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Everything posted by Fortress_Maximus

  1. Sounds like a great time was had by all who attended. Pity no pics were allowed. Was this a one time concert?
  2. How much are one day at the door tixs? Also what day is Mari performing? Hopefully some of us will be able to record it. Thanks.
  3. Try uploading this to www.stage6.divx.com
  4. Waay too many titles in the original post, but I for one still do enjoy Dirty Pair's Affair of Nolandia and Project Eden, all of the Lupin films, even Ultimate Teacher OVA. I am in NO WAY remotely disappointed in the classic BGC OVAs and GunBuster OVAs, the follow up attempts were absolutely pitiful. There is no way I consider the classics generic, if anything these OVAs set the standards of todays "generic" and rehashed cliche anime and often pitifully predictable attempts at character developments and character designs. The day I classify the BGC OVAs, GunBuster OVAs, and others which many have long since forgotten as generic is the day I throw out other classics like Macross, Urusei Yatsura, Gundam Z tv series and other innovative OVAs like Robot Carnival. Anime appreciation especially of the long forgotten dated titles is highly subjective; I don't expect any of the newer anime fans to take the time to research them or develop appreciation for them. For myself it is enough that I still enjoy them, I've stopped trying to share with others titles I enjoy when they are hung up drunk on the anime of the month syndrome. I for one love the older 80-90s animes such as (in no particular order): GunBuster OVAs, Macross tv & DYRL movie, Macross Plus OVAs & movie, Bubblegum Crisis OVAs, GUNNM OVAs, Iczer-1 OVAs, Dangaioh OVAs Gundam trilogy movies, Gundam Char's Counterattack movie, Gundam Z tv series, Gundam 0080 OVAs, Gundam 0083 OVAs, Urusei Yatsura tv, OVAs & movies 1-5, City Hunter tv, OVAs, & movies, KOR tv, OVAs & movie 1, Maison Ikkoku tv, GITS movie 1, Devil Hunter Yohko OVAs, Fire Tripper OVA, Laughing Target OVA, Mermaid Forest OVA, Dirty Pair OVAs, tv, & movies, Lodoss Wars OVAs, Dragon Century OVA, Escaflowne tv, Bebop tv, ZeGuy OVAs, MegaZone 23 OVAs, Patlabor OVAs, Arslan OVAs, Iria OVAs, Outlanders OVA, Plastic Little OVA, Orguss02 OVAs, Guyver 1st OVAs, BAOH OVAs, Yugen Kaisha OVAs, Vampire Princess Miyu OVAs, Vampire Hunter D movie, AMG OVAs, Video Girl Ai OVAs, Nadia tv,, Slam Dunk tv & OVAs, Harlock OVAs, Blackjack movies, The Professional movie, Wicked City movie, Roujin-Z movie, Nausicaa movie, Laputa movie, Whisper of the Heart movie, . Ptiy, so many of the OVAs & movies I listed above deserve a follow up tv series but pity most will not get the attention they deserve. Of the newer animes I enjoy: Berserk, GITS SAC, GITS 2 movie, Perfect Blue movie, Tokyo Godfathers movie,
  5. What you were expecting him to actually be dead before the harvesting? Oh no... that would be far too easy for that miserable ungrateful POS.
  6. I completely agree! As much as I enjoy Yamato I'd like them to have some real competition for my monies and us the fans to get more of a selection too.
  7. Director: Tatsuya Okamoto Screenplay: Tatsuya Okamoto Character Design: Kumiko Takahashi Art director: Katsuyoshi Kanamura (Studio Jack) Animation director: Kumiko Takahashi Masatoshi Nagashima Satoshi Yamazaki
  8. I need a couple Bome Noriko figures myself, the hunt continues!
  9. I really enjoyed watching this anime back when it first came out. Pity OVAs nowadays just are not crafted with the care and attention to details like they use to.
  10. We all should be doing other stuff in addition to enjoying Macross. Back on topic as for Kai-fun he can be tossed out of the airlock for all I care or become a organ donor. He battyed too much about the hands that fed him, in many ways he was worse than Minmay.
  11. Correct me if I am wrong but I think the finish for the dustcover is not as good on the reprinted fakes. Still considering you get everything inside including the poster for $30 or less that is NOT a bad deal. Who cares about the "real" one; it is overrated IMO.
  12. Hmm, for tv series I'd pick Misa but for DYRL I'd pick Minmay. I never did understand how his affections for Minmay swayed so quickly in DYRL.
  13. Ah but A7 you should at least link for all to conveniently reference the horrible butchering job that Manga committed to our beloved Dangaioh OVAs. I've gone on and on about this on other forums for many years, but if you have it you should linky the info too. I for one love Dangaioh OVAs and especially the character designs by Toshihiro Hirano! Few designs dedicated as much attention to details as he did back in the 80s and 90s. Pity he only directs now and no longer does character designs. Btw, the cels for the original Dangaioh are quite rare and expensive too. The mecha designs are incredibly detailed and IMO vastly superior to EVAs. And yes the story is simplistic but for the purposes of the OVA it fit wonderfully. My only request is for them to resume the OVA series shortly after the team is lost in space, but the creative team that made the original series needs to be reunited. Although we all know that won't happen, all the more is the pity.
  14. Any updates big F? Thanks again for sharing, I am really enjoying watching this project from beginning to completion. Btw, did you record youself doing any of this? This would make a awesome vid!
  15. Dude this entire thread is wishfully thinking, I have a better chance obtaining many of the earlier items than I do the items I listed that are not made, yet. Sheesh, chill out.
  16. Collecting cels can be stressful if you let it get to you... ask BaronV he knows the realities of cel collecting too. We have a few other MW members who also collect, but they are more lurkers than anything else. Good Macross tv, DYRL, FB, Plus and II cels are hard to find. So, if and when they do appear it really isn't as much stress or grief as dealing with all of the drama involving Yamato toys. Essentially any seasoned collector can tell you usually you get what you expect and what you are willing to pay the most for. Higher end cels go to the perps with the deepest pockets it is as simple as that.
  17. I kind of wish they reissue ALL of the older 80s toys, I'd buy those in a heartbeat b/c I'd know exactly what i am getting. These newer 1/48 and 1/60s complete w/qc and design issues are making me seriously lose my respect for Yamato. For this 1/60 FP, hm... I can do without, I do not want to be a completionist, besides it is seriously grating on my last nerve that Yamato deliberately decided not to include this small arse FP with the original overprice 1/60 YF19. And people wonder why I like cels.
  18. So many valid reasons why none of us should accept the qc/design errors that Yamato continues to subject their paying customers to. Like many other people have clearly expressed their disapproval, I too can no longer bring myself to spend $200+ on any bloody Yamato product that continues to have inexcusable qc/design mistakes. I don't believe the price point will ever drop and I am willing to back away from Yamato all together. If I stopped today, yes I will eventually miss out on some great Macross goodness, but IMO I'd feel I am getting my monies worth paying $500 for one 100% complete, no yellowing MIB Fortress Maximus or $500 for a MIB 1/55 Elintseeker instead of buying even one more error prone Yamato product. From here on out, as far as I am concerned Yamato needs to prove their products are truly worth buying... otherwise I predict they will continue to lose their once loyal customers.
  19. In the following order of importance: 1) Full colored 3/4 shots Original sketches by Mikimoto of Misa, Minmay 2) Highend DYRL & Flashback cels & gengas of Misa, Minmay, Macross, and the valks. 3) 1/55 Elintseeker MIMSB x 4 4) 1/55 Ostrich MIMSB x4 5) 1/55 GBP set x 3 6) 1/55 Max MIMSB x2 7) 1/55 Millia MIMSB x2 1/55 two pack sets in general x2 9) 1/35 Gakken's Red, Blue, Green Legioss MIMSB x2 10 1/48 Max & Millia MIMB x 3 11) 1/48 ThunderHummer (when they finally make it) 12) 1/60 YF19 (2nd or 3rd ed) x3 13) 1/60 VFIIB FP (2nd or 3rd ed) x3 14) JM Hikaru, Max, Millia MIMSB x 3 15) 1/100 Konig Monsters MIMB x 3 That's it for now.
  20. Yes some of the diehard GunBuster OVA fans might be disappointed by the "creative liberties" taken with the upcoming dvd release and we have ever right to voice our approval or discontent. IMO when reasonable changes occur if it doesn't improve what was already done w/the original, then it was not necessary and the company just wasted money. Remember the same diehard fans who expressed discontent and unwavering loyalty to old animes also tend to be the ones who create, drive, and significantly help complete petitions like AnimEigo's Macross tv, Kimagure Orange Road tv, ovas, and Yawara. I for one don't expect all anime fans and especially all GunBuster fans to feel passionately about voicing concerns involving creative liberties. But for some of us, we simply want the product unaltered as much as possible from the original contents, this is not the same as a perfect release. You might think we are needlessly complaining and I understand what you are saying, but sometimes when you patiently waited as long as Noriko and myself have for this licensed dvd release, you really hope for the best effort from the company. Creative liberties IMO generally do not please the diehard fans, such was the case with Dangaioh and Manga Entertainment, but that is another topic entirely.
  21. *yawns* What animation? Heh.
  22. I likely I hope you continue with fixing up Hikaru's VF1J too!
  23. Read this post Kicker: http://forums.macrossnexus.com/index.php?s...pic=78&st=0
  24. Then you might want to do more research there is almost something for every taste. As for what might've been on the Macross since we are so utterly out on this one, I am sure for some kids, otakus and the like they had some crap they brought from Earth or that was salvaged from Earth that was floating in space. For everyone else, there must've been religions, cults, and/or other addictions that kept them busy or somewhat numbed during the time of war.
  25. I do, but I need to look for it this weekend it is in the closet.
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