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Everything posted by jadefalconguard

  1. Me like a lot very nice "little thingy"
  2. To simulate battledamage on a fighterplane it also depends on type of army. US Navy planes get 'touched up' with the same FS number (but different patch => subtle change in color). Like Kylwell noted also depends on the era. WWII fighters sometimes took panels from scrapped planes => different color per panel. Your choice depending on the era and type. Be subtle on 1/72nd scale, just a hint
  3. Sorry guys...slow going but I'll hope to finish up the baseplate somewhere next week and then it's all finished...
  4. Between work and kids I don't get much done but here are two very old kits I got from Ebay : Robotech defenders Zoltek and Talos. Based on mecha from Crusher Joe they where 'adopted' in Battletech as the Shadow Hawk and the Wolverine. Both are still WIP. Oh and the VF1 dio is almost finished. just need to get my plexi and wood to finish the baseplate. I'll hope to post some pics during my vacation next week...depending on the weather Edit : the flash from my camera overexposes the colors....I'll get a new one in daytime...way better
  5. You wouldn't dare
  6. Frack....it's already assembled AND has taken his place in the sofa Awesome work HWR....you're a Monster Edit : and go ahead with the nice young lady on the foot.....
  7. HWRII you are a certified Resin addict. What ever happened to "I'll wait 'till I'm Stateside to start building this" Glad to see the build up, can't wait for the finished product
  8. Grreeeaaaat.....the waiting is finally over. I'll keep the PM's checked.
  9. 27th on the list..that makes about 5 weeks before I get contactedso about two months before it's my turn. But hey... the upside I'm not the last in line
  10. I've you would say a Clan Mad Dog or a Clan Timber Wolf I could give you a nice scan (Front and Side)... I don't have any Inner Sphere design...I'll take a look and let you know. Maybe these help out ? To cross link to your other thread. this Warhammer is build using the destroids from Hobby Fan. Prepare to spend a lot of time on the cleaning up. The molds are E.O.L. I think and there's a lot of flash. they are fairly detailled
  11. Cool I've just finished the first of four unseen Battletech/Macross in 1/285th scale. I'll post some pics this evening of "the first lady of death". Normally you'd be able to find some details on google
  12. And I don't even got time to build anything........But anyway, I'll take a Phalanx of your hands. How about the other defenders to complete the line
  13. Easy Sean, easy.... just think about the anticipation, the dreaming of the finished kit, the hours of pleasure working on that big hunk of resin. The entire room smelling.... The soft feel of the dust you've just sanded Dam, to much late night TV for me Take your time Mike....I'm just preparing for the Nationals so no time for building anyway...and the VF1 is nearly done
  14. Well Mike, you could come over to Belgium.....it's raining and its cold, typical Belgium weather Great to see progress, I'm getting more curious (spellcheck) with the day
  15. Does someone has some oil or a bandage for my wounds......my money just burned a hole in my pocket fo this monster.......... *been working 16u non stop so my jokes are a bit on the downside*
  16. In battletech they Rock...in the new Mechwarrior game they s*ck bad
  17. What can I say, just look at my screenname
  18. Well technical speaking Prometheum is right you know. A rail gun or Gauss Rifle fires a slug of Nickel ferrous metal (the bullet) through magnetic induction at a very high velocity. The damag comes from the impact instead of an explosion. The advantage is it range and generates almost no heat. Also in case your ammo gets hit it doesn't explode. Based on the Battletech Compendium that's a Gauss Rifle But it looks awesome, nice work LTSO. I like the semi-dirty look with out over doing it. Hands down.
  19. I think we should punish such a dastardly deed HWR. I suggest you wait for the last unit that gets out Nah, but I hoped it was Mike with the good news......just a few more days *turns and starts drooling on the printed out Monster pics*
  20. To bad I guess it'll be itching
  21. Small update. Group shots of the figures... I really have got no love for figurepainting But I couldn't get this dio without them so here they are. Basicly all figures come from Hasegawa. Though I love the kits from Hase, there figures are really very basic as mentionend before. I talked to a guy in my old model club who has been painting figures for I don't know how long and his answer was straight forward : don't waste the paint. There are alternatives (pewter figures) but they cost around 15€ (around 20$) a piece groupshot : Decalled up : Pilot and MP : Not the best in figure painting but they'll do. Still need to finish up on the small details like headsets, shoes etc. That'll be for later.
  22. Little sidestep Regult battlepod recast, 1/72nd scale. Still needs extra weathering but that will be for another time as soon as I have an idea for a dio. I think of doing a "city fight" with a VF1 battroid (original I know ) I actually had to glue the pod to an old CD to get it to stand in 'running' mode due to the heavy weight of the head. I fear a bit for the leg connections. Only time will tell.
  23. HWR You think I'll do anything else BESIDES building the Monster ? Sigh, a guy can dream no ?
  24. Cool, now let's hope the Monster gets here in time. That would be a nice entry Then again I gues I won't be the only one Keep us posted LTSO
  25. @LTSO : thanks for the compliment. To be honest I'm not that versed in figure modelling. Shep Paine is one of the best builders around and I've got a few books of him. I also used the Verlinden way for the figures. The pilot came out quite nice. Alas the figures from Hasegawa are not that detailed you can get a very realistic finish (not enoufh facial features to get shadows and not enough detail for the hair, eyes and eyebrows ) Anyway I'll post a group pic once all painting is done hopefully tonight
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