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Robert S

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Everything posted by Robert S

  1. I like the JR logo. Also you would get some cross over with the aircraft guys and is is the same logo for VF17/VF84/VF103
  2. Just a bump. don't want this to fall off the front page I know things have been busy but also thought I would ask how this is going?
  3. one please!
  4. Just though I would see how the Monster was doing.
  5. would it be possable to get just a set of the decals?
  6. just a bump
  7. looking great! I just can't wait!
  8. yea well. You know how cranky these things can get if you don't give them enough room for thier guns.
  9. Wow! It is a good thing I am buying a house!
  10. THe YF-23 was better in almost every respect. It had better supercruise and stealth capabilities. Where it lost out was manuverability. The design did not feature vectored thrust engines (to help with its stealth signature) and there were conserns about the companies that were building it ability to deliver on time and budget. Should have been the one but the 22 won out. The 23 looked sooo much better. Here is some more info about both planes. yf 23 F-22 Oh and if you think this thing is big in 1/72 you should see it in resin and 1/48th
  11. I normaly use a the thinner for the oil paints. The mineral spirits may not have enough bite to clean the excess properly. Also make sure you have a good solid acrylic base (Future works great). Also don't put it all over the part just where you need it. When you clean it make sure that you go with the airflow that way you can leave it a little streaky if you want and it will look good. If you are just interested in doing just the panel lines maybe you should try technical pens. They use ink as opposed to paint and are very easy to use and come in a number of sizes Hope this helps
  12. i thought these were still in production now with you choise of canapy and light bae clear resin colors. of course i cound just be nuts
  13. hi hope all is well. was just wondering if there was any update at all on this. i know that you are busy.....
  14. put me down for one. thanks
  15. I would sugest getting a good shipping box. wraping the model in some form of plastic wrap and then carfully using expanding foam. That way the fome forms itself to to model and the box. when teh kit gets to its new home a knife can be used to seperate the foam from the model
  16. It sure has a lot to live up to. The first Transformers movie rocked! It still hold up today in all aspects. Not sure the current generation can do it. We shall see....
  17. Again belive it when I see it. I have been told "you will have it by the weekend" twice on a kit I bought in early Dec. @nd weekend just went by. No kit (Bubble Fighter)
  18. Everyone has mentioned most of my favorates but not "The Final Countdown". Time travel and F-14s. What could be better? Also you may want to look at The Core Disney's Atlantis The Iron Ginat The Rocketer Titan A.E. Transformers: The Movie and there are more Also a word of caution. IMO if you look at Bubblegum Crisis look at the original not the crap the call 2040
  19. Just keeping the thread alive. I like what I have seen so far and look forward to more. Thanks
  20. yea. I like it. This thing is going to ne HUGE!!!
  21. I will belive it when you have it in your hands. I like SMT but am getting over waiting for my Bubble Gighter I placed an order for in early Dec
  22. We got IT!!!!! Is it done yet? Thanks all. I am looking forward to seeing the progress piccs
  23. Oh come on everyone. I can not belive that there are only 14 of us who want a 1/72nd Monster. Step up. Be heard! Demand your Monster!
  24. As in the last thread. I am in. Please!
  25. Robert S


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