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Everything posted by aurascope

  1. Guys, I need help. I CANNOT view the older threads. Can't find any of the buttons to read the older threads. I spent 2 hours searching in vain. I can't be the only one with this problem. Help!
  2. 8 nukes on the wings and double strike cannons.
  3. I have more than 30 yamato 1/48 VF-1s with FAST packs. The Yamato boxes are too damn space consuming. There's at least 50% worth of empty space in the stupid big box. The whole VF-1 and super strike parts could jolly well fit into the FAST pack box. Has anyone ever considered getting custom boxes made to store the 1/48's in compact mode (wings folded in, tail-fins folded down)? I figure we'd just need to get the thermoformed plastic trays and cardboard boxes made. Just looking to bounce some ideas off other people.
  4. check out the panel lining tutorials on youtube. As far as tutorials are concerned, this is as good as it gets!
  5. http://www.sgcollect.com/forum/index.php?a...post&id=689 here's the photo. sgcollect is taking orders for this pair of hands from a 1/60 Gundam Exia It's in scale with the 1/48 GBP hands.
  6. http://www.sgcollect.com/forum/index.php?s...=0#entry1255398 I found a mass order for 1/60 Gundam Hands. For those that are interested.
  7. This guy has made some progress. I'm not sure if his hands will fit the 1/48. http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/radicons-cus...et-me-know.html
  8. I just went to see the recast guy. Apparently, he has too many projects on hand right now. He says he won't be able to start testing the casts anytime soon. Argh! This is infuriating. Everywhere I turn to get these bloody hands at a remotely affordable rate winds up a dead end!
  9. I considered that question many months ago, but the B-club manipulators are generally designed to hold specifically the weapon of the 1/100 MG kit it was made for. It might take some trial and error buying the right pairs and it's not going to be cheap. Articluated manipulators allow the battroid to hold anything, from beam sabers to gunpods. if you really play with the manipulators too much that the become loose. clear nail polish will tighten the ball-joints right up, and it's invisible!
  10. sorry about the lack of updates, I went to see the recaster guy in early may, he's tied down with a few other large orders. he told me to look him up in June, which is about now. I'll find some time to drop by his workshop again. I've been tied up with my graduation project recently. will keep you guys posted.
  11. I don't have any scale other than 1/48 to try on, sorry man. I'll see if I can find some other macross fan in Singapore with it.
  12. I'll be making a trip to see the guy at his workshop at the end on the month. I'll keep you guys posted. It should be casted in white. I'll PM you guys about the outcome and whether we have enough orders. Thanks for the show of support. You guys respond better than the other forums! Come to think of it, does anybody here have a 1/60 VF-1 Ver.2.0 with the MG hands? I wonder if they would fit. I don't own a 1/60 VF-1 Ver.2.0
  13. I just spoke to the recast guy again, if we can get 100 orders, he should be able to make it US$10 per pair. Understandable, since this is labour intensive and he feels he should be compensated for his labour. I'm proposing anyone interested to order them in multiples of ten. That means 10, 20 or 30 etc Also note that the hands will be made and shipped from Singapore, where I live. So now, anyone interested? Hi Jin,Unfortunately, Singapore is one of the top ten most expensive cities to live in. Consequently, Injection molding ABS is not going to be cheap like in China. The costs of mold fabrication is easily 5 figures (even though it looks simple) and the fact is most injection molding plants will ignore us if we told them we wanted any run less than 10,000 units. Lots of money involved. And storage space for unwanted stock. Oh, I happen to major in Materials Engineering.Resin recasts of this particular model of hands should work. I've spent many nights studying them and reading up on the material properties of most resin materials. Unless there's any other viable (aka cheap) option, this could well be the only way. Of course, the trade off is the brittle-ness. (Low fracture strength) I tried many times contacting Bandai's spare parts dept. They don't sell to any non-Japanese address. Shipping proxies charge too much to make it worth while. The bandits. I need somewhere like 20 pairs myself to switch out the hands on my binaltechs and alternators. The original thread is here. http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/radicons-gen...oss-1-48-a.html
  14. hmm, i think it looks better as a painted red dot. that looks like a huge zit. sorry, just saying what came to mind.
  15. hi claude grant, I'm comissioning this project because I personally intend to get 5 pairs for myself, and the recaster is unwilling to make only 5 pairs. So I'm hoping some people will help me make up the 50 pairs needed to start this project, also, he has assured me that he will use the strongest resin suitable for this project because the fingers are load bearing points for the gunpod. He is aware of the stresses the hands will be subject to from some normal handling of the recasted hands. The resin will be a 2 part chemically harded resin. so it's more controllable than atmospherically hardened resin. Materials failure is usually acclerated due to defects such as cracks or voids (air bubbles) I shall personally see to it that he does everything he can to keep this to a minimum. I am a materials engineer undergraduate, so I have a fairly good idea of what to avoid. For the sake of those who are not aware, resin recasts are strong, but brittle. It will function well for its intended purpose, but do not expect it to take alot of abuse. I am thinking asking people to buy in lots of five pairs, so we need only 10 people to get this started. I hope answers your questions? regards, aurascope
  16. The patlabor hands cannot be recasted because the 4 fingers have another clip joint. Clips cannot be resin cast because the resin is hard and brittle, will break when you try to clip on.
  17. here it is: http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...ticulated+hands Photos below: http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?act=...st&id=36905 http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?act=...st&id=36943 http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l135/diz...89/IMG_0490.jpg http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?act=...st&id=37196 http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?act=...st&id=37199
  18. The only company in the world who makes these hands is probably bandai (china bootleggers don't count) The hands you see on online hobby shops are fixed pose, these are individually articulated. they will be cast in white only, so some paint is required. The US$20 reflects the wastage in the recasting for these hands, it only takes one air bubble to destroy the whole sprue as the fingers are so fine in detail. I'm considering the recasting option as a last resort because no hobby shop online sells bandai MG gundam hands as a standalone. Bandai requires you to buy the whole sprue and the hands are spread over 3-4 sprues. So it will be a heck more than US$20. Some time back, some members did it on macrossworld, they managed to buy bandai MG gundam hands as a standalone from R10, but R10 has stopped selling bandai parts.
  19. Hi everybody, I'm wonder if anybody is interestedi in hands like these http://dalong.net/review/mg/m88/p/m88_15.jpg http://dalong.net/review/mg/m88/m88_p.htm for their transformers binaltech/classics/henkei/movie G1 optimus prime, G1 Inferno, Grapple, Hoist, Sunstreaker, and other figures of similar size that tend to lose their hands. It fits in the Yamato 1/48 Macross VF-1's so it is still perfect transformation with no parts removal. I'm looking to comission a resin kit modeller to recast them using a pressure chamber. It's about US$20 per pair (shipped from singapore) and it needs at least 50 orders to start the project. It's a long shot, but I wonder if any of you are interested. It's a one time thing, only the ordered quantity will be produced and no extras will be kept for future sale. Do let me know if any of you guys want it. aurascope at yahoo.com.sg there is a spelling error for articulated hands, can mods fix that?
  20. 1/48 - 35 all with super and strike parts. VF-1J Stealth - 7 VF-1S Fokker & Hikaru the rest.
  21. no new updates?
  22. My choice would be a custom 1/48 FAST Packed VF-1S Low Visibility Grey (weathered) with double strike cannons. What can I say? The colour scheme works on Earth and in Space.
  23. http://www.tfw2005.com/radicons-customs/re...pro-box-165889/ I made a repro box recently. Here it is.
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