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Everything posted by aurascope

  1. he's pissed cos' yamato's his daddy now, not takara
  2. and another
  3. and another
  4. I went to my neighbourhood model supply shop and found it there. It came in an unmarked packet. I think B-club or some other aftermarket manufacturer supplies these manipulators. They feel like they are made of resin when I was cutting and sanding them. I tried several other pairs of gundam hands that came stock with the kits, most of them don't fit well without extensive modification to certain parts. Actually, it was a special request to Rhoby to get them colourless clear, that was how it was actually possible to manipulate the colour and transparency of the visor. Mighty swell of Rhoby and Fulcy to come through for me on this. Will most likely be needing more of your custom head lasers, Fulcy. When I have the cash to spare that is...
  5. Stuff used included: Rhoby's recast VF-1S head Fulcy's custom head lasers Articulated hands from aftermarket gundam parts VF-1S 1/48 Ichigo Hikaru FAST Packs more pics when I finish the fast packs.
  6. http://www.tfmaster.com/gallery_kb0147.php http://www.tfmaster.com/gallery_kb0148.php JETFIRE PROJECT Word has it that the Air Guardians were the Autobots? original response to Decepticon Seekers. The Decepticon Seekers were multi-purpose combat units who struck terror in the Autobot ranks through their guerilla tactics and deadly efficiency during the war. In a desperate bid to regain Air superiority, Iacon?s commanders commissioned the Air Guardians in the final hours of the city?s impending assault lead by Megatron. Little else is known about their creation history. When an Air Guardian squadron leader was recovered from a frozen block of ice (reportedly the Artic region on Earth), the Squadron leader, Skyfire was convinced to join the Decepticon cause. It was believed that he was to some extent reprogrammed. His original transformation sequence was not altered. He later reverted back to the Autobots, after a brief skirmish between both sides had ensued upon his recovery. Again, very little else is known. In the year A.D. 2004, the Autobots were involved in a project code-named Binaltech. Some of the project?s research data had fallen into the hands of various Decepticon units and were consequently harnessed for the Decepticon War Machine. A Teletran launched probe was incidentally lost to subspace during a skirmish in one of the R&D labs of the human engineers involved in the Binaltech project. The probe was not destroyed despite of that. Instead, it began collecting reconnaissance data in an alternate reality of the current Earth. There were reports of a fortress with Jet Fighters that were more superior that any of those in the year A.D. 2004. In one sortie, the probe was able to obtain the schematics of the Fighters known as the VF-1 series. The probe transmitted the information back to A.D. 2004 when a gateway was forcefully opened by Teletran via a modified version of the Decepticons? spacebridge to retrieve the probe which contained vital enemy reconnaissance data before its MIA status. The probe was recovered at a heavy energon price, depleting already scarce resources further. With the probe?s recovery, the reconnaissance information from the alternate reality Earth was obtained. The Air Guardian Squadron Leader Skyfire volunteered for the new fighter schematics. He was shortly remodeled into his current mode as a VF-1S Fighter and when encased by the Fuel And Sensor Tactical (FAST) Pack of the VF-1 series, he became known as Jetfire. The VF-1 series never made it to production on Earth in this particular reality even in A.D. 2009. In many cases, it was not possible to replicate the original parts faithfully due to different limitations in both realities. Autobot engineers made significant changes to Jetfire from the original VF-1S schematics. There were thus some significant differences between the Jetfire project and the VF-1 series. The Autobot Jetfire was powered entirely by energon and likewise were his weapons. There was at all times a pilot in the cockpit for Jetfire, but the pilot was not human. The pilot was a Autobot cyborg that allowed Jetfire?s Spark to be downloaded into it and escape in times of eminent danger. The cruise missiles are Jetfire?s most destructive armament. They had a yield of 500 kilotons each and Jetfire has a maximum capacity of 3 on each of his wings, resulting in a total of 6. It is possible to reach a yield of 3 megatons if all 6 are simultaneously launched at the same spot. The main purpose of the cruise missiles is to obliterate enemy fortresses. The Ashkanikov Twin Barreled 240mm Beam cannons on Jetfire?s FAST Pack is his second deadliest armament. It?s main purpose is Anti-Warship. When both cannons are simultaneously fired in mid-flight, the speed on the fighter is retarded by as much as 1 mach. Lieutenant Devin Macarthur Saukeland Republic Airforce
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