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Everything posted by Fortress_Maximus

  1. Nice cel! Do you have a screencap or gif to show if it was used in the OVAs or Movie? Thanks.
  2. Nice cels and framing jobs @ANTEATERNEO!
  3. Did they ever make a full set one for Misa? Just see a few with bad compositions.
  4. Nice addition jvmacross. Is there substantial trace line fading?
  5. @gtc_fan: Very nice production gengas and cels! Thanks for sharing! There has been some hankens surfacing mainly from the SFDM TV series. Also HA had some awesome original box artworks and promotional hanken art. Did anyone pick any up?
  6. That drawing is awesome! It deserves to be lovingly framed and preserved.
  7. Very nice book. Time to start shopping again.
  8. Nice cover indeed. Pity the interior art pales in comparison. Wondering what will it take for them to release a better compilation book for the classics for the TV and OVAs? Seems those series should be due a new book or two.
  9. Wow! Such a project of devotion. Thank you for creating and sharing this. Looking forward to seeing more. Thank you! 👍
  10. Missed the HA action did anyone pick anything up? Agreed about nothing ruining the potential gains, but the who knows, something is always a brewing. Be safe friends.
  11. Nice book! Great addition JVmacross. Bet you have most of the merchandise referenced in the book.
  12. Surprising there aren't more kitchen ware stuff for Macross since the increase of popularity of Frontier and Delta. No Macross love in the kitchen.
  13. Nice add jvmacross. How much exposure does that site get Mokman? If it isn't popular the price might not reach higher levels. Will you bid?
  14. Nice Macross Zero posters don't get much love.
  15. Congratulations mokuji! Do you have a RS gallery? RS is down again so if you can share the url it would be great. Thanks!
  16. Nice! Didn't pick anything up, did anyone else?
  17. It is not uncommon for sellers to buyback a cel or even original comic art from a buyer when they consider selling. Often the buyer gives the seller a courtesy heads up and a first chance before listing online. Actually done this more than a few times. This might seem strange to some, but this practice is akin to keeping an interested buyers list, and notifying the individuals before listing. YMMV.
  18. Ah. Wish you offered it back to me at what I charged you, as I would've bought it back.
  19. Did not mean Keanu was doing the film for the cash grab, rather the studios. Studio interviews claim the trilogy was originally going to be about Neo's Resurrection. But the lengthy timeline gap does not lend any justification why this film even needs to be made now. Really hope they delve into the Matrix world instead of merely doing a soft reboot with an amnestic Neo.
  20. Yuppers, Ghibli art resells differently than Macross artworks, Btw, didn't even notice you were posting sold art & cel prices in another thread! 😏 Could you post the sold art and cel stuff in this thread instead? Thanks! Notice there is zero art discussion in the other thread, but here it is one of the main hot topics. Just a thought and request if you will. Some nice DYRL cels sold recently. Good prices. Wow, even the DYRL I sold to ZenAmako sold for much more than triple what I charged him. 😛 This TV cel was a possible fake, Super Dimension Fortress Macross Hikaru Ichijo Misa Hayase - 42,000 JPY https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/h576110679
  21. Expect a lot of CG, stunt doubles, and disappointed original anime fans. Keep up the stellar work NFLX.
  22. Easy pass on whatever this drivel is.
  23. How long before 'copycats'?
  24. Enjoy Keanu but this fourth installment seems needless and a cash grab. Does anyone else keep seeing John Wick? Would it have killed them to change his appearance more?? Geezus. Will watch it just for him and hope the story is not a predictable and boring plot.
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