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Everything posted by Fortress_Maximus

  1. Ahh Janis how easily she was forgotten after the Ms. Macross contest! Looks like you are gobbling up any and all Macross cels Mok. Thanks for keep on sharing/posting them here; wish some other collectors would make the time to do likewise.
  2. Indeed shikishis are expensive and can cost as much as high end DRYL and FB cels. However they are not as rare per se as production cels. Nice additions Project_mr2, Totoro242, and veffidas. Mods: Can we merge this thread with the existing cels thread b/c these are both original artwork? Also this thread will get pushed down over time b/c so few people have shikishis. Just a thought, wouldn't want to loose these beauties over time since people do not search for Mikimoto autographed works as much as cels.
  3. Got anymore news about this event? Anyone else going? Graham?
  4. Loved how the first one ended. Rather curious to see how they intend to develop this further... but will wait for reviews before taking time to watch it anytime soon.
  5. Has anyone watched this film, "THE FOURTH KIND"? The film depicts the questionable events that occured in Nome, Alaska during 2000. Official site: http://www.thefourthkind.net/ Review: http://www.ufodigest.com/news/1109/thefourthkind.php Thoughts? Impressions if you saw it, share.
  6. Yup definitely remember helping with the fan petition to get SDFM picked up with AnimEigo. That experience brings back great memories since back then there were so few companies bringing over old school classic animes. I am so happy AnimEigo did an incredible job with the DVD remastering! I like the clean box art it looks like a classic and besides I for one never buy any series for the box art, for me it is what is inside the box that counts. AnimEigo completely surprassed my expectations and I really loved them for their dedication picking up SDFM and Urusei Yatsura! Completing those were HUGE feats of love.
  7. Hey that is the same one I watched too!
  8. I feel exactly the same way. DB was F'UGLY, from beginning to end. And do not get me wrong I adored GB but DB ... crap dudes I felt my brain cells die... so painful to watch until the end. The beauty of Noriko and Kazumi was completely lost, at least try to make the newer girls worth our time to watch! Also I can understand and respect the need to try something new for a newer generation, but seriously the mecha and character designs were simply UGLY and the animation was painful to watch (fight sequences in particular looked like crap). It is one thing to pay tribute to a classic but I certainly did not feel they pushed the envelope involving any of the important qualities: plot, character development, fluid animation, music, character and mecha designs. It really is hard to TOP let alone improve on the classic! Just my ten cents.
  9. Definitely a great find! Now if only the original artwork was for sale. Flame on!
  10. Nope not just you. I did not like the mecha designs at all. I really miss the details from old school mecha anime like Dangaioh OVA & Bubblegum Crisis OVA. And as for the character designs I just took it for what it was worth. Many content the modern animation is smoother but I personally I dislike the indistinct, bland character designs commonly found in modern anime. Regardless this is the future of anime for better or worse, so I am making the best of it. Also I enjoyed S1 much better than S2.
  11. Yes, thank you Tochiro for the detailed report. For those of us who did not attend this was very helpful. Out of all the attendees you alone shared the most pictures. Thanks!
  12. Figured as much... have not visited Nikaku in over five years but figured buying directly overseas the selection would still remain better. Thanks to all who shared.
  13. Damn baronv still collecting huh? Nice finds! Thought you quit cels entirely. So addicting....
  14. Truly sad news. Katoh will live on in my memories everytime I hear his incredible song sung by Mari.
  15. Also shed a tear when Roy died in the tv series. What a man!
  16. How were the stores that you guys visited? Any noteworthy to check out or to avoid?
  17. Interesting site. When is the next update?
  18. I completely understand where you are coming from peter. I use to feel the same way about Macross II, Plus, Zero, 7, and now Frontier. What I found about the different series was each contained certain qualities that made some more worth watching than others. I found Macross II had some really nice music but he storyline was weak and the characters were pretty boring. And I found Macross Plus possessed some really clean animation for the mecha and the dogfights. Also Plus had some amazing music too! For Zero I really enjoyed the dogfights and re-watch mainly for them and the music. I second the romantic elements for Sara and Shin; I too felt their romance was much more focused b/c it had considerably less angst/drama than SDFM TV & DYRL. I can see how it might be viewed as overly simple, but Zero to me really stripped away romance to the core elements (communicating, empathy, fear, vulnerability, trusting, cooperating, growth, and compromising) without the mind games and angst of youth. For 7 honestly have not watched the entire series b/c I found Basara really annoying and I do not enjoy his songs. Someday when sick I expect to finally watch it all. As for Frontier, initially did not care for it but felt the numerous nods gave me enough reason to pause and watch. I've re-watched the series twice and I can see how the series can really annoy some and draw in others. I found there was a lot of good mecha and suspenseful generally well placed drama. Ultimately, what helped me was just finding a few elements I really enjoyed and latched onto them. The bottom line is if you do not connect with the series after SFDM TV & DYRL it is fine. Some fans do not care for certain main characters like Minmay, Ranka, Mylene, and Myung, while others love them. Imo all that matters is if you give the various series a fair chance. After doing so, if you still do not like it, then it does not matter.
  19. None. It wasn't the mecha specifically, rather it was the music, animation and awesome character designs by Mikimoto! If I had to choose a mecha then it would have to be the battroid.
  20. I completely agree Agent One! As for anime got a few: In Kimagure Orange Road "I Want to Return to that Day", when Hikaru is abandoned and betrayed by Kyosuke in the rain while Wada Kanako sings the classic, "Ano Sora o Dakishimete". In the Gundam Trilogy Third Movie: Amuro is gravely injured but still saves everyone on White Base. Originally thought he was going to die but amazingly he escapes the final explosions. In Urusei Yatsura KANKETSU-HEN The Final Chapter movie: During the final minutes of Earths survival Ataru collapses but Lum rushes to save him. In Urusei Yatsura Remember My Love (Third movie) when Ataru and Lum are repeatedly separated and then one day become re-united.
  21. Angel's Paint only because I find this song just slightly more inspiring than Ai wo Oboteimasu ka? If there was a pick your top three it would be a very close call for me since I enjoy almost all of her songs, especially Yasashisa Sayonara
  22. Whatever, we are all entitled to our opinion.
  23. Checked the thread and online didn't find one for Cathy. But she is the closest we got to Misa so I will take it!
  24. No worries these type of collectibles are much more readily available compared to Macross DRYL or TV cels. I am very patient... the hunt is part of the fun.
  25. I just hope the movie resolves the damn triangle or Ranka gets killed. Either way I'd be very happy.
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