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Everything posted by enphily

  1. i still think with lower legs YF-21 would look much better Left original, right after some work in photoshop
  2. You're right, sorry. Edited my post, now there is correct link
  3. Google translate: Comment from the person in charge of DX Chogokin (Macross) I am happy to finally show off YF-21. At the present time it is about the third prototype, but Kawamori-san and Tenjin-san talked about something before the exhibition, so the prototype will continue (bitter smile)
  4. Hips should be lower. I cancel my preorder RIGHT NOW!
  5. @Berkut, @seti88 can you link source? can't find anything also found little different angle
  6. enphily

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Need reissue of Kairos
  7. Just little different angles of what we saw at wonfest from this video at 17.24 and 18.27
  8. I think they plan to release 1 Ride armor per year. We'll see painted Houqet prototype at next Winter Wonfest and then they'll open preorders. Unpainted Yellow was shown at Summer Wonfest, then painted at Winter and then preorders started. Sad but Legioss have a different story. First prototypes shown with unpainted Yellow and still no preorders
  9. enphily

    Hi-Metal R

    Cause a chance for both is too small
  10. enphily

    Hi-Metal R

    Guys who talking about HMR YF-21, STOP! We need DX Chogokin !!!11
  11. I love my Yamarcadia 1/60 more than these Bandai's bricks. I even sold my DX VF-1J and don't regret at all
  12. Oh, finally someone making Stampede Pack! Great job!
  13. I thin this topic for metal build only, you need this topic for other metal lines
  14. I want it, but i can't afford it and i have no so much space
  15. https://ameblo.jp/arcadiaac/entry-12529239175.html
  16. And Super Ostrich's leg there on top right corner
  17. YF-19. Better leg articulation and arm cannon
  18. I like my YF-30 more than 31, bought it few months ago yellowed for 22k yen. For more than 30k yen any valk for me is easy pass
  19. Me too. First time when i looking for every new picture everywhere and want to buy all variants.
  20. Manyol753 in twitter did a lot of shots with Legioss
  21. From sentinel's twitter
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