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Matt Random

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Everything posted by Matt Random

  1. Here's mine: http://picasaweb.google.com/carardons/Collection I need to redo the Detolf pictures.
  2. I cancelled my preorder after seeing the second prototype. It is a decent enough looking robot but it just isn't worth $100 to me. The appeal of the MP Prime is that it really looked like the cartoon to me. This new prototype just doesn't have that same appeal.
  3. I can't say I like any of the designs but I have to admit that the final design is the best of the bunch. Too bad they didn't do Supergirl and the Legion of Superheros with the JLU designs.
  4. That is one versatile little toy. Many of the modes actually look like a unique and recognizable mode.
  5. Mine arrived yesterday and I'm happy to report that there aren't any QC issues worth worrying about. The tail fin spikes are straight. The shoulders are correct. The magnets polarity is aligned correctly. The paint is crisp and clean. All parts are accounted for. The only thing is that one of the little white pieces on the bicep fell off but this is easily fixed with a drop of glue. I'm very happy with this item. It is so nice to get something that isn't a VF-1. Don't get me wrong, I love the VF-1 but I've got enough now. The VF-0S looks great in all modes. The missiles are really nice looking. The FAST packs are a great addition and a lot of fun to play with (the kid in me has always loved magnets). The transformation has a number of subtle differences compared to the VF-1. I can't wait for the VF-0A which seems inevitable - just different head and paint if I'm not wrong. Hopefully this line will do well enough to get the D and maybe even the SV-51 or whatever it is called.
  6. The auction is for a preorder that is set to ship 05/2006 (listed in the description). This conflicts with the Get it Fast estimate of 4/20.
  7. Scalpers don't lose money since stores have liberal return policies. They can pick up a figure then have 3 months to sell it. If it doesn't sell in that time they just return it. That is why you can walk into a store and see a number of a particular figure that was considered hot at one time. It is not uncommon to see dozens of a hot figure on Ebay at any given time. It sells well since there are plenty of people looking for that figures. There is always a market since some people are impatient and others just don't want the hassle of finding the figure. I have to admit that I'm one of the later so I do contribute to the problem.
  8. I don't enjoy collecting as much as I used to. My collecting is now almost entirely limited to stuff I can get online. I have no desire to go into TRU, Target or Wal-Mart time and time again looking for a particular item only to come up empty handed. It just isn't fun anymore. I don't mind spending a few more bucks to have something delivered to my door. Buying online means that I have to be a little more selective about what I collect so that I can stay under budget.
  9. 1/72 = 6 1/60 = 4 1/48 = 5
  10. The DVD arrived a couple of days ago. The case is a nice metal version of a standard case. The DVD is double sided as mentioned before. I would have preferred 2 discs since I'm bad about getting fingerprints on the double sided discs. The bonus features are nice if brief. These include deleted scenes, production design, costume design and special effects. I especially enjoyed the Designing Dune feature. I watched the first 10 minutes of each movie. It's been years since I've seen either. The intro of the extended version is good for those unfamiliar with Dune. I personally prefer the theater intro with Irulan. The extended version is very slow with the extra 'thought-overs'. The extra dialogue is sometimes helpful and sometimes cumbersome. I'm looking forward to watching each version since I feel that both have their merits.
  11. I definitely prefer shows that have long story arcs and BSG is certainly a show that has ongoing plots. I love to try to figure things out and to speculate about where a plot is going. My point was that many of the plot threads, which start off great, tend to fall apart after a couple of episodes and then fizzle out. The cancer/chosen one plot was interesting but is now resolved. It seemed that Laura went from fine, to her deathbed to entirely cured in the space of an episode. Of course, a relapse is possible but I'm thinking it isn't all that likely. Many shows have this same problem. Lost is unfortunately starting to go this way.
  12. I like this show and look forward to it each week but I have to admit that the story doesn't seem to be going anywhere. It doesn't seem that the writers think more than an episode or two ahead. The plot points that do go for more than a couple of episodes tend to fizzle. - Rosalyn's cancer was cured by a blood transfusion. This was a defining attribute of her character and i just kind of disappears. - Tigh really screwed things up when Adama was shot but none of that seems to have had lasting repercussions. - Admiral Kane is introduced, shakes things up then is offed. - The Pegasus seems like excess baggage that the writers don't seem to know what to do with. The latest commanding officer seems to spend more time on the Galactica then on his own ship (Lee's promotion seemed liked a silly move by the writers). - The Blackbird could have allowed for surveillance type plots that let the viewer see more of the inner workings of the Cylon fleet but it seems the writers didn't know what to do with this and got rid of the craft through an act of carelessness from a supposedly ace pilot. - The civilian crew chief on the Pegasus has disappeared. The skill set of this character could have led to some interesting stories. - The baby seemed like a significant plot point but nothing has come of it now that she has been born. It is hard to fault the writers for this one. What can you do with a baby without jumping ahead 10 years or using the tired old excuse of rapid growth. These plot and consistency problems seem to be a problem with a lot of shows now, not just BSG.
  13. The DVD is on the way to me. I really enjoy the Dune saga. The Herbert books are first and foremost for me. Lynch's Dune deviated considerably but I still enjoyed it. Some of the costumes are good (Bene Gesserit) and some of the costumes are horrible (Sardukar). The mini-series was interesting too. It followed the book better and had some interesting sets, some nice costumes and some silly costumes. The characters were a bit off - especially Emperor Elvis. I'm looking forward to Dune 7 which is coming out later this year. The work of Lil' Herbert and Anderson pales in comparison when compared to the Master but I still enjoy learning more of the Dune saga - even if the vision is slightly distorted.
  14. I'm looking forward to the VF-0 more than any other toy that has been announced or rumored for 2006. That is saying something considering my excitement for the Sideshow Lord of the Rings and Star Wars 12" lines. Too bad my usual source hasn't put up a preorder yet.
  15. I agree, the price of the CE stuff is a bit high. At least the LE items have some collectibility potential that justifies the price. I'll stick with my lil' sabers.
  16. How has the QC and the parts been on the latest releases? It seems that molds tend to wear out over time which leads to sloppy fit and floppiness. The 1/60 Max and Milia I had were really floppy. My VT-1 is also floppier than the earlier 1/60 stuff.
  17. The latest MR newletter shows the Qui-gon LE ($370). The CE version is also shown. The description indicates that it is made from resin, metal and aluminum. No price is listed, just a note saying that it is currently available through their retail partners.
  18. JsARCLIGHT, I felt the same way when all we had were the original three movies. I believed the Jedi to be a group of warriors that hadn't been around for quite a while. I never would have thought that Jedi were plentiful just 20 years back. The way Han talks you would think they've been gone for a while but the truth is that anyone in their 30s may have very well seen a Jedi in person or at least on the news. I envisioned the Clone Wars as a great conflict that happened long ago. Turns out that the Clone Wars were more recent in ANH than the Vietnam War is for us now. I realize that the dialogue does imply that the Clone Wars weren't all that long ago. Leia says that Obi-Wan fought with her father in the Clone Wars. I guess I envisioned her father to be someone who was the same age as Ben appeared (which I always thought of as someone in his 80s or 90s). Sure, that is pretty old to have a 19 year old daughter, but she was adopted after all and I was just a silly kid. I do think of the characters differently now that we know the whole story. My opinion on many of the characters isn't as good as it was whereas my opinion on the Emperor, a character who wasn't all that interesting in the OT, has been elevated greatly.
  19. Patriot Act was a great episode - the best of the three. Green Arrow, Star Girl, Shining Knight, Vigilante and the robot guy are sent to take down a new super powered villain. One of the Teen Titans makes a brief appearance. The WWII scene at the beginning is great!
  20. I like the 'nice thing about being the President is that you don't have to explain yourself' comment. This seems to be the sentiment of the past couple administrations in the US. I hadn't really noticed how much this show tries to mirror current politics until this episode. The terrorist thing coming out of nowhere got me thinking then the President comment seemed very timely.
  21. Building my savings is actually my second largest expense after the mortgage (CA Bay Area). It is a lot better than the 'death by credit card interest' life I used to live. We had considered moving to TX to get a bigger house for the same price but it just wasn't a viable option since my career would stagnate if I left Si Valley.
  22. My other money intensive hobbies are... 1. Blade CP RC Helicopter that I'm learning to fly 2. Sideshow 12" Starwars & LotR 3. Master Replicas .45 sabers
  23. I wrote a big post about other players that do video and interface with the XBox 360 but deleted it since it would probably just ignite something that would spin off into oblivion and not help you all that much. Which player is best all comes down to what you need, what you want and what appeals to you. www.dapreview.net is a good resource site.
  24. I kept thinking the same thing during that scene. Then there was Starbuck and Apollo interleaving their sentences - 5 minutes to plan the op. then 3 days of practice to perfect their presentation.
  25. Mine arrived yesterday. It is a very nice item that puts the 1/60 version to shame, which I was always pretty happy with. The fact that the missiles are all seperate pieces are a big reason why it looks so nice.
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