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Matt Random

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Everything posted by Matt Random

  1. One set of missiles will be fine for me as well.
  2. That is how I've always felt about this gimmick on the Yamato 1/48. I would have preferred that Bandai not include it.
  3. I'll probably pass on Focker, but I'm sure I'll be staying up for the Hikaru VF-1S.
  4. This last month of waiting is going to kill me. This my most anticipated toy of the year.
  5. I cancelled my AmiAmi order so maybe one will pop up there.
  6. Looks like the schematics show that the covers come off of the boosters (plus missile pods) and leg packs.
  7. Agreed. I always have a glut of missiles sitting around so I wouldn't need a pack per valk. I never used fixed pose hands so I can save there. I also like both the naked and super/strike looks so I could share a set across multiple valks there as well. It incentivizes me to change up the display occasionally which helps me to fight the urge to buy something new.
  8. I think one missile set, one strike and one super should do it for me. I don't need the extra hands unless it comes with the pilot.
  9. Omitting both of those are steps forward in my opinion. I could also live without the moving flaps. I found all of those gimmicks to be more of a nuisance than anything.
  10. That tends to involve faux parts so I think I'd pass on that version. The engineer in me dominates the Creative so it seems like cheating I'm also not keen on the idea of the rotating seat since that can leave gaps in the cockpit for fighter mode. I prefer a nice looking fighter mode to a gimmick I'd use once and then forget about.
  11. I started with Jetfire when it first came out. Got it a KB Toys. For the modern stuff (2000 onwards), I've picked up at least one of most every valkyrie released starting with the very first Yamato Macross Plus stuff. Mostly out of an obsession with wanting to experience how each works. I'm very much looking forward to this one.
  12. When I saw the reply count I was hoping that new pictures had surfaced. Glad more folks got it.
  13. Matt Random

    Hi-Metal R

    Mine didn't make it though the mailroom yet It was my first try of AMZ JP. Ordered Thursday, delivered today.
  14. Matt Random

    Hi-Metal R

    The one and only time I willingly used DHL the package sat in Germany for a week. It was going from Singapore to CA.
  15. I had no idea that there was a newest Thundercats. Now I wish I didn't know.
  16. Now I just need to figure out where to put it.
  17. You mean a real Big Mac isn't as big as the one on the side of the truck?
  18. Oh no! You have to take the canopy off to get the hands out! Not jumping to conclusions and learning not to take stuff out of context are good skills to have. Perhaps I'm interpreting the rough translation wrong, bit it seems like the author is going out of his way to say "don't panic!"
  19. The last time I took my only remaining 1/60 v1 out of the box it fell apart on me. The hinges for the chest transformation crumbled.
  20. I like that the wings don't have to be partially opened just to get the battroid onto the stand.
  21. As nice as this looks in the Hikaru VF-1J colors, the mold is going to positively shine with the Hikaru DYRL VF-1S deco. Especially once the Strike parts are available.
  22. Looks like the standard stand adapters are clear. Hopefully that is the standard approach going forward. The box looks like the Frontier style as opposed to the really nice Delta boxes.
  23. I wonder if Bandai made it easy to remove the gunpod strap. That was such a pain on the Yamato 1/48 that I ended up having some battroid-only gunpods and some fighter-only gunpods.
  24. I wonder if Amazon is going to be able to fill the orders in a reasonable amount of time. I ended up with AmiAmi & Amz. I'll probably cancel the Amz so that I don't risk any banning at AmiAmi. If Amz works out for people I'll go with it next time since I think it'll be a bit cheaper than AmiAmi with EMS and I've heard that the Amz shipping is fast.
  25. Anyone know how much is AmiAmi EMS shipping to CA was for past DXs?
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