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Matt Random

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Everything posted by Matt Random

  1. Merry Christmas!
  2. Guess I should have went with my initial instinct and ordered from AE. Since I put my order in on 6/6 I probably would be one of the folks getting it now. Looking at NY's order page I see the following. This is certainly not factual since I believe that many of us ordered in what would be considered the first window. Not to mention that the button on the page still says Preorder which would lead you to believe it is still the first bucket if you didn't know better. Pre-order, Early Orders: December 2019 Late Orders: April 2020
  3. Funny, I just got this from NY... Your trust is the foundation of our success. It is wonderful to express our highest and sincere regards to you. NY does certainly test my patience, but I think this time it is more due to Bandai underestimating demand. The retailers probably were waiting until close to the close of the ordering window to submit their orders. This time that backfired and resulted in their orders going to the April batch. If this wasn't the last Macross purchase in my foreseeable future I'd finally take the plunge and set up an address forwarding proxy account. Seem like the best bet for TWE stuff.
  4. I got a reply from NY indicating that I'm in the April batch even though I ordered quite early. Maybe even the first day. I wonder if they are saying that just to be safe. The other place I had contemplated ordering from is AE so it'd probably be the same. Thankfully, I'm not as anxious to get this as I thought I would be so waiting until April is fine.
  5. I pretty that show display was from an alternate universe.
  6. Had you received the release date change notice from NY (12/31 -> 12/23)?
  7. I was thinking the same thing. I had tons of ziplock bags for all the Star Wars, GI Joe, He-Man and Transformers parts since I didn't have room to put all my toys on the shelves in my room. No working holsters on SW back then. The big Vader & Threepio cases even had one compartment with a door to store the accessories. Joes were great since they generally had some places to store some of the weapons - especially as time went on. The backpacks and helmets could be kept on the figures since they attached firmly. Transformers were generally a nightmare with no place to store all the guns and missile launchers in alt mode. The seekers, Sunstreaker (or whatever his name was), Trail Breaker and the combiners were especially bad. The seekers had fists, missiles/gun tips and the landing gear to keep track of. Each Dinobot had a sword, gun and missile launcher if I recall correctly and I don't recall there being a way to attach it to dino mode aside from Swoop's missile launchers. I like all of the storage built into MP-44 Prime. I also like the idea of putting the intake covers and maybe the gerwalk antenna into the FAST packs. The hands and side covers are still in the box.
  8. Would people have really bought less if they knew what they were getting up front?
  9. The Invid stole the protoculture matrix
  10. But I have my own VF-1S to look at. While I was waiting for NY to ship all I got was boxed pictures. Since I'll be waiting on NY again I'm hoping for lots of lovely photos to make my wait even more unbearable.
  11. When the strike packs start arriving I hope we get more than just pictures of people's boxes.
  12. Received my S from NY today. Not seeing any QC issues. The swing bar didn't come undone during transformation like it tends to with my J. Guess I should probably pry open the landing gear doors to make sure the landing gear parts are present. Funny how Bandai says that they reversed the numbering on the tail for symmetry whereas they left the leg fins as they are where the (correct) lack of symmetry is very obvious in battroid mode.
  13. Post pictures when you receive the customs. I'm especially interested in seeing the Jetfire. That's what led me to discover Macross.
  14. Does it have an adapter for 2 modes? I was thinking the earlier convention photos only showed one. Or is it maybe unassembled to make the box thinner.
  15. I think that the super parts come with a new fighter mode stand adapter. The battroid and gerwalk probably work as-is.
  16. The six month wait is expected since you are waiting for the stated release date. Waiting beyond that for an item you POed the first day is just a sign of a crappy business ethic. I'll be glad to be done with NY once I get the Strike Pack. I used to like them but that changed with the increasing delays and pay up front policy.
  17. Got the shipping notice for my NY order that went to preparation last Friday.
  18. The thing is, people will complain all they want but they will continue buying it.
  19. I'm in with NY for the longhaul for this since my 6 month protection period ends today or yesterday. Hopefully you won't have to worry about me being in the fray in the future since I'm not anticipating any further Macross acquisitions once I receive this VF-1S and the Strike Packs (also POed through NY). I've run out of display room and my collection has been refined to the point that it is now mostly just my favorites that I don't plan to get rid of. I'm also not the type to pack stuff away. If it isn't out on display I don't need it.
  20. I just sent off my third communication to NY. My 7015xx order has been in preparation since Friday. At this point I'm worried about it arriving prior to the holiday shutdown which is kind of crazy given that the break is almost a month after the release. I would have went with someone other than NY but they were the only place I was able to get a preorder during the PO MADNESS. I tend to be eager to get my purchases since I only buy a few toys a year - which makes NY a very poor choice. My last Macross purchase was the VF-1J DX from almost a year ago.
  21. Yippie, more "when will NY finally ship my order" uncertainty for me! I'm actually more eager for the Strike parts than the VF-1S itself since the parts are totally new whereas the VF-1S is my second DX.
  22. I got the prep notice from NY. I guess it probably won't ship until next week since I think it is already the weekend in Japan.
  23. NY needs to buy up all those auctions so that they can send out my order. I'm not feeling too confident with the HLJ order.
  24. Was yours prepaid? I'm not sure I want to keep waiting around since I paid a premium and it seems like I could be getting one for a cheaper premium. My order number is lower than at least one that I've seen reported as shipped on here. On the hand, I do have the Strike Pack PO with them.
  25. NY sent me a reply indicating that they don't have my stock yet. My number is in the 7015xx range.
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