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Everything posted by enphily

  1. enphily

    Hi-Metal R

  3. So, Yellow delayed to October http://sen-ti-nel.co.jp/product-about/info/3item_0823.html
  4. May you use SEARCH or use specific theme for questions before spamming new threads?
  5. enphily

    Bandai DX VF-31

    IDK @chyll2, it's not my pictures, just saw it in twitter. But looks like chest fits good, but shoulder piece can't fit properly
  6. someone from twitter did art with armo-mode of new Mospeada
  7. We have no Legioss toy with rotating pilot seat, we always have pilot faces the ground. Sentinel reimagine that and did rotating cockpit, @F18LEGIOSS mentioned that a year ago
  8. You can see it on some earlier pics, like:
  9. In this Legioss whole cockpit rotate for soldier mode
  10. I'm little dissapointed, cause i liked illustration more than i saw on prototype , I mean Fuke
  11. I'm little dissapointed, cause i liked illustration more than i saw on prototype
  12. It looks like 1/3000 SDF-1
  13. Got my Eva-01 from them https://www.ebay.com/usr/globalfreaks?_trksid=p2047675.l2559. Poor package, just Eva's box and outer box, but everyting ok. Finally got Eva and it's great!
  14. They listed some first release Evas 2 days ago in stock for 280 usd + 30 usd for shipping and i bought it using my 10% coupon, so it was 282 usd shipped. They sent it to me but i'll see it in my hands only in 2-3 weeks. Now they using same page for 2nd batch preorder with lower price and it's kinda strange, but i think that;s not a big problem
  15. We're talking about otakusquare.com. The'll have Eva-02 later https://www.otakusquare.com/products/neon-genesis-evangelion-metal-build-action-figure-eva-02-production-model-22-cm/view
  16. June 24, at the general over-the-counter (month) was from the reservation start "METAL to BUILD Evangelion Unit 2" (will be released in November 2019) For, we plan also again of resale the timing in the future. We will announce the resale month and the time to cancel the reservation as soon as it is decided . Please wait for future information. https://tamashii.jp/special/metalbuild/evangelion/02/
  17. No news about Legioss from Sentinel's exhibition. Again
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