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Everything posted by Sweekz

  1. Ive been lurking here for almost 2 years I STILL want this whats the details on this
  2. Thats what I would like to know
  3. Damn dude for me being a "Troll" I really start some good topics Damn I cant understand why I stopped watching anime to start back at Macross is the way to go
  4. While I disagree with your conclusions on 'magic' (it sounds like you didn't understand the show), I do agree that both of the main characters being unable to defeat the main antagonists was weak from a story telling point of view. Heres a one to think on who would have won? Ivanov? and Nora? or Fokker? and Shin?
  5. Im sure they only hit the "BIG" Continents and "BIG" Islands
  6. was watching it again focker asks shin not too die just before they part to save their "women" that means he couldnt have died I think the meaning of shins valk splashing into the ocean and coming out was his "rebirth" to a birdman or something
  7. hmmmmm i guess so?
  8. 1/1 LowViz Lurker why did they first call it APHOS in the beginning of ZERO then changed to AFOS? is it the dubbing? or something? what happened to Edgar?
  9. fart mod chips List of Materials OLD PS2 (FAT BIG ONE) BUY HUGE HARD DRIVE 120+ gigs Get HDLOADER HD allows you to copy games right onto the hard drive and there is no need for discs anymore
  10. 1/1 LowViz Lurker what was Alpha Bombay Blood anyways? I didnt get it..... was it the special blood of the Islanders? the floating rocks had to be Magick
  11. I also thought it was one of those "EVA like" endings
  12. didnt look like she died from the 4 fukkin nukes flying at AFOS either.... If that baby survived that im sure she did too i guess as for shin What the hell???? where he go? he was suppose to "protect the Mayans" where the hell did he end up????
  13. kinda lost on the ending? anyone got some speculation?
  14. I have all five PM me if you want them Ill trade them out for other series of macross
  15. anyone know where I can get all the episodes of macross on the net I havent watched it in years and years
  16. thankz.....
  17. I thought i was going dalirious or something thanks for clearing it up
  18. Ok one the Macross Compendium the Chronology....... they dont list the second series..... not the one with macross but after macross? the (UN Tanks (forgot what these were called) and 3 cloned aliens..... (forgot what they were called) then the next series the INVID with the motorcycle suits..... what happen to these series on the timeline????? are these after Macross 7 or something????? Im confused.... The Official Macross site seems not to have any information on these series either..... what happen to them??? did a different company make these series or something?
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