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Everything posted by enphily

  1. enphily

    Arcadia VF-5000G

    A few shots from Mr.K
  2. enphily

    Arcadia VF-5000G

    wow, i'm surprised
  3. I don't really care about unpainted pilots because i love what Sentinel did with Legioss. And i painted my Stig's figure by myself. Waiting for Zeta to paint both Yellow and Houqet. My shipment more than 150 days on the road and now i'm scary how plastic can react to cold winter waiting for clearance for such a long time. Why you still buying them, @Kuma Style if you don't like these toys?
  4. Good work!
  5. 😀 magic
  6. 22.000 yen for naked VF-25, wow
  7. Sometimes a picture is just a picture
  8. preordered at HLJ
  9. FInally! I like it
  10. Right arm on my VF-1 can't stay forward and parallel to the ground with gunpod or just in arm armor, right arm little tighter
  11. no, that's impossible.
  12. Yeah, i need a link Edit: found it
  13. Another round cuz no one reading previous pages
  14. First review
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