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Sharon Apple Concert Attendee

Sharon Apple Concert Attendee (4/15)



  1. snip312

    DX VF-25G

    Did anyone notice that the yf-29 is available.........
  2. Damn temptress!!!!! :wub:
  3. Too bad I missed out on the con. T-Hawk would have done down like a drunk sorority chick!-MBison look me up PSN kid_12etro
  4. Sorry guys, I cant make it. Forgot that the in-laws are making their way over Friday night (actually 12 am Sat morning). I will not be available on Saturday. Anyway we can postpone it until Sunday ...Goodluck guys!
  5. BBTS has this on pre-order....delete if old. BBTS
  6. Did anyone ask to see how well the M0 line did?
  7. No "fat hands"?
  8. Your boss poops out paychecks? Now that would be a great reason to ass-kiss... 367038[/snapback] Well said tattoo, Here on macross island anything is possible
  9. IT Guy by day, poker player on Sunday nights!
  10. What is this Bandai I hear of? Taka who? For all I know Yamato is the only company that are making great valks. **Runs like forest from angry MW junkies**
  11. What you don't realize is that every valkaholic has that same little voice that says "You just NEED one more. Just one." My voice isn't God though, it's Christopher Walken. 353405[/snapback] Your dreams needs more Southern Cross. 353648[/snapback] man! stop pushing southern cross like it was crack.
  12. Its back.............???????
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