairs. Rental at best.
  9. lol, guys, I don't think the confusion is about time dilation. The Luxion wasn't pulverized... it was sunk and sent into acceleration in subspace. So yes, it still possible for Noriko to board it. I guess what you're thinking is destroyed = atomized. 422654[/snapback] IMO I was thought the bridge was destroyed in the alien attacks and anyone including Noriko's dad that did not evacuate either off the ship or elsewhere were probably sucked out. The OVAs never did clearly explain and/or identify why the bridge was destroyed so, it really is anyones guess. Also, for the time limit Coachie set, it was b/c as he stated too much time would pass in the present IF they remained on the Luxion which was traveling at near lightspeed. DanguardAce nailed it, "They had only 10mins to do their reconnaisance since 10mins relative to them while they approach lightspeed is 6 months for everyone else who are not traveling near light speed." Interesting enough, the entire GB series is testiment to how so much time on Earth passes Noriko as she is out in space. IMO out of all of the characters she alone experiences the longest missed time on Earth. After all, to Noriko her experiences in space only spans a few months, that is of course before her final return home with Kasumi. When you really think about it, Noriko is probably one of the loniest/tragic characters ever created in anime history. The world events and all the people she ever loved passed her by and she barely aged, it is practically as bad as being cursed with immortality. Poor Noriko... ah, how we love thee.
  10. The CHUNKIES rules!! Great work. Let's see more pics though. Ie on the flexistands.
  11. Sorry to see you go Datterboy. I completely agree w/your reasons for quiting, cold turkey probably is the best way to resist the temptations. For myself I passed on the LV2 and am going to pass on the Max, Kakizaki, Angel Bird. Still debating the VF0A and the YF19 but even these I can wait on IMO. No rush these'll be reissued someday. Yes prioritizing is important but sometimes I for one feel like I am getting bombed with releases it burns you out. Yamato really should space out the releases more and correct the damn QC problems before reissuing and releasing new valks. Best of luck to you Datterboy with your new adventures!
  12. Have fun guys, wish I could make it.
  13. They only see boxes and ask WTF are these things. I only got a few figs displayed all the rest are boxed.
  14. This thread deserves a bump.
  15. These look great... you got a great deal kyatsu!
  16. We still need more chunky goodness! Anyone else got pics to share?
  17. About fragging time! Really makes you wonder why the hell they didn't do this from the beginning especially when SF2 was KING and in its prime? Dumbasses at Manga Entertainment! I hope there are some real extras this time around.
  18. DAMN RIGHT! About fragging time... I am glad Bandai Visual is taking care of this. Hopefully it will be handled under the Bandai's Honneamise label, and will include all the extras content found on the Japanese remastered set. Yippie! Seven long years is almost over... now all I need is a release date!
  19. Oh it just means I won't be able to eat out as much now.
  20. Excellent news indeed! Now for some odd reason I still like the good old 1/72. *ducks objects*
  21. Well a few dealers had sales recently so there are midrange DYRL & tv cels circulating and still available. As for high end ones they, much like the Gunbuster OVA cels are already in various blackhole collections. You cannot find them unless you are prepared to shell out at least 1k.
  22. I think the first 5 minutes explained very well what Nono is. The "welcoming back" aspect and why she's awaiting Noriko hasn't been explained though. Imagine if Top2 ended at exactly the same time Top1 ended, and the so-called continent that welcomes Noriko back is in fact Nono controlling her buster corp to shape the words. That would be awesome. 405969[/snapback] I would've preferred that as the official reason but I still leave it up to my imagination. Still think it is a pity Mikimoto did not work on this series. These character designs just don't do a damn thing for me.
  23. Still debating getting at least one of those Minmays. Hm, though I'd like more Misa, Sara, or a Myung.
  24. Mowe you absolutely need to post these on the SM forums asap! Thanks!
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