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Everything posted by enphily

  1. the star of my whole collection
  2. these nose canards are awful
  3. enphily

    Hi-Metal R

    looks like reissue
  4. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/babylon-5-the-road-home-voice-cast-unveiled-1235483312/
  5. i think it slides into the chest or something like that
  6. This is not Sentinel Legioss, it looks like Toynami/Aoshima, isn't?
  7. with this new release i'd glad to get older renewal version for 100 bucks
  8. enphily

    Hi-Metal R

  9. Yeah, classic pose
  10. ahem
  11. Got mine from nin-nin. New, sealed. They asked additional fee for shipping but actual weight is just as i paid originally. "Great" business! I wanted this scheme for a looooong time, i like it. There is tiny scratches almost invisible, bright white plastic that will yellow quiet soon, tiny pilot (not from Focker VF-1S) and some little build defects. Overall, i'm happy
  12. I'm always afraid that i'll pay even more if i'll wait. And there is some other circumstances. But maybe it was my first and last order at nin-nin due their policies. As for stands, i'd prefer cheaper valks with lighter and slimmer packages without stands at all. But it's just me. I think all of my basic bandai stands somewhere in storage
  13. Nin-nin asked additional 3100 yen after original 5100 yen i already paid for airmail, oh. I always hated those additional bandai's stands
  14. https://www.nin-nin-game.com/en/dx-chogokin/71422-dx-chogokin-choujikuu-yousai-macross-vf-1a-angel-birds-148-limited-edition-bandai-spirits-.html
  15. Okay guys, stupid question. It's still safe to buy at nin-nin? Never ordered there
  16. I think I'd buy just rider figure, i like it
  17. Looks like this figure will be more poseable in armor mode. At least legs
  18. sort of teaser
  19. Maybe they can make fireworks with gunpod
  20. I want that model but idk how to get it now, i hope it will pop up in mandarake for reasonable price
  21. Do you mean this thread?
  22. Mei’s VF-27y after a year
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