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jadefalconguard's Achievements

Skull Leader's Lackey

Skull Leader's Lackey (5/15)



  1. Not panicking just yet hope the last part comes soon!
  2. Looks awesome. The sheer size of this thing will be incredible. Looking forward to start building her !
  3. Payment send
  4. Got my third installment today, thx John. I must agree with Neptunesurvey, I love the attention to detail. It's almost a shame to build it soldiermode Why didn't I get 3
  5. It did work do got a very nice package today in the mail.... awesome work. I'll be paying the second part this evening G.
  6. The trap is set for the postman I'm eagerly awaiting the arrival
  7. amazing ! !!! That calls for superdetailling and adding bits and pieces with all that detail.
  8. I had a toy Zeta when I was a kid and it stuck with me through my college years If you should make the conversion set I'll be down for one.
  9. Captain, just a small question. Did you already decide on extra parts to make the Zeta ? It would look nice a red scheme
  10. Hoa...this thing will be HUGE, HUGE I tell ya It looks like it'll be poseable ? Looking forward to the rest of the pics. regards. G.
  11. YESSSS Bring on the goodies, it still isn't Christmas (don't bother for the year )
  12. I'm in...this means ofcourse I can't put my kids into college
  13. Holy Frack....this thing is bigger then I expected Beyond words this.
  14. Is there a projected completion time so I can start saving.... Put me down for 1 please
  15. Hi Guys, first off, happy New Year to everyone. Took some time to work a bit more on the Regult : Only needs a clearcoat and some detailpainting/drybrushing Frontconsole (still needs a lot of work) Hatch : And drivers seat Hope you guys like
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