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Everything posted by Fortress_Maximus

  1. Hm, looks interesting. I wonder if they will make a third animated movie.
  2. My Macross universe was fairly large even before the net back in the 80s. In NorCal at least we had a few good dealers (for cels, books, LDs, cds, toys) back in the early 80s to 90s. Never really had a problem obtaining stuff, it was just harder when I sold the older toys and cels; I rarely found the same cel or sequence ever again. What the net really helped with was connecting to fellow fans internationally and sellers internationally.
  3. Statham as the mild mannered but extremely articulate and eloquent attorney Matt Murdock? Hell no! Maybe as DD but he will have to learn some serious gymnastics b/c that is what DD specializes in along with arial maneuvers. Statham's style is more of a brawler no finesse.
  4. Some of Macross TV and DYRL cels were given to the employees as gifts, some of the higher end cels and gengas are owned by the studio or the lead character designer themselves and eventually find their way to the secondary market. Some overseas collectors do sell them or trade them away over time as their priorities shift. In recent years particularly there has been less high end cels but a steady flow of lower end B and C grade cels. Also historically since the late 80s and 90s collectors and dealers alike sought out the original series and movie cels since they are rarer and arguably have better character designs and value.
  5. Love the manga and the first season. Need to watch more! But damn the ending song from season one is so foreboding.
  6. looks pretty damn promising...
  7. i just hope he sticks 1000 needles into his eye as promised.
  8. Anyways, valyrie13 as Mokman explained it is easy to create and upload your cel images to rs. You can pm myself or mokman for details.
  9. A great episode. Didn't care for Grace of whatever the hell it is. Lets hope whatever glowed is good for Alto and co. Looking forward to more MF goodness!
  10. Still voting for Sheryl and after ep 12 we really see she parallels Myung's emotional commitment to the one she loves. Talk about devotion.
  11. Those are some nice additions valkyie13. Do you have an RS account? If not you should create one! PM if you need to know more.
  12. Hey Mokman, check out the joon bibles I think I saw the max original hanken image in there and if that doesn't have it, check MacMemories too. I KNOW I've seen that in one of the many books I have in storage.
  13. Sorry to hear about that NB4M. Still your work is awesome! Thanks for sharing!!!
  14. It is about fracking time!! BOTI is long overdue for anime. Excellent art and storylines. I hope they stay true to the awesome battles which can be quite graphic but lovely. Anyone looking for the English translated mangas? If so, pm got a new set.
  15. Mercurial post pics of the people who signed and the sigs/sketches! Thanks! And how was the cel selection?
  16. Not many and part of that is due to the demand. Macross just is not popular as before and with the 85 pricepoint how many average collectors will pick one up casually? The armored parts are nice but again I am concerned that the pricing will deter potential buyers. The standard valk pricing is simply bad. After all these need to do really well otherwise it is highly unlikely the more desired ones will get released. I for one doubt they will do the full line up.
  17. Precisely! On this particular note I appreciate the character development for the bystanders especially since it draws us the viewers into their world. Much like the live action film THE KINGDOM it seems so distant but at the same time the events are seem all too real. Just finished 25 and while the battles were eyecandy they seemed a bit senseless IMO. I particularly like how things were left unresolved with certain characters and the explicit loss of certain characters was poignant and heartfelt. I particularly enjoyed the revelations some of the crew shared with one another during their last moments and the "letters". Imagine having to write one of those and imagine what it must feel like to read one as the recipient.... intense.
  18. The only thing that concerns me is how much more expensive the 1/55 resissues are , especially considering Yamato is releasing so many new items that are much nicer. The pricepoint for the chunkies just is not appealing at all to me as a Macross collector and I doubt it will entice the average toy collector either.
  19. Anyway this is sliced, BTDK looks like THE movie to beat this summer! I am all in!
  20. Good luck hunting BBP! And bring a wad o' $$$$$. If you find anything post it here!
  21. Finished up to 24 not really sold on Setsuna nor his past, but I did like Lockon as well as the interesting character dynamics between the crew. Also as much as I hate to admit I was very impressed on how they humanized the bystanders. Looking forward to seeing more from this series.
  22. I agree! I wonder how many people new and old collectors alike will purchase the 1/55s. Does anyone who buys in bulk have any ideas on customer demand so far?
  23. Mokman, I would guestimate the Minmay cel based on character design is a repro -intended to match- the newer style in the game since the DYRL style is dated and not as popular with new fans. I never did understand why they didn't create repros from DYRL or FB but at least these exist. Nice find last I saw the set on domestic soil was at AX 2006 for a bit more than that price.
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