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Everything posted by jadefalconguard

  1. Now to give you an idea, here are the different parts and ofcourse the VF1 in one of my many "shove 'm around" moments. I tend to spend a lot of time on arranging and rearringing the composition to get an even distribution of elements. well hope you guys like, later
  2. Ofcourse a dio this size needs a lot of fillers. I finally could paint and weather the equipment : I still need to detailpaint and finish the weathering with a drybrush run and adding all the small details and decals
  3. Well after about what seems ages I finally have some time to show off the last additions to the diorama. The dio is completely painted using a preshading with black. After that a thinned neutral gray and overspray with a thinned medium gray finished off the walls. The flight deck itself has been painted completely black and oversprayed with thinned german panzer grey in a very irregular pattern. After that several 'pools' of thinned black paint where handpainted on to receive a messy floor. The flash of my digital camera has overexposed these pools. In real live they don't show up this good Later on I will be weathering the entire dio followed by a drybrush run to get a more intersting look then simple gray.
  4. This is a dream come true.....can't wait for the pics
  5. Ooh, I always had a sweet spot for the Wolverine (although It can't hold is own against a real clan mech ). Nice work.
  6. Great to see you're back Any prediction on timing ? Not to rush you or anything but I would love to see the testrun ......and order 1
  7. Beautifull, was this in the Destroid set from Hobbyfan, together with the three other destroids ? If so, I'm keen to see the other models finished. Got the same kit lying around. Mind if I pop in for a few quick questions once I start them ?
  8. @ Mech Tech. I spend 2 days on the drilling and fitting the tie downs. Glad that's over. About the floorlights I never worked with lighting on a diorama. I can still install it..... Any tips on working with leds ? What type is best, wiring schematics any info would be welcome :-)
  9. Completely off topic; just received news from Sean (HWRII). He's doing allright but is suffering from 'styrene denial' . Everything is fine and sends you all a warm hello.
  10. I'm on there, somewhere :-)
  11. Took some time off of the VF1 diorama and went to FACTS. If ound this little kit of the Yukikaze Super Sylph. I'll not bother you with the ins and outs of this OVA (use the search function here ). Anyway, a little WIP : Hope you guys like.
  12. Allright, next time I say "I'm back in business" get out the salt Anyway, I did some more work and started working on the tie down set. First I started with denoting part of the dio where the VF1 is normally parked. I used a small strip of sheet styrene to get this done. It'll be painted in warning stripes (yellow black or a dark red). Once this was done I started to draw out where the tie downs needed to come drilled the holes : For those who haven't used this set, it quit straight forward : drill a hole, fill if necessary as the deck plate needs to fit flush, drop some white glue in and presto, you've got a tie down point. By using white glue you can fill gaps. Don't worry if it's not 100% perfect as the real thing also is very irregular. Anyway, the sequence in pictures : I guess looking at this isn't that exciting, but it's getting there, very slowly, but it's getting there. I'll hope to finish it up in time for the HobbyFan Contest Anyway, got a little sidekick. I'll post siome pics on the workbench treath :-)
  13. It's a full month I didn't work on the dio. Real live sometimes happens, but anyway, I've finally got some modelling time in So far I've added the last main sheets and the 'floor covering' on the dio. The floor consists of packing material. I hope once painted it resembles an aircraft carrier's non skid plating Normally I'll be adding some details like piping, tie down hooks, etc. later on this weekend. The VF1 hasn't been touch so far, but I've restored the front and back covering from the missile packs and should be ready to paint this weekend. Looks like I'm back in business So please feel free to add comments on the dio, I'm not quit sure about it but it 'feels' like Macross to me. Pic 1 : overview Pic 2 : floor covering
  14. Luke,I most say I'm very dissapointed. ....NO VIDEO Great job you got it flying and landing again. Hope to see a video very soon. Hands dwon.
  15. I'll be keeping fingers crossed. Hope all goes wel Geert Edit : spell check
  16. I was so impressed I forgot the check my spelling
  17. Nice work HWR, any change of a kit in the near future ?
  18. I'm not sure what you mean bu turbulator. I'm talking about a module that allows to attach two different functions (on two or more seperate servo's) to work together (or inverted) but with an exponantional reaction, i.e. if your rudder goes +1 to the right your ailerons will go also +1 to the right , but if you increase your rudder to +4 your ailerons will go +6 or +8. Equally you can have these inverted so +4 right rudder gives -6 or -8 right aileron (so left ). You could control the canards that with a minimal input on the vanes that your canards don't really react. As soon as you give more input the canards will start to work with the vanes. As far of the fences go, I installed a fence of 5 cm (about 2.5inch) along the LE of the wings. The problem I had was that the flaperons couldn't control the plane during high speed passes and dives AND on landing speeds the flaps had an adverse effect (i.e. climbing ). The last didn't have much to see with the airflow an sich as the flaperons where to close to the CG. Anyway, the fences gave just enough drag and turbulence along the flaperons so I could control the bird. Judging from the video's the SV seemed very stable. One of my friends had a model from a Kfir (equipped with a push prop). It basicly had the same problem you encountered. I gave him a call last night to get the solution he used. He solved it by getting the canards to work in combination with the flaperons. The resulting problem was that on high speeds the Kfir got extremely sensitive to 'height' inputs. I translated some of your feedbacks and his view was that the canards could give you a hand. The only factor he can't take into account is the size of the model. His smallest model was a 10cc big lift Anyway, hope you get it to do what you want. G.
  19. Well Luke, hands down. I'm very impressed with the way you hang on to this stability nightmare. I'm nowhere near your league in aerodynamics but the whole discussion on 'your' board about the possible solution I'm going to add my 0.02$. please feel free to dismiss them as stupid, but might a simple "spoiler" effect on the main wing (near the dogtooth) help with disrupting the airflow and return the effect of the TV Vanes? I had a similar prob with a lowwing plane I beefed up (6.5cc FSR ABC instead of an 2.5cc . Simply added a strip of balsa wood near the dog tooth and the problem was solved. Also a exponantial coupling between canards and vanes might help. AsI fear a very touchy plane on higher speeds. It's been a long time since I took control of an RC plane, so I could be entirely wrong But man, what a beautifull sight in the air
  20. You are not alone. I'm from Belgium, so that would make almost the same to ship Great to here you're almost back on the Monster Mike. BTW, did I mention you are my hero
  21. I normally use plain flat black as a base coat and do a heavy drybrush with silver mixed with raw umber. I tend not to get them to dirty as the air intakes and fanblades are inspected almost every day for flight safety. The air intake channels you can give a very light and subtle weathering to simulate airflow. Just don't overdue it. Nice build up, keet it up
  22. As the 'how to' might be closed down, I'll continue the build up here. You can find the old topic here. Anyway, got the complete dio layed out and I'm on the way to finish the build up of the walls. I'm considering to add a roof but not sure about that one...yet The VF1 there is to give you an idea of the size: For your pleasure, detailshot of the door
  23. Last Visit on the Hobbyfan website gives an opp. to buy the VF1 when there are 10 request. This is somewhat contradictory to Jorawar's post, maybe you can look into that. Just an idea.
  24. Dam.... I'll never get the hang of TV and movie versions Anyway, keep up the work, awesome detailing considering the size of the model
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