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Matt Random

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Everything posted by Matt Random

  1. Arrived yesterday. Sorry for the quality of the photo. I only a couple of seconds to get a quick snap and had to use the available room lighting since the sun wasn't up yet.
  2. The question is where are the comments coming from? Is it Twit-terers looking at those same pictures? Or is it people who have seen a production sample. The prototype that has been on display in various places probably isn't a good indicator since it is painted.
  3. I like the color the way it is. This isn't supposed to a white plane.
  4. Pricing has every bit as much to do with supply, demand and what the market will bear as it does the actual cost per unit (including materials, labor, design, marketing, tooling, distribution, etc). Marketing people take a look at the supply and demand curve (or their derived model of it) to see how much total profit they can make at a given price. They also have to consider that a lower price may sell more but the profit will be low. A higher price may sell less but will generate more profit per unit. The reason I saw may sell more or less is that with something like this there may not be much fluctuation in units sold. It really isn't an impulse buy item and most people saying the cost is too high will probably still belly up to the bar. Of course, design cost, marketing cost, amortization of the tooling cost, materials cost of each unit and such all play a factor in determining the price since this dictates the profit per unit at a given price. I'm just happy that Arcadia sees enough potential for profit to continue producing Macross VFs. That was far from certain when Yamato was collapsing.
  5. Now that is the way to take pictures! None of this 'Sasquatch sighting type photography'. I'd like to see them rerelease the M+ VF-11, but that's just because I was out of the game at the time and missed it. I think a Zero line is something they would have to be very careful with since I don't see it as being one of the more popular shows. I've read that M+ wasn't that popular in Japan, but it seems like the YF-19 design has always been popular. It did end up in Frontier.
  6. Although obviously canon - that shot was largely just eye candy for the movie. The Macross 30 game has him in a YF-29. Maybe he's like a car collector and has a whole collection of planes. He did save humanity after all so he's a celebrity
  7. True, but I like to display stuff in pairs. I currently have a VF-1S Hikaru Strike along with a VF-25S Armored to show the then and now of the basic valkyrie design. To me the YF-19 & YF-29 are kind of the then and now of the advanced valkyrie design.
  8. My 'maybe' has become a 'most definitely.' I think this would look really nice on display beside the YF-29 Isamu.
  9. I'm leaning toward picking it up - for nostalgia sake if nothing else. I stumbled upon the prototypes of the original 1/72 line at SDCC many years ago - only time I ever attended. I think it was probably at the time when Yamato was trying to import these under the name Toycom or whatever it was. I ended up getting the Yamato 1/72 line and most everything else up through the VF-0. Macros Plus was also my first exposure to real Macross.
  10. A lot of boxes can collapse flat. The problem is the styrofoam or plastic tray. I just hope it is smaller than the typical Yamato box. I much prefer the Bandai boxes.
  11. Same here. Looks like the thing is only be held together by a single arm at this point. I really like the look of this, but I'm now afraid to touch it.
  12. I move that joint forward 1 stop on all my valks. I like the look of the intake being forward and I like the way that it breaks up the thigh.
  13. I have one of these acrylic cases sitting atop a Detolf with a Medicom Darth Vader in it. It is a great case and the lighting is very cool (little LED 'spot lights'). The one I have doesn't have the small shelves.
  14. Seems like Yamato was charging too little given that they couldn't sustain the business.* Arcadia seems to have picked up on this since their VF-1 prices are considerably higher even considering the inclusion of an over-designed design stand that probably will be less flexible than the simple Bandai stand.** Also, I suspect that Arcadia has access to Yamato's production costs and margins data. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I expect the YF-19 to be really expensive. Probably more than what I'm willing to pay since I have no use for all the extra missiles and extra pilot figure that will be driving the price up. Not to mention the added cost that will be required to ship that huge box.*** I could even live without the fast packs since I don't think it adds to the YF-19 design in any significant way.**** * Over production due to dwindling demand for the same designs repainted endlessly probably didn't help - especially in the case of the VF-1. ** I could never get a good pose out of the launch arm stands. *** From what I've seen it doesn't look like Arcadia is doing anything to shrink the VF-1 boxes. I could care less about how the item presents in the box. **** IMO only the fast packs for the VF-1 and the VF-25 add enough visual differences to be worthwhile.
  15. I really enjoy the VF-25 transformation. It is the most fluid of any of the Frontier designs I've tried. The head can be a bit annoying, but that's it. I find the YF-29 transformation much less satisfying due to all the thin pointy bits (wings, canards, silly head horn). I don't mind the VF-171 transformation, but I don't find it that enjoyable either.
  16. I really like this one but I don't know where to put it. Guess it is time to start thinking about rearranging. The head looks so much nicer than the standard 29 head.
  17. The hips on mine were ragdoll loose. A little nail polish fixed it up.
  18. Such a fun toy! So much personality in such a small package.
  19. Matt Random

    Matt Random

  20. I bought most the Bandais when I was panicking because I couldn't find a decent Yamato price and I needed a Macross fix.
  21. Redesigned VF-0
  22. Probably just didn't do that step since the little chest covers and the little thrusters on the shoulders don't appear to deployed either. The cockpit piece always ends up popping back into the closed position about a million times while I'm trying to transform it.
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