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Everything posted by jadefalconguard

  1. Why thank you good man..... I always loved the 'stang' had two P-51D's and 1 B in radio controlled when I was younger, but that's an entirely different story. Anyway, back on track : finished the detailpainting on the boosters. Normally I'll be adding the wash and final drybrush tomorrow. This pic shows of the detailled booster
  2. I'm anal retentave..... Noppe, I'm just completely freaked with detailling my kits. This is one reason the building of thios bird takes so long. I try to instill a certain reality to this bird wich is only possible with extra detailling. So basicly this means redoing all the details except the basics 1/72nd P51D Mustang. Even my small kits like this Tamiya takes almost forever to build Edit : BTW the kit came in GREAT scaper, only some minor wrappage
  3. Awesome....very nice custom. Now if they could bring out this bird in 1/48th scale BTW if I'm not mistaken, the idea for the randome came from a HawkEye; an "awacs" based plane that worked as the eyes and ears for the F-14 tomcats till the end of the ninties..again if I'm not mistaken
  4. @ HWR MkII, thanks for the tip. I went back and edited some pics. Feel free to take a look everyone. Now you can see the things I've done Anyway, the gundpod. I've been working on this piece of resin and tried to give some more texture to it. Took out the scrap box and added some PE parts I had laying around
  5. friendly bump to bring back in sight
  6. Guilty as acussed. Got a lot of pics already taken from the VF1, but I don't want to clogg the thread with the same old pictures, unless there's a real intrest, I can post them
  7. Glad we could be of service ... you have reacted well to our peer pressure, you are now totally under our mind control You will receive further instructions once you have taken many more excellent pics of your 1/48 UD, please standby. By your command Oops wrong forum
  8. OK, HWR MKII & Viceland, you guys win I went and get a new camera this weekend. So I experimented a bit with the macroshots and this is the result. The VF1 seat. As soon as the kids are better (ear infection - the only thing worse than a little kid from 11months with an ear infection are TWO kids from 11 months with an ear infection ) I'll get to building again, till then... edit : typo again
  9. We will follow the wisdom of General Kerensky to show the Inner Sphere the true Light of the Clan. We are Jade Falcon and shall tremble all who stands in our way. Seyla, Elizabeth Hazen, as She was the first of our brethren. *shakes head* It's nice to see CBT still has people who care about that. I'm kind of an exception around here in Belgium...... edit : typo
  10. As soon as it's completely finished I might post some pcis there, but I ordered my decals from Prianha via snail mail
  11. Nice work on that Joyride MadCatII. To bad they have such an ugly seam in the middle. I can't get myslf to repaint my Spirit Cat one @ Akula, if you can get your hands on "camo schemes" one of the older semi TRO's from Battletech there are some nice guides in there. Also the first edition of 'mechwarrior' RPG book has nice color schemes in there. If you want I can look them up and scan some examples. LMK
  12. I know, but I was kind of rushed putting these up. We'll do next time
  13. I know, it was my first Mech/mecha/Robot like thingie I ever build. I did however use the cockpit parts of a 1/32 scale Phantom to scratchbuild an interior. But I always kept this for nostalgic reasons
  14. Nope, it's a Vinyl kit I picked up once from Horizon. It's the 1/35th scale and the Timberwolf dwarfs the Mad Dog
  15. For those how play/know the Mechwarrior Age Of Destruction CMG game, here's a pic with the Vulture mech used in this boardgame
  16. Little preview, folded tail incl. markings but lacking the detail painting of the fin tips. These will prob. be in glossy black. edit 6/6 new pic
  17. edit 6/6 sideview of the engine
  18. And while we are ad it, why not update the engine itself edit 6/6 : top of the updated engine
  19. Updating the insides of the dorsal FP with UTP CAT5 cabling......now thats what 'structured cabling' means sorry professional habbit. Same pic from previous page Glad to have the new camera
  20. @ jezter 101 : I'll have to make the Timber Wolf wich is no problem, but I can't find any mecha that are suitable enough in1/48th scale Nice to see people now of Aidan
  21. Finally some decent pics : a group shot of the dorsal Fastpack and the leg fast pack. You can see the amount of filler that's needed to get the thruster pieces to conform nicely and the end result. As mentionend earlier, the leg Fast Pack needs some extra attention to get a complete curve
  22. The ground works still needs some finishing touches and the Mad Dog itself also....but it gives a nice idea. Mods, if you feel this post isn't in place feel free to remove. Any feedback is welcome. G.
  23. RUN FOREST RUN...................
  24. Only painted the bird and gave it a wash. I'm still waiting for my Jade Falcon decals to make this Mad Dog the personal mount of Aidan Pride from the Jade Falcon Guards, Gamma Galaxy. A simple ground work will hold the Mad Dog in place
  25. I couldn't resist putting this WIP pics here. The mecha is a Clan Omnimech armed with LRM20, 2 large Pulse Lasers and 2 Medium Pulse Laser. It's primary role is a fire support mech. Designated Mad Dog within the Clans, when the Draconis Combine forces first saw this mech in 3050 they dubbed it 'Vulture'. The sight of two of these mechs a top a mountain ridge strikes fear in the heart of enemy pilots as it spells a certain dead ! Sorry, can't resist the fluff
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