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Everything posted by Hey-Pi-Ron

  1. A second one.
  2. Finally! My Ozma from NY shipped! It take a bit long, but not a big deal I think.
  3. Thanks!
  4. Taking a notification message from NY: "We are processing your order." It's my first time using NY. What does it mean, can anybody explain?
  5. I choose SAL too, but still awaiting shipping.
  6. Same thing. Next week they said. I can wait, not a big deal.
  7. Aaaand I'm same with NY. But I can wait until they restock Ozmas and send my YF-29 to me. It's sad about this situation, but I ok with it.
  8. Too good for reality.
  9. Maybe I am a strange and stupid person, but I like Zero. It's prequel for space battles, for Zentradi and other stuff. Ancient legend and magic? Why not? It's a good choice for prequel. And we can see Focker's past, can see one of the favorite characters of the firs Macross series and learn his personality more. Zero is beautiful, have unique realistic style of VF's and other weapons, characters. All of this made a great atmosphere. This is not a masterpiece, no. Just a good series with great design and battle scenes. Not so great soundtrack, like other Macross series, but still good. I like it. And it's just my opinion. And yes - design of VF-0 is my favorite. Beautiful and realistic. I know - most of people prefer YF-19, for example, or VF-25, but I LOVE VF-0 and I really glad about this VF-0D. I love this concept, I like prototype pictures, and I can't wait for pre-order.
  10. Basara's YF-19? How about Hikaru's VF-1J, ARCADIA?
  11. I think Bandai give us release date after Ozmaz's YF-29 release. And I still don't know take Ozmaz YF-29 or wait then YF-30 come to us. YF-29 is just VF-25 with smaller then regular tornado pack pre-installed. YF-30 - new mold with not-the-same transformation. I don't know which one is better...
  12. http://www.hlj.com/product/aca82042 Preorder UP again on HLJ
  13. preorder still active here for example: http://www.tfh.com.sg/product_details.php?prod_id=6934 http://www.tfh.com.sg/product_details.php?prod_id=6933
  14. instock on HLJ http://www.hlj.com/product/ban981417
  15. My bad, I'm supid...
  16. What new mold is mold of 2014?
  17. YES!!! Finally ordered!
  18. What a wonderful piece of art! Can't wait for real preorder!
  19. Hope I can take one for the normal price... cause post-release prices just crazy!
  20. I hope I can take it for my VF-25F. Looks very cool, but I don't know how to buy it...
  21. I hope HLJ make a preorder too...
  22. 3 eyes? Interesting design. I looks to the first promotional picture first time and think about 1 eye. But when I look to it very closely I can see other eye. Aaaand with 3 eyes I like it, really. I never played Macross30 before and this mold looks very innovation and interesting to me. Can't wait for preorder price!
  23. VF-0S VF-25F VF-29 Memorial Color
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