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Everything posted by Fortress_Maximus

  1. Ditto! Now about the Elint, Ostrich and the GBP?
  2. Oh you did, the 250 is for the set.
  3. None of them so far, but I will wait and hope to see more interesting characters in the near future.
  4. Good additions Mokman, thanks for sharing! Btw, how much as the repro set?
  5. AMEN! The ADV dub pales in comparison to the original Japanese language version and honestly it is NOT that difficult to read subtitles. I would buy the ADV version IF it did include the extras SDK mentioned but they never will, so there is no way in hell I am giving them my monies! I for one am glad I was on the original AnimEigo Macross TV fan petition, otherwise there wouldn't exist any version that is as close to the original as these.
  6. Funny. So anyone else have any real pics of the 1/55s? Thanks!
  7. Nice collection! Do you have any Macross artwork or the original 1/55s too?
  8. Basically this scene was from the classic BGC OVA #5 Moonlight Rambler! The mecha you are referring to is known as DD was piloted by a sexaroid (Sylvie) that feed on human blood. Sylvie shared the blood with her friend who was too weakened to hunt on her own. The DD was much more advanced Boomer by GENOM and the tech was vastly superior to the KS armor. If Sylvie did not specifically instruct Priss how to destory the DD, odds are MegaTokyo would've been destroyed. And yes the DD learned from its pilot but since it required the pilot to remain alive once the heartrate dropped beyond a certain level the DD would then change to it's autopilot mode. The final phase of this included activating the nuclear self-destruct mechanism which would detonate regardless if the pilot was dead or alive. Also I am with Graham the tv series paled in comparison the classic OVA series and I am referring to both Crisis and Crash. For all of the shortcomings of Crash it still contained much need closure to the series. And I am waiting for the awesome bike Mackie created back in OVA#5 Revenge Road with Priss on her hardsuit! That is a figure I wouldn't mind picking up!
  9. Well for those who care for Misa here is a decent cel: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=280213832602
  10. i want it to be roslin so we can throw her out of the airlock!
  11. Definitely looking forward too seeing this film.
  12. Yes and these hard to find ones get reissued many more of us can enjoy them as well. Bandai listen the frack up!
  13. Almost forgot about this thread Recently I picked up two new DYRL cels (Hikaru and one of Misa) and one Escaflowne Movie cel of Escaflowne. It is about time Mokman and Daniel that you guys came over here from RS! Now we need the other Macross peeps from RS here as well., spread the word. Oh big F that IS a reasonably priced DYRL cel of Millia. The only thing is there are few MW collectors who are hardcore cel collectors and that is a good thing b/c it would just mean more competition.
  14. We are all on crazy pills since we are still holding out for the reissues for the elint, ostrich and strike.
  15. Indeed! We need boxart as good as that for modern toys.
  16. Mandarake sells second hand stuff so it should be cheaper. I'm with the others but only for the harder to find ones. Lets hope someone is paying attention to what the market is asking for.
  17. Definitely want to know the cost EXO, YGPM! Thanks! Keep us posted on the cost. And I agree with Eternal_D, VFTF1 so far you are the lone person who is not in awe of the Thunder Hummer.
  18. Thanks for the updates Solsculd007, nice pics!
  19. Great addition EXO, thanks for taking the time to share your treasure with us. Now, why hasn't Yamato seriously considering doing this as well?
  20. Precisely! Before deputy services there was much less competition, but now there is considerably more and it reflected in the opening and closing prices. Reasonable prices for the highly sought after items will be extremely difficult with the merger with ebay... we can only hope for the best in this situation.
  21. Totally agree. If it is huge like the test image I'd pass but a smaller less overpowering graphic is nice. Over all nice work.
  22. The trailer looks nice, I wonder what the storylines will be this time around.
  23. Sweet. Great networking chances while waiting in line.
  24. Lucky. Man it is too bad it was just a one night event. I hope they recorded it professionally.
  25. I am game once the details on how to contribute are posted. Thanks Solscud007, keep us updated.
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