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Everything posted by chyll2

  1. chyll2

    Hi-Metal R

    more of feet add on to match the bulk added to the rest of the body. Yamato/Arcadia uses similar design as well
  2. ^tell us how to save 30. It might force people on the fence (like me)
  3. Thanks for the replies guys! @galaxy_stranger I have no problem with paint and grease on my model as well but that is because they are plastic models. From what I heard/read, resin has some serious Mold Release that needs to be removed. Of coure, a lacquer based primer will help since the hotness can pierce through the grease @noyhauser thanks as well, good to know that Tamiya primer works. I actually got a spare Tamiya PINK lying around, this makes it easier for me since I dont need to buy extra tools
  4. I actually agree on his point on the latter part of the article. Anime now is all about pretty girls and at much latter part, as usual, the one who matters is the that sells millions of copies (again, caused by pretty girls and the fanservice attached to it)
  5. yeah, arcadia really know how to annoy the fanbase (of Grey goggle)
  6. chyll2

    Hi-Metal R

    will probably get it if there are no PO madness.
  7. bought this at mandarake http://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/shop/en/item_s-2035231.html a 1/144 fighter mode VF-5000g i think it is a resin model, and this will be my first experiment towards resin parts 1. Will normal lukewarm and liquid soft solution be enough to clean it? 2. Will normal primer work? like Tamiya Surfacer/Primer 3. Do I have to use special type of glue? 4. Anyone can share a completed build to take inspiration from?
  8. sell it to for 230 USD
  9. chyll2

    Hi-Metal R

    from tag hobby 2015年9月發售: HI-METAL R VF-1J Armored Valkyrie 9,800Yen
  10. chyll2

    Hi-Metal R

    wait for better pics from fellow MWF members
  11. chyll2

    Hi-Metal R

    afaik, Nothing announced on what will be the difference. Maybe we will see once the actual product hits the market.
  12. chyll2

    Hi-Metal R

    that GBP pre-order madness next week lol
  13. yeah it is expensive so it is better to wait for arcadia do v2.0 VF-4 with moveable shoulder tbh, the only reason it went that high is due to the very limited supply, page 1 has lots of feasible theories on why the toy is reaching this price.
  14. I have a broken VF-1 that I can fix and be a permanent battroid toy, a GBP armor would be pretty well hide all of its weakness. So yeah, we need more GBP but less of Hik's VF-1J now
  15. so far I built two hasegawa kit, one is 0D and one is 25S. The newer hasegawa kit has better decals now, they are rather very thick that I even have a hard time destroying the decals using a model knife. The older one is thin and imo, more fragile but really, when compared to Bandai water slide decals, it is still miles ahead.
  16. I am still watching World Trigger and noticed that it is on 26th episode now, it is a good thing since it will go for 50 episodes now so they can cover the current arc and another one but they might run out of material since the manga is not that far ahead.
  17. Heat (small flame with a good distance or hair dryer) will probably remove or reduce the stress mark, though you can paint that section for both with gray or white and it will not look off.
  18. the tampo alone is enough to make me happy I have this on PO
  19. chyll2

    Hi-Metal R

    I really like than Tan Super VF-1 and M&M colors really looks good.
  20. thanks everyone I actually thought of that as well but wmkjr offered his for free. If ever that wont work out, I also thought of those metal thrusters as well.
  21. Something I am working on, will post more pictures when I solved my problem on the missing little thrusters
  22. and arcadia be like "keep your valkyrie wishes yours and yours alone"
  23. I wonder if that VF-2SS is what fans has been asking for the longest time
  24. the red thing is probably the SD Getter 1. The painting that is not the 0 might be the art for SD getter
  25. I agree that the main series are fine. I actually remember the Disappearance arc, Nagato really did became shy and was attracted to Kon but the new show was like a totally new show to me.
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