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Everything posted by solitairezeta

  1. We both turn 30 this year; may we continue to grow together, and may it keep going long after I've passed on!
  2. Ladies and Gentlemen... On this day, 28 years ago, the first episode of a legendary franchise aired. HAPPY MACROSS DAY EVERYONE!
  3. I know this is redundant, but: Isamu, you should do whichever style YOU feel comfortable with or wish to convey. If someone has a criticism of things such as proportions or line quality, etc., than it is worth considering. However, if someone wants to put you down because your not doing it in the stereotypical "anime" style that THEY like, then to hell with them. Do what YOU want to do.
  4. Both look professional in quality. Just out of curiosity, were they both done completely digital, or were the inks done manually, and if so what kind of nibs/sizes do you use?
  5. Rusty, Normally I find Macross model/digital image composites to be kinda bleh. I don't know what you did on that one, whether it's the lighting or color choice, but your particular composite is exceedingly impressive! Especially in the way that the model blends seamlessly into the background without sticking out as a "model pic placed on top of an image."
  6. Hi ya'll, new here. Excellent rendering thus far. The only thing I would check on is the way that the neck connects to the head. There's something amiss there. Other than that, looking good!
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