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Everything posted by Fortress_Maximus

  1. Watched #2 and it was very interesting. Looking forward to seeing if Amuro makes a cameo.
  2. Very nice akim! It is getting harder to find settei for Southern Cross and Mospeada. Thanks for sharing.
  3. It is subbed now so it is out. The episode is really developing the characters and revealing secrets! Has anyone else watched it yet?
  4. @ bong: Congrats on your new Macross DYRL cel! Thanks for sharing! Do you have any others? Feel free to post. @ Mercurial Morpheus: Cool, thanks for remembering and posting the cel!
  5. No thought lives in your mind rent free.

  6. Looks like can vote + for posts but not -. When attempting to do so the error message appears. Thanks!
  7. Sweet! Thanks akim, cschell, and Reflex Point for posting some great pieces of art.
  8. Of course I'm picking which action films to watch! Frankly there is so much crap in the action genre being churned out globally, so much of it is not worth watching. I feel Hollywood films depend way too much on wire work and in doing so the martial arts based action films neither match or come close to films coming out of Thailand or Hong Kong. One interesting rising star IMO is Scott Adkins from Undisputed II and Undisputed III. Completely concur a movie is not inherently bad simply b/c it is uses wire work. However I feel the over dependence of wire work to the point where the wire work IS the main action... sucks. Wouldn't you agree there must be some reason why people actually are impressed by the action sequences Tony and Donnie have created? Maybe it has something to do with the fact when Tony and Donnie kick, punch, or throw someone it really looks like it hurts? Maybe that level of realism is what some people desire? I would even go as far as saying that might be partly why the popularity of MMA has grow like wildfire, people want realistic fighting and action. And of course I've seen Tony's other films and it is precisely b/c the action in his films are not "enhanced". As far as I am concerned the amount of films he has done is completely irrelevant; the "quality" however and high standard he sets arguably has not been met or surpassed with anything Hollywood has put out. Obviously Donnie uses limited wire work and anyone who has seen his development for the last two decades from Tiger Cage, SPL up to Ip Man knows this. The questions to ask is how and when does it use it? IMO Donnie uses wire work more often than not to enhance action rather than using it as the action. In the future Tony may incorporate wire work too, who knows. But based on how dedicated he is in showing new types of action, I for one have full faith he will keep on raising the bar. Bottom line, perhaps these guys are doing something audience actually want to see more of? Nolan's films are great but comparing them to the type of action films Tony and Donnie create is comparing apples to oranges. Their films emphasize totally different areas of film making. I think we can all agree when people watch their films we know the action drives the story, not the other way around. Lastly for the Expendables it will be fun and I think we all know we are in for one of the biggest action packed films in a long filled with some of our favorite action heroes. This is definitely one film I am greatly looking forward to, the action alone will be great and I have full faith Sly and company made an entertaining film! Cannot wait! Here is a new Expendables review... proceed to read at your own risk.
  9. Ok so tell us, would you seriously put Donnie Yen and Tony Jaa's action films in the same level of "Peter Pan" wire fu action that has become so commonplace in Hollywood films? If anything Donnie and Tony are among the few actual martial artists who barely use wire work. The fact is Donnie and Tony both do not like using wire work precisely b/c it has been extremely overly abused and detracts from an actors fluid body movements. Case in point, in Ong Bok Tony displayed incredible raw intensity and the action sequences were unbelievably fluid and looked so damn good. Honestly I doubt there is any film that came out of Hollywood that comes close. Of course the great fight choreography certainly helped but I absolutely feel the lack of super humans flying around in the air helped a lot to raise the level of fight realism.
  10. The only entertaining thing about this film was Kelly Overton's butt.
  11. Truly do not care what any reviews claim. Expendables will be a great old school action heroes flick! The cast is solid as-is, it does not need JVCD (he is a serious "actor" see his next project MacBeth), Wesley Snipes (tax problems, fool of course you are going to get caught), and Seagal (issues with the producer Avi Lerner, get over it). For those of us who miss the real action flicks without wire-fu staring real action heroes... cannot imagine this getting any better. Extremely sick of muscle suit action heroes, wire "boring as hell" fu, and emo vampire/werewolves. My ten cents, enjoy Expendables for all it is worth ... this might very well be one of the last real action films you will see in a looong time, minus Donnie Yen and Tony Jaa's films.
  12. Hi Mods. Tried voting a helpful post up recently and got this error pop up message: "Action failed: You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day". Has anyone else experienced this? Thanks for looking into this.
  13. That's too bad. Would've liked to have seen the art might have even bought one if it made it to international auction houses. Well if you ever discover any footage is floating somewhere post here. Thanks.
  14. Nice akim! If it's not too much trouble do you have any scans of the interior Mikimoto art? Thanks!
  15. Cool pics! Did anyone take a vid? If so, can you post a link? Thanks!
  16. AWESOME collection izzyfcuk!!
  17. Haven't seen the first movie, doubt they can make it better than the tv series. Really hoped they wouldn't do a Kill Bill with the Frontier movie. Oh wells, looks like it is becoming more common nowadays to drag out storylines that can be resolved in one movie into two.
  18. Just have one question to those who watched already. Do they clearly resolve the triangle like they did in DYRL? Thanks!
  19. Those are some great pics from AX! Thanks all and please continue to post more pics and/or links to vids you shot or feel are worth watching from AX.
  20. Sounds good. Got pics to share? Thanks!
  21. Saw the first OVA is was nice and volume 9 for the English translated manga is out too. Check it out the ending Roberta's Blood Trail probably won't be what you expect!
  22. Awesome! Thanks for the updates and looking forward to the next OVA.
  23. Love the Mikimoto trio poster of the three girls and the mecha heads! Anyone else see this poster anywhere else? Thanks. For those of you who went to AX this year did you pick up any other posters? Please share. Thanks!
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