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Matt Random

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Everything posted by Matt Random

  1. Not sure if it is panic buying or my biennial return to Macross collecting. In the past month and half I've picked up... VF-171 CF (the one that sucked me back in this time) VF-25G renewal Hi-Metal VF-1S Strike VF-1S Hikaru Strike v2 Some super parts for the VF-25G and maybe a VF-25S or VF-25F renewal reissue and I should be happy for a while.
  2. The Hikaru VF-1A (very first Yamato VF-1) yellowed quickly on the shelf. This was away from sunlight. The TRU CF that I had displayed well and looked pristine when I put it in the box and stored it away in a closet. The landing gear doors and missiles had yellowed by the time I pulled it out years later. I don't recall any yellowing on the 1/48s while I had them. I had them displayed in a detolf that resided in a nook of an interior hallway. Good since the only sunlight that made it there came from wall reflections, bad since there was never much light to enjoy the collection.
  3. Thanks for the heads-up. I was going to order super parts there. I'll go elsewhere and pay more to get a shipping box. I don't see how anyone can justify wrapping a $100+ collectible item in paper before sending it on a journey half way around the world. I received from FAST Packs in a crashed box from an eBay seller today.
  4. I recently for the Roy Strike. It is my favorite Macross toy to play with. So much fun on a Stage Act 5 stand. Do all the DYRL 1As have the colored dot on the backpack? My Roy doesn't.
  5. I saw the VF-1S Strike PLUS+ auction but opted to get mine from somewhere else for a bit more since I figured that one would go through the roof. Probably would have gotten it if it had a BIN. It has been relisted for $265.
  6. I agree. I really like the VF-0 design, but Yamato's first effort wasn't very good.
  7. Yellowing is only part of it. I've had three pieces break off as well (latest is the plastic pieces that forms the hinge for the little pegs that go into the back of the nose in battroid mode). Next time I touch it I won't be surprised to have more stuff break. It is literally falling apart in my hands. I have toys from the 70s and 80s that are still in one piece.
  8. Thanks anime52k8! That is the part the fell out on me. I'll replace it the next time I transform it.
  9. Got mine yesterday and spent the better part of last night transforming to battroid. Couldn't get the chest to lock together. Is it supposed to? Spent this evening transforming back to fighter. Took forever to figure out how to get the chest to slide behind the cockpit. Guess the trick was getting the little plate in the proper position. Along the way a tiny little gray piece that looks like a clip fell out. Doesn't look broken. No idea where that goes. The transformation is enjoyable but it looks like I'll definitely have to put some time aside anytime I want to do it.
  10. Repainting doesn't help the inherent chemical reactions going on in the plastic. Any plastic colors that seem to be better than others? White of course has a tendency to yellow. I've heard that gray can be more brittle.
  11. Stored indoors. Hasn't seen the light of day since late 2005 IIRC. I put it away when I started collecting 1/48s.
  12. I recently pulled out my v1 TRU CF VF-1A. First thing I noticed is that two of the missiles and the rear landing gear doors had yellowed to a shade that almost matches the CF brown! Second thing I noticed was that one of the clear lights in the wings had come loose. Then while transforming the head came off when the mounting plate cracked into two pieces. While trying to fix that one of the tabs that holds one side of the chest hinge in place broke. Some other little piece also flew off and hit me in the eye. No idea where that came from. Who knew I need to wear eye protection when playing with my toys! Guess I'll try to get it back together enough to get it into fighter mode then never transform it again. If you have any old v1s sitting around I suggest you not try to transform them ever again.
  13. I'm torn. Part of me dislikes the paint scheme and the other part of me hates it. However, the price is still better than most of the other Yamato valkes at the moment.
  14. That caused me to relapse back into my Macross addiction. I also pulled out my old Yamato TRU CF that had been in storage for years. Had forgotten that the v1s aren't bad.
  15. Any recommendations on where to pick up a Hikaru VF-1S w/ option parts? I was trying to quit Macross (for the 4th time) when it came out. Why or why did I sell my weathered VF-1S Max. That was a thing of beauty and I got it for a good price.
  16. Me too. I have no interest in Mac7. Especially not at the prices that Yamato is charging.
  17. Not at all crazy about the black and green nosecone. Maybe it is just the green that looks so out of place. I'd prefer a nice yellow or gold for the clear parts.
  18. A past order I had with them said that for about a week. The item eventually shipped and arrived without incident. In retrospect maybe it took them a while to track down the used Amazon box or gather the newspaper. I have to admit that the recycled box and newspaper did their job since the item arrived in perfect condition.
  19. Same here. I'd definitely be more tempted by the CF scheme. I'm sure Bandai isn't going to the trouble of designing and tooling this just for a single release.
  20. I really like the VF-0 design but was never happy with the toys. I'd like to see a VF-0S with a stronger ankle joint. Tighter joints everywhere - and none that explode! Oh, and get rid of the rotating seat gimmick. The instrument panel broke on half of mine and the gap behind the seat is ugly. Landing gear that doesn't rip your nails out would be nice too.
  21. I like the Bandai stands. They hold the item securely in all modes and allow for some decent poses (except for fighter mode). The stands aren't overly large like the Yamato launch arm style. I agree that clear or smoke would be nicer. However, some clear plastics tend to develop ugly hairline fractures over time.
  22. I just got my 25S and Super Parts from them. Armored parts are on order. No problems at all.
  23. Now that I have the VF-25S in hand I can comment on the toys. I enjoyed transforming the 25 much more - although dealing with the head is still a PITA. No spiky parts on the 25 to have to worry about. While transforming the 29 I was constantly worried about the head fin, the canards, the wing tips and the wings themselves (easy to get stress marks if you bend the wings too far back). No matter which way I flopped the toy there was some thin spiky part in a precarious position. The canards on the 29 were also a constant worry when posing the legs. After seeing the 2nd movie and now that I've gotten my hands on a VF-25 I don't regret having sold the YF-29.
  24. Mine arrived from Nippon-Yasan today and thankfully it is the expected 25S Renewal and Super Parts. Haven't had a chance to do anything more than peek into the box.
  25. I haven't gotten my hands on a VF-25 yet. I'm looking forward to it since I've come to prefer the idea of a fighter system - i.e. a basic fighter with lots of role specific add-on options. I agree that the YF-29 is too spiky. You have to watch the head fin when transforming and the canards get in the way when posing the battroid. I also think the wings look a bit too clunky in battroid mode. The FAST packs seem really contrived - the YF-29 is one of the few talks that look better without. The YF-29 does have some good stuff going for it. I like the colors. I love the leg missile pods. The built in twin beam cannon is great. The beam rifle is nice. Comments on the anime...
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