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Everything posted by Laserstorm

  1. Funny how guys bashing transformers here compare 10 inch Valks with 6 inch deluxe transformers, Sure they're flawed figures, but take a 1/100 Toynami or Banpresto Valk for comparison and bash deluxe transformer figures then if you can. Compare a Masterpiece Starscream mold with a 1/60 Vf-1. You get a robot that looks great in both modes, has as an alt mode that is realistic as much as posible, with no kibble, as some here are trying to make point of that. You keep mentioning perfect transformation for Yamato Valks, when you know they aren't perfect, as they do have compromises adn do not follow the line art. You get more complex transformation and more movable parts in Masterpiece seeker which costs 3 times less than a 1/60 Vf-1. So yeah, transformers sure do suck when compared to Valkyries. I agree with a poster who mentioned smaller popularity of Macross in Japan and the inability to market the Valks outside of Japan as being responsible for a bigger price tag for Valks, but IMO it is only a part. Prime example is the production switch from Yamato to Arcadia, when the prices jumped from around $100 to around $160. And please don't try to tell me Arcadia had to buy the tooling and molds for the Valks, as Yamato certainly didn't get those from thin air with no cost to themselves. Heck, Yamato 1/48 Valks when came out, did cost the same as 1/60 Valks v2 before the price hike of Arcadia, and they use the same transformation, but also have additional parts like movable flaps, airbrake and a radar. If that's not price gouging from the manufacturer I don't know what is. And I'm not talking of second hand, scalper prices out of production Valks go these days. That's secondary market and I can somewhat understand that. The thing is Yamato and Arcadia took a look at what prices fans were willing to pay for Valks on the secondary market, and correctly judged that they can basically slap any price tag on their product and fans would lap it up, as long as it was less then on secondary market. Well, that's OK in a market economy, supply and demand yadda yadda yadda, but that doesn't mean everybody should bend over and laugh while they're doing it.
  2. Thanks, you're a real sweetheart. Not. I'm sorry, but Hasbro or 3rd party developers spoiled me giving me 10inch figures with much more complex transformations for 2-4 times less money than what is asked for Valkyries. For the prices Valks are going, I can buy a buttload of official toys or a 3rd party TF combiner. Coming from TF community foremost, justifying buying a Valk for prices they're going now is not posible.
  3. Please PM me a link of the place where you bought it for that much. Please, please, please....
  4. Anyone have any idea what is done to this Bandai VF-1 to make the legs as they are in this video? VF-1 in this video, though still fiddly, is a lot tighter then in another transformation video I watched, where it was loosing parts and basicaly being on the brink of falling apart.
  5. These screencaptures are really awesome. I've got this sudden urge to buy a Saturn and copy of the game. Reminds of a time back in 1996-1997 when you knew the game was great by simply watching the intro, 'cause back then developers didn't break sweat over intros if the game was mediocre.
  6. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/ads/ad..._banpresto3.htm You can see some pics from some Macross show on the left side of the picture presented? Can you tell me what is the name of that show?
  7. Allspark.com and 2005boards are the best in my book.
  8. I agree with you Jenius but the missiles themselves are OK, its the connection for the outer two missile. And F-ZeroOne I like the way you displayed your collection. Very nice. And them toys too .
  9. Heh, good catch frase. Anyway strike has to compensate for the loss of one HMMP-02 missile launcher, that's why I'm gonna put UMM-7 when I get my hands on some.
  10. Still not quite that simple. The VF-1A Hikaru does not have the points to attached the Leg Armor. No holes, so you will have to drill some in. Also I believe the arms is different and you won't be able to attached the Arm Armor. The only non fast pack 1/60 that is fully fast pack compatible is the VF-1D and the VF-1A CF is partially fast pack compatible. Yeah, you're right. I checked some pics, Hikaru has absolutely no fastpack connection ports. Damn.
  11. I like it how you switched those RMS-1 missiles with the UMM-7 packs. I wanted to do that but I still don't a regular 1/60 valk for it. That should be remedied soon.
  12. Well, you might try going to www.yahoo.com and click images tab, write down what you're looking for and something is bound to come up. I'll try and see what I can come up myself.
  13. Well you can easily make a super VF-1A Hikaru, if you have spare backpack from Strike VF-1S, or a recast backpack, all you have to do is replace the tailfins and paint the radome red and voila.
  14. That's right the Strike valkyrie only comes with the missile launcher on the left booster pack. Still a great toy in my opinion. I know I enjoy mine.
  15. Oh, and my 11 year old dog is called Max. Go figure.
  16. First of all, Die,Alien Scum please dispense with the formalities, OK? I'm 25, I don't know how old are you but if you're older than 15 I'm not old enough to be called sir, if it isn't proper for you to call me Laserstorm, call me Mickey or Michael (that's the equialent of my real name - Mihajlo - which will probably be hard for you to pronounce correctly)., to CdnShockwave: I see no difference between heads, not counting the arrows on the foreheads. to Godzilla: I like both of them. I just wanted to know which one is a better buy. to Bobe-Patt: If I was to think that way, then I should either buy also fast packs for VF-1A Max or a recast VF-1S head and put it on him, since Max did fly on super VF-1A and a regular VF-1S with his colors in DYRL. to Haterist: you're probably right, but I can't buy both of them at the same time, so as I said I wanted a better buy, now. Oh, and I will get Max. I really like that dirty white color on VF-1S which Max also has, and after watching DYRL again, his duel with Miria is still pop(POP POP POP)ping in my head. PS. I just saw Shiyao that you're selling 1/60's. Are you selling them separately and how much are you asking for VF-1A Max? PM'd ya just in case.
  17. Damn, I still can't decide. I'm thinking Max but my bro says 'go for Hikaru'.
  18. I watched the first hour and a half, and all I can say is WOW!! I can't wait the next episode. I hate that my VCR is broken. I would have taped this for posterity.
  19. Hehe, allready got one. I just want to get one of the 1A's for playing around as this guy is kinda to valuable to me for playing around. And I got the Strike for $60, that's $90 with shipping. It ain't cheap as if went and gotten it from Neova for $48 (the shipping would have been the same - $30). I think I got a good deal.
  20. I thought 1/60 Hikaru VF-1A wasn't fast pack ready.
  21. I will be watching for the first time. Judging by the series it should be great. Can't wait for it to start.
  22. Today on my local cable operator, Hallmark channel is airing Farscape: Peacekeeper's war at 21:30 central european time (that's 15:30 eastern time for US&Canada, or 13:30 pacific time for US&Canada), so whoever has Hallmark channel and is interested in watching this mini-series should keep their eyes open and just in case check their cable program to see when it airs. I hope everybody has a good time watching this. Cheers, Laserstorm
  23. I'm thinking of getting one 1/60 yamato valk for a little fiddle now and then, I don't wanna mess my brand new strike VF-1S. So I was wondering which one should I get, Hikaru VF-1A or Max VF-1A? Which one is better? I'm leaning a little towards Max because Hikaru was made first , so I want to know if Max has improvements over Hikaru or not?
  24. It sure is. I'm glad I bought it.
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