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Everything posted by Laserstorm

  1. I think those chest tubes are cannons. Although the idea about them being connecting machinery designed to strengthen the battroid mode is very plausible, their position is totaly illogical. I mean it takes only one enemy shot to disable the whole mechanism, they're that exposed. VF-1 valkyries have laser cannons on their heads as backup weaponry in battroid mode. YF-19's head laser is usefull only in fighter mode (and that is questionable), he has no other forward firing weapon except his gunpod, because of that I think those tubes are in fact 3 or 4 barreled autocannons, meant for dispatching lightly armored targets and Zentraedi infantry, as well as backup weapons in case the gunpod runs out of ammunition.
  2. I'm not trying to be smartass, I just wanted to say that Phalanx is called Crossbow, not Longbow.
  3. Yeah, RT Minmei's songs are SOO cheesee and rundown during the RT, that whenever I hear a first sylable of it I'm just fast-forwarding to the end of it. And I knew about Minmei's songs being different I just didn't know about other. Zentraedi theme was realy cool, as well as the main battle theme.
  4. Concerning background music in Macross the series, is it different from the background music in Robotech and in what degree? I mean is Robotech background music (zentraedi theme, battle theme, etc.) made from scratch?
  5. I have no idea. But, if you promise not to hold me responsible, I can help you guess. This is your TV, right? If so, I think you'll be okay because NTSC is listed there. Thanks, H Yup, that's the one, although the mask is a bit different, the buttons are right bellow the Samsung sign, and the ON/OFF button (big round one) is in line as others, not apart, and the characteristics are they same as much as I recall. I think it will play NTSC as I said it has NT4.43 as option and looking on those stats it says NTSC 4.43 . Thanx, Hurin. A spark of hope at last!
  6. I was thinking of buying a DYRL DVD, but first I need to strait some things out. the video is NTSC mode right? My DVD player plays Pal and NTSC, but I'm not so sure of my TV. My TV is Samsung CW-29M064N and the colour mode setings has PAL, SECAM and NT4,43 to choose. So can I play this DVD? Any help?
  7. I've seen a lot of DYRL DVD's on sale on ebay. What can you tell me about them? Are they bootleg or official releases? Are they subtitled good or is the subtitle worth s**t? Is the quality of the movie real DVD or is it perhaps just a VCD or LD or whatever copied onto a DVD?
  8. I don't have kids, so I'll have to use me as an example. I think that you shouldn't let your kid watch TV until he or she is 7-8 years old, let him/her fill his/her time with playing with toys or with his/her friends. At 7-8 years, concerning tv or video/dvd, play the cartoons and movies you see fit, for cartoons I recommend good old Disney hand drawn movies, as for other foreign animated movies always play subtitled not dubbed versions, that way you're making him learn to read and think faster, also that might prompt him/her to learn the language (I learned english that way, all of the Disney movies were subtitled, and when they started airing super channel on our local TV channel, I was able to understand some conversations, and it statedly went uphill from there, I was able to talk almost fluently, but didn't know to write which was remedied when I started learning english in 5th grade when I was 11). Concerning Macross, don't bother with Robotech if your kids maternal language is English, go for subbed Macross. When I have kids I'll play Robotech first to fire them all up, but not the original english version, I'll play the dubbed Version our state channel did about 13 years ago, as it has a much better dub quality, also they aired only 13 episodes of it, so no Southern Cross and no New Generation. Then I'll play them Macross from the beginning (when I buy it that is).
  9. OK, I need some things cleared on Macross as I still haven't bought and watched it. I only watched Robotech, Robotech:untold story and Macross plus so far.I know your feelings for Robotech, and I know I'll agree with you when I watch Macross for the first time, but still that's the thing that started my Macross craze.I know I'll agree with you because I watched Macross Saga couple of times and I'm still getting back to it, and Southern cross portion just barely and only because my first dip into this was Robotech:Untold story and I wanted to see Modat (Garland) once more , but I just couldn't stomach the New Generation, I just had the feeling it didn't belong in that universe. That's why I'm here and not on the Robotech forum. I wanna know the major plot differences between RT and Macross, as I think the love triangle thing is the same between them. Did Zentraedi came to our planet to destroy or where they just their to capture SDF-1, but the whole war started after SDF-1 fired on them? Were Zentraedi sent by other force here or not? Is SDF-1 their lost ship (I personally think its the enemy ship as the design of it has apsolutely no connection with Zentraedi ship designs, but I may be wrong) or the enemy's? That's all I can think of right now, I'll post other questions when they spring to my mind.
  10. Laserstorm


    Oh, and Haterist, thanx man I aprecciate, you're the only one bothering to answer to my posts so far (my first post excluded).
  11. Laserstorm


    tell them to bite you and get it from Neova. hes got them for $48(i know i recently bought 2 of them) plus shipping which should be like $15-$20. at worst, it'll be $68 shipped all the way from HK. I would really, but he's out last time I checked.
  12. Laserstorm


    I don't know where to put this, so mods feel free to move this were it belongs, if you think its necessary. To get to the point I've found a yamato 1/60 strike VF-1S MISB for $60. I know this is a good offer, the problem is the shipping. Since the dude lives in Honk Kong he asks $35 shipping for registered airmail. I personally think he's trying to scalp me on shipping, but I would like to hear your comments on this. Also what is registered shipping, is that EMS or air parcel post, how much does it usually take for it to arrive? Help, guys! PS. Just to be on the safe side, is $60 to much for strike VF-1S in 1/60 scale?
  13. Ups, I was thinking of yamato 1/60 armored VF-1J. Sorry about that.
  14. I wanna know if armored VF-1J comes with a driver and gerwalk antenna? Can you list all of the accessories that come with one?
  15. If that's the case I aint gonna give $80 for a floppy toy no matter how great it looks. I'll go for a loose one then. Or in the worst case I'll buy me a couple of Banpresto super valks.
  16. Well, Chibitokyo sent me an email stating that the shipping fee will be $29.99 for airmail parcel post and $39.99 for global express mail, and Digital toys says $35.00. Sheesh, almost $90 for a toy, I must be crazy for even thinking of getting that money. Are this shipping fees corect? Have usps prices gone up? I received a package of 8lbs with tf's (armada Unicron, E.Starscream, E.Star Saber and E.Skyblast) in a really huge box last year and the shipping was $41. Also is it maybe better to go for a loose Yamato 1/60? I don't mean a yamie with loose joints, but out of his package, in pristine condition with all access. and transformed a couple of times. Can someone give me a price on such an item?
  17. Had a problem with accessing the site, so I didn't post recently but now here I am and with a burning question on my mind. Can you tell me which ones are the good dealers that have a 1/60 Yamato? Anyone dealt with Digital toys and Chibitokyo.com before? Your impressions? I would also like to know how much would an estimated guess be on a shipping for a MISB 1/60 Yamie to Serbia-Montenegro in Europe with tracking and insurance? I know I can check that at usps.com but I don't know the weight of the toys box in a protective box. Any help here? I'm asking as I had a run in with a guy that asked $14 for shipping (macross unrelated), and when the item came the shipping was $10, and he just slapped it in a zipbag and put the bag in a box, no styrofoam peanuts, no bubblewrap, nothing. Lucky for me it came in one peace. Cheers Laser(LAZER)storm
  18. Hey, Exo, psst! [in a low voice\] I found Super VF-1S for $4*. [/in a low voice].
  19. Cough,cough, well after a carefull consideration of the said topic, I have decided to get Yamato 1/60. 'Nuff said. Now the only thing standing between me and my valk is...funding. Anyone here playing Mechwarrior: Dark Age? I've got 48 minis (one is LE; totally unplayed with) I'd be glad to sell.
  20. I don't know it all depends on what sex Godzilla iz. Male or female? I ask because I ain't into gay stuff. Maybe you Exo is (is you is, or is you ain't my baby?!! ).
  21. I know 1/48 Yamato are the best, but I just can't afford them. I live in Serbia-Montenegro in Europe, so the shipping has to be taken into account. That's why I'm taking only one now, because as soon as I finish colegge and get meself a job, it'll be Yamato 1/48 heaven for me then.
  22. Well, since this is my first post here, first I'd like to say: "Macross World -'unofficial site' , my ass." More likely this is a propaganda website for everything related to Macross. After being here for like 10 days, I allready wanna buy a Valkyrie toy. There have to be sumbliminle(sp?) messages hidden in posts on this forum or something. I will have to placate these urges, at least for a while, so feel free to help me choose which one. I don't care which type it will be, i.e. VF-1S or VF-1A or VF-1J (as long as its not Milia's VF-1J,as I can't picture myself flying a red plane), I'm trying to decide in which manufacturer should I put my trust in. Will it be Yamato, Toynami or Bandai? I'll tell you which atributes are most important to me, also bear in mind that I will be buying only 1 (in letters ONE) valk, so I will be wanting the most bang for a buck. Anyway let's start: playability: since I'm going to keep it on my comp. desk and I'm bound to fiddle with it from time to time, its important to me to be able to transform it without a constant feeling in my guts that it will brake. Which one has the best articulation, greater number of accessories? looks: Its important to me for the fighter to be proportionate(sp?). I don't like the way Bandai ones look, their wing are to small compared to their body and the way the battroid head sticks out (like a t**d in a punch bowl ). Which one has the best details? ruggedness: there isn't much to say about this category so I'll just ask which one will take more punishment? I mean which one will last more, whose joints won't get loose after a few transformations, after how much time will they get loose, who has the best quality of plastic? Grade please, and feel free to point to something I missed. price: So which one will give the most bang for the buck? Also if I'm able to find them all with aproximately the same price, which one should I buy? I've seen MPCs and Yamatos on one website going for the same price. Based on this categories, which one shall be my new friend ([snowman\] I will call him George, and I will pat him and hug him... [/snowman])? PS. Forgot to mention that I'm taking Yamato 1/60 into account, not 1/48.
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