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Everything posted by enphily

  1. enphily

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Got my vf-31j as gift for New Year tonight. I like it, but my toy has few issues: right wing little lower than left, and right feet not locking in a place. I saw someone had same problems. It's little sad:(
  2. enphily

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Please, guys, don't quote full messages with alot of pictures. U can delete some pictures before post
  3. enphily

    Bandai DX VF-31

    oh damn... it's so overpriced
  4. But release of DX VF-31! I think we need some chat in Whatsapp or telegram or somewhere else. Oh, we can discuss on facebook too
  5. enphily

    Bandai DX VF-31

  6. I had few chances to get SV-262, but i don't need it. But it's a first time when i got preorder for Bandai valk in first wave (and third time when i just got preorder, for 4 years, lol)
  7. enphily

    Pictures Wanted

    Check your e-mail for VF-1D
  8. enphily

    Pictures Wanted

    I had #3, i'll do some shots tonight, but i had camera on my phone only
  9. neoexcaliber, there is a date - 30.09
  10. All of this looks like Gundam 00. Some "final" on 1st season and then 2nd season with new idiocy
  11. enphily

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I want VF-31J and Super VF-31C, but maybe i'll can buy only J because of money. Thank Universe i had preorder on HLJ
  12. enphily

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yeah! I love you, HLJ!
  13. SAL for Bandai and EMS for both +- 500 yen And because my last posts are offtop, this is my first and last non-Macross beauty
  14. ~2000-2500 yen for SAL reg ~4000-4500 yen for EMS
  15. no3ljim, russian rub - yen/usd/other exchange rate is so bad, that VF-25G = 1/3 of my monthly income
  16. Great pics! [Offtop]Damn, i want VF-25G so much, but it's so expensive for me now [/offtop]
  17. enphily

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I don't like 1st episode too, but maybe later i will like it... At the beginning Macross 7 was not so cool too, but then... FIRE! BOMBA! I'll wait all episodes.
  18. 6. No Price Is too high for me now
  19. Got mine. It's very impressive toy. And it perfectly well working with Arcadia's Isamu. I like it!
  20. If someone still need it, u can try buy it here: http://global.rakuten.com/en/store/yellowsubmarine/item/4543112920126/ at 24840 yen
  21. but it's 1/100 Bandai kit, isn't?
  22. Now we need review
  23. Это я писал остальным. Всё-таки форум англо- и испаноязычный, поэтому не очень правильно здесь по-русски писать
  24. 13 баксов это конечно немного, но всё равно фиговая моделька, вряд ли она принесёт много радости P.S. sorry for russian language
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