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Everything posted by thetrollphysicist

  1. If Bandai ever release a DX Chogokin VF-22S Sturmvogel II in NUNS color of Macross Delta, I want Arcadia to re-issue the YF-21, Bandai VF-22S is definitely very likely to happen, especially considering that they already did a VF-19ADVANCE as a superior Chogokin toy compared to Arcadia YF-19, so i have high hope that Arcadia would do the same.
  2. My Draken has arrived today, got a bit of a tampo print rub on the right wing insignia but everything else is fine.
  3. I just got a 171 Cannon Fodder today, and it comes with both upper and lower triangles cracked, a really unfortunate thing to see. I know that there are 3D replacement parts available for the upper NUNS triangle, but for the bottom one i cant find anywhere Is there any 3D printed replacement parts for the lower part of the NUNS triangles?
  4. Well, this just came in my mail today, probably the 2nd VF-31J i have bought so far.
  5. This one might be abit off-topic but for future release,which one would you guys buy first? The Arcadia SV-51 Ivanov custom or the DX Chogokin Draken III Ba version?
  6. Finally got it, thanks for the link
  7. 34000 yen for the bid price, and extra 3000 yen for shipping, in total is 37000 yen
  8. About 34,000 yen, and to be quite honest, i dont really want an Arcadia YF-21,cuz i know Bandai is gonna release something similar in their DX Chogokin line sooner or later No i won't, because i will save my money for that special Bandai DX Chogokin VF-22 Sturmvogel II with NUNS markings in the future
  9. I'm really happy to be able to win this thing on a Yahoo Auction last week, and to be honest, i was kinda surprised when they said im the highest bidder and actually win this YF-21 to complete my Macross Plus collection
  10. Can i ask you guys which choice should i pick? I have a DX Chogokin YF-30 Chronos, i was consider if i should trade it for an Arcadia VF-0D (which was a favourite Valk design i like as well) or should i keep it for my collection and have it along side my upcoming 31 Messer toy?
  11. So I guess Mr. K didn't lie at all, it is indeed this huge monster bird-human that gonna break my wallet. Arcadia did it again, looks like they really are more focusing on Macross Zero line afterall
  12. Well, my current contender for my new custom painjob is the SV-51 Ivanov, it has been catching dust on my shelf for quite a while now, and i find the color rather dull, so i was thinking about repaint it as a Soviet plane. And this is the scheme i was going to consider for this repaint, since im just getting started with this, i chose monotone scheme
  13. So...does this mean the 0A Mass Production preorders will come up next after this pack?
  14. Given what we had with the info about the YF-29B Perceval, the YF-29 entered production in a similar manner to VF-22S,a limited production variable fighter series reserved for NUNS Spec Ops while the Chronos and its mass produced VF-31 series entered mass production instead? I thought NUNS spec ops of Delta period should not be using Nightmare Plus, they have those Durandals specifically reserved for them given how powerful those fold quartz engine performs in combat
  15. My friend wanted a Chronos, and he was asking me if its possible to trade either a Yamato/Arcadia VF-4G Lightning III for a DX YF-30 Chronos. Since both are rare items, i would like to consult this idea if its a good idea to trade a 4G for a Chronos. Note: I do have a 4G, but it was an Arcadia one.
  16. Yes,it is, they officially announced it last year that the 0A Mass Production type should be ready this year, or next year, by latest Although i still think that price is a little bit too much given what we seen with 0A Shin version
  17. After the reactive armor set, we gonna get a 0A Mass Production release, possibly next year or this year. Hopefully, the leg problem on the Shin's 0A no longer a burden on the upcoming release
  18. Also, a throwback from 2015, Mr K personally wants to do Anti-UN mechs for Mac-0 line as well, it appears that its a high possibility that we might see an Arcadia SV-51 in the future
  19. But then again, i think one of the SV-51 will have quality control problem like the VF-0's leg joints...fall off on Shin's 0A
  20. A more correct translation of the answer would be:"We are probably be able to do it, if we do, please support us." thats what Mr K said And the pic i post to him is an SV-51 Cannon Fodder type
  21. Hmm, Does this mean we will have 4 Chogokin Draken molds? If included those two new white and gold Draken variants in the last episode. I smell a possible web exclusive Draken in the future comes along with a separate weapon pack which include mini drakens and missile pack as well as those swords they used to duel.
  22. Just asked Mr K about the possibility for SV-51 renewal today, he said its very likely to happen, and he would glad if Macross fans can support him to make Arcadia redo the older Yamato SV-51.
  23. question, what type of gunpods with pegs can fit into the VF-4G hands besides the VF-1 Yamato Ver 2 and Arcadia VF-1 series?Can i fit an Arcadia VF-0 Gunpod to VF-4G hands?
  24. Hmm, what about something as old as the Yamato 1/60 YF-19 Excalibur? I was thinking about paint it into a VF-19A
  25. I have been to this forum for awhile now but i still have a question about this topic, how can you guys repaint your CHogokin or the older Yamato toys into a different paint schemes than the original one?
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