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Robert S

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Everything posted by Robert S

  1. Robert S


    that is 14. More than half way there
  2. Robert S


    LOL So true. So true Any idea how you are going to make the main barrels. I am assuming not out of resin?
  3. Robert S


    I would be in if it could be in the 350 to 500 range. This is one of my favorate mechas and it would be really cool to have it in a scale with a lot of other things. Robert
  4. Robert S

    1/72 VF-4

    and this one
  5. Robert S

    1/72 VF-4

    I am pretty sure this is a recast as well but IMO it looks pretty nice I have attached a pic here and in the next reply. This is just a close up of a couple of parts but the detail is consitiant throughout
  6. Robert S

    1/72 VF-4

    yea when I first looked at it it was out of stock as well. If you absolutly can not wait PM me. We should be able to work something out. Robert
  7. Robert S

    1/72 VF-4

    try here http://www.hobbyfan.com/product_info.php?c...roducts_id=1847 I got mine a month or so ago and it looks great
  8. I can still host but some one also sent me this link http://home.comcast.net/~southcross2/model...ities/index.htm The site seems to run a little slow so be kind (The v1.0 is the 6.64mb file)
  9. If someone does have the Monster files I would be happy to host them on my website for a while so that other members could easly get them Just email me and let me know Thanks Robert
  10. I would say great job for a first attempt (especially on THAT kit). I agree with what was said. My big thing would be the seams. Your kits will look better (even hand painted) if the major seams are cleared (or at lease shrunk down a bit). In addition to your list of items to buy I would add: - a set of sprue clippers. A bunch of companies make them (Tamiya for one). Basicly they are a set of diaginal cutters with a flat side to them and a spring loaded handle. You can use them cut flush the attachment points to minimize cleanup of those areas. - some masking tape. If you place this on each side of the seam that you are working it can help reduce the damage to the surounding detail. -Keep your sandpaper in the 320+ grit range. I find anything lower and you are just fixing your sanding. Sometimes you will need something courser but as you learning this may help save your sanity a bit . You may also want to look at some sanding sticks (made by Squadron and Flex-i-File). I love them and don't build without them. I think they are a little easier to control that just sandpaper (but they can't do everyting). Definatle do some more forum searcing. One poster mentioned ARC and that is a great site with a great bunch. You can allso check out Starship Modeler (http://www.starshipmodeler.com/) they have some great how to articals and a fourm of another great bunch) A comment on your painting - Again good job for a first attempt. Hand painting is an art. I have seen buildups that I swear were airbrush painted only to find out that it wasn't. It just take a lot of skill (which I don't have) and a lot of practice! Also on all black paint jobs I find that one black overall kinda turns the model into a black hole you may want to try to varie it up a bit by putting some diffiernt shades of black or dark greay in. For example have the leading edge of the wing Flat black, the center the glossy color that you have the the alerons flat again or your missle seaker heads flat, the bodys gloss, and the rocket moter a gunship grey. Just my thought. Good work, keep at it and welcome to the nut house!
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