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Everything posted by enphily

  1. $6 for cheapest option aaaand $20 for shipping to my country #panic #facepalm #sadness
  2. it's may be wrong picture, because description says something about VE-1 Elintseeker. idk
  3. Damn. I really like that triple stand and i want it. But i don't have 1st version and i'm from Russia. Double fail
  4. Same dilemma. I chose Prophecy. I'm sure bandai will release repainted Chronos, maybe with fixed issues etc
  5. up on amiami again http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-004931&page=top%2Fsearch%2Flist%3Fs_keywords%3Dyf-25%24pagemax%3D20%24getcnt%3D0%24pagecnt%3D1
  6. I'll buy it. I don't care visor's colors. But green visors looks better, IMHO.
  7. Maybe i'm one who never want VF-25S. But i want Armored Parts
  8. Right upper piece, left lower piece, i'm lucky man
  9. finally got my VF-171 CF with Armor. It was unopened, but 1 triangle broke immediately, I hate u, Bandai. But this valk really impressive, i like it.
  10. Vf-1J Armored, VF-1J Armored!
  11. up again http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN985605/Sci
  12. This toy is so expensive now (25k yen and more). I want it, but it's too much for it. Grats who got your copy
  13. I don't want VF-25S, but really want that YF-29. These head lasers are soooooo sexy!
  14. Damn, missed it again stupid HLJ
  15. 18.000 yen
  16. YF-21 with Fold Booster and Fast Pack VF-1J with GBP Super/Strike Pack VF-11 Armored
  17. Same ankles...
  18. Yamato's VF-19 more solid, i think. Arcadia used too thin plastic in some yf-19's parts (like landing gear doors). I'd bought this toy, but $300 for it - it's too much, cuz Yamatos's quality is better. And WTF?! So much missiles and w/o stand?! Frustrating...
  19. Cool pics!
  20. Hmmm, maybe it's just some lights distortion, but in box he's looks like staying in sexy pose
  21. I think, helmetless Isamu is staying and can't be putting to cockpit. And.. yamarcadias's pilot figures larger than Bandai's pilots and can't sit in DX's cockpits
  22. wow, Starfury from Babylon 5
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