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Everything posted by Fortress_Maximus

  1. Wow lots of love for Sheryl and the mile high!
  2. Hmm. I saw it when the first LD came out and my friend got them. Man I was floored! The story, music, crisp animation, and incredible attention to details blew me away. We must have rewatched it at least five times that day! Later when Manga released it we held a gathering and watched the licensed domestic version with English subs and now I could finally understand more of the story. Awesomeness!
  3. ditto here. i constantly get logged off especially w/modzilla but my cookies always get deleted so i don' tknow what else i can do other than log in again, again and again. oh wells.
  4. Indeed! Awesome collection Totoro242! Thanks for sharing.
  5. Completely agree! I am very surprised Roy and Ozma are not ranked higher. Also I think Hikaru should've been ranked much higher than Ismu and Basura simply b/c of the vast amount of actual space combat he experienced, leadership and the older technology used. As for other newer pilots like Shin and Alto, I think they both had more potential but Shin in my books wins b/c he really developed his "awareness" of his surroundings and learned the fundamental concept of Bruce Lee's JDK, "adapting/formlessness".
  6. Hm, well I searched for over 16 years for just one of the DYRL cels I have of Minmay from the climax. When I finally got it the search was definitely well worth the effort! Also I was among the early group of people who petitioned AnimEigo to get the licensing for the Macross TV series. Then when AnimEigo finally got it, I told everyone I knew who remotely liked anime and bought a few sets as well. Back then for the early buyers we paid a hefty pricetag, however, it was well worth the wait and efforts to finally get this classic on dvd! I know thanks to the strong efforts the dedicated fans made to petition AnimEigo we helped bring Macross to North America on dvd much sooner than later.
  7. Cool DarrinG. Have you posted your cels to RS yet? If you want to know more feel free to pm.
  8. Nice cels dude! How long have you collected?
  9. Got anymore news/pics for this INCREDIBLE Sheryl cosplayer? Thanks!
  10. IMO it helps to add any and all Gunbuster news to this primary thread , since other threads tend to get closed, derailed, or buried. But back on topic those GB pics look great!
  11. Great clips EXO! Thanks! IM2 looks very promising.
  12. Absolutely! Looking forward to seeing the awesome science lessons!
  13. Well if you are looking for comparison pics from all of the existing GB models and toys that is harder to provide. However if you are looking at the older models start here: http://home.comcast.net/~valkyrie2036/gunbuster/models.html and http://www.toponeraegunbuster.com/Gunbuster-Models.html then move onto http://www.toponeraegunbuster.com/Gunbuster-Toys.html also check out detailed pics of the various GB toys and figures at the Yahoo Gunbuster2 group, if you haven't joined you should do so! Ultimately, I think a lot depends on your budget and how patient you are. Many of the older models and GB toys are not readily available so it may take awhile. Happy hunting!
  14. Excellent vids and pics! Thanks to everyone for sharing with those of us who could not attend!
  15. That is true EXO. I just figured after at least half a day of hanging out, people might want to relax, be entertained, or cut loose. A mass migration to MWCon2010 sounds promising indeed!
  16. Dudes hit a club, even if it is only a comedy one! SF has some great night clubs.
  17. Crap! you are absolutely right! the SOC is awesome but i like both.
  18. Ah! Apologies Noriko! Your site is also linked in the Yahoo Gunbuster group. But yes I completely agree your site is an excellent GB resource to all!
  19. you should join and check out the yahoo gunbuster groups! lots of pics for the gunbuster toys and other items over the years. oh and imo the SHE Gunbuster is the best gb "toy".
  20. Sweet shirt! Do anyone have any news about any upcoming books or products?
  21. *Bump* definitely love this thread! so for those of you who recently purchaed reissues... share your experiences and pics too!
  22. *bump* wonders when we will have another chunky reissue.
  23. Hilarious photos! Those need to be added to the existing CHUNKY thread. Let me bump it so you guys can add more and see them.
  24. DarrinG most TV, DYRL and FB cels of the primary characters range from 500 to 2000+. A lot depends on the scarcity, composition, character, condition, setting, and of course if the background is present. If your budget is below 100 you might fare better obtaining Macross7 cels. Happy hunting.
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