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Everything posted by enphily

  1. First we need Legioss released. Damn i just want some new photos!
  2. Still hope that price with tax and we have chance to buy it for 23k yen or little lower at some stores
  3. They increased price? O_o
  4. wow i thought to place order at NY for 17800 yen, but they want 5000 yen for shipping to Russia omg I paid 3380 yen for Ray + Stick for EMS year ago. At HLJ
  5. 18000 yen http://www.anime-export.com/product/43705
  6. right
  7. At some angles it looks like straight from anime, little strange but i really like it lineart for comparison
  10. Preorders for Ray started only a week later after Stick IIRC
  11. @jenius wheeeere? Where you found this?
  12. Looks like evo toys legios will release at 20 april also more photos https://ameblo.jp/digitamin/entry-12451956459.html
  13. @Pontus, @Alphahorizon didn't know someone can't see pictures from me. I don't know what's wrong...
  14. Finally pulled a trigger and bought this beauty for 8k yen used at mandarake
  15. Sold my DX VF-1J and pass for this too. I love my Yamato/Arcadia more. Good luck with preorders, guys!
  16. @Arkham this is my custom work. Repaint of Yamato 1/60 Queadluun Max
  17. Finally got Arcadia VF-1J Max custom. I'm happy!
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