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Everything posted by Fortress_Maximus

  1. Never said that he was as large as Luke Cage. Comment was about how the actor is tiny in build and musculature. And historically Iron Fist looks quite physically formidable in the comics. http://marvel.com/universe/Iron_Fist_(Danny_Rand) Hardly as puny as the NFLX MCU representation. At the very least Iron Fist has the highly defined physical build of the Master of Kung Fu, Shang Chi.
  2. Does anyone else feel Iron Fist looks physically weak? Definitely not an imposing stature like Cage and smaller than DD. Will still watch and hopefully it will surprise. Still feel DD remains the best Marvel expanded universe character. DD displayed excellent overall storyline, character development, action, cinematography, acting, and music. Compared with Jessica Jones, to me DD highlights exactly what was lacking in the JJ. I feel JJ was the worst of the series thus far. Initially enjoyed JJ until she made repeated asinine mistakes resulting in people getting injured or dying. I felt JJ was written with far too much self-loathing, depression, and stupidity. Her character development simply failed horribly. She did not evolve and it became painful to watch her. The action sequences were not good and it is clear JJ has no discipline, focus or training. Also, the pacing of the series was too long, it should've ended when Kilgrave was captured. I felt the writing in JJ was considerably weaker compared to DD. Enjoyed Luke Cage, the initial story arc involving Cottonmouth was great. Afterwards, the use of Diamondback served a purpose but it felt too forced along much like the romance with Claire.
  3. Saw it and felt Keanu could've delivered the same emotional 'range' as Benedict as Strange. Oh well, still a good into the spiritual realms.
  4. Looks great with plenty of 70s-80s references to turn up the nostalgia. Anyone else know how much of this will follow the animated series and Peters search? On that note, anyone enjoy the animated series? Thought it was actually well scripted and the voice acting enjoyable.
  5. Personally feel Watson does not fit the role well. It is going to be exceptionally hard to top the exceptional voice acting, lush traditional animation, and musical scores from the animated classic. Will pass and watch if coerced to do so.
  6. Entirely plausible. Only question is do you want to bid on it?
  7. Possibly the attached image, but would need to compare to other scenes from TV and movie too.
  8. I'd wager if it was an authentic hanken mono it would sale at a higher price.
  9. Really looking forward to this newest chapter of John Wick! Wondering how many more times can people pull him back in even though he says he is out.
  10. Depends on the translation software used some say it was production cel. Go figure. Saw that genga, even if authentic which is doubtful, it is excessively overpriced. For me the composition isn't worth the cost and it isn't even a sequence. What do you think?
  11. Another fake cel https://www.rinkya.com/en/auction-l377250348?dollar=part
  12. Coming along nicely!
  13. Nice! Enjoying the DYRL translations. Thanks for sharing and thanks to Gubaba for his generosity and dedication!
  14. As the saying goes, if it looks too good to be true.... This hanken forgery is a good reminder to always cross-check against source materials.
  15. Yup missing a bit on the edges and bottom. Ok scratch my earlier comment jvmacross, I didn't recheck the full sized image you posted. I am pretty sure it is a fake now. The acetate size is completely wrong! Also, notice there are areas where the creases do not cast shadows? Then there's the missing reflection from Max's glasses, plus his missing cuffs, and of course Millia's right and left arms! Looks like we have another forgery group becoming active on YJP.
  16. Usually there are not different versions for hanken monos, but it is entirely possibly multiples were made for the Millia and Max wedding hanken. The artwork used for Animage May 1983 cover already had some traceline fading which is unusual. Worst case, the one listed in auction is an exceptionally well-made fan cel.
  17. Indeed! Love the old school Masami artwork. Looking forward to your collection posts. Sounds cool and delicious! Btw, belated congrats on the Misa TV acquisition.
  18. Interesting theory! The veil actually does look like real fabric/material was used. This hanken mono was used for the magazine cover of the Animage December 1984 issue. Since it was used for advertising specifically and not in animation production, the pearls would not be animated to move. It is just my educated guess based on other hankens I've owned and researched, but I think the pearl necklace was probably airbrushed. In such cases the pearls typically are not secondary layers, meaning the layer would be the same as the primary face and body. Alas, we may never know, so Mikimoto-sensei might be the only person who can solve this mystery for us.
  19. Looks fake. It is in well preserved condition with solid lines and vibrant colors, but it is also missing a lot of the original hanken image especially Millia's arms and Max's arm etc. If it was reasonably priced jvmacross, this fancel would make a nice pairing with your Misa and Hikaru wedding hanken. Speaking of which, did you ever determine why Misa's pearls and veil were missing?
  20. Yup that hanken has been circling for a couple weeks now.
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