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Everything posted by chyll2

  1. chyll2

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    thanks. Tempted but I skipped!
  2. chyll2

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    ^I agree but from my observation, reaction missiles are usually used prior to engagement as an opening salvo.
  3. I would say online since pricing is in Yen. I remember buy and selling stuff from Mandarake and people do not want to snag it for 10k Pesos.
  4. Unless it is flory's wash or Pencil, removing it will be really hard. The coldest thinner that I know of, Alcohol, is already enough to remove tampo and paint app. Hotter thinner can easily melt paint and cause plastic to become more brittle.
  5. chyll2

    Bandai DX VF-31

    @ChaoticYeti I also have that subtle pattern on my Kairos.
  6. As you are already aware, Yahoo Japan offers a lot of item for a cheaper price (or overpriced) but unfortunately, in order to avail it, you need a middle man or proxy. One of the choice you included is FromJapan which is what I have been using. I actually prefer it over Buyee since it allows me to change the declared value of the items before it get shipped. A big plus to avoid additional taxes. For using FromJapan, I suggest using their protection plan. I have no experience using it so I dont know how reliable. Years ago when there was no such system, I got duped for a PO and have to rely on Paypal to reimburse it, it caused my previous account to be banned.
  7. There were glimpse of Messiah on Macross Delta.
  8. Finally watched it. I expected way less, I got a bit more. It is an overall okay. If people want to check out Delta, I would say check out the movie and ignore the TV series. I felt really bad about the showcase of the Armor Parts though, whats more, there is very little appearance of the 31A with it.
  9. I only noticed it now, the display piece/rack can also be used to display the official HMR Super/Strike and GBP parts as well
  10. I was so happy when I transformed it back to Fighter mode. And never transformed it again
  11. chyll2

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Is the YF-19 Panel lined or it is just a case of deep panel lines?
  12. The lighting in that massive display is amazing. I know a custom can produce better lighting but if they are able to mass produce it at cheaper price, then it will be a good seller (basically can be used to display any scale)
  13. Maybe to avoid legal action? Not really sure but there are full resin kits in the past that are in 1/72 scale as well
  14. chyll2

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Imo it's a mark up since you are paying the taxes that you should not be paying. Anyway, I would grab it at that price now if I really need one.
  15. chyll2

    Bandai DX VF-31

    A Bandai kit is what I want. Hasegawa really bring out the details but I barely have time now to do proper model kit.
  16. chyll2

    Bandai DX VF-31

    desperately looking for 31A? there is one at mandarake at 58000
  17. These models are not snap on model like Bandai. "Some Painting is required" is downright a lie. Painting is required, in some case, masking and painting is required Glueing/plastic welding parts together is required.
  18. chyll2

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Order number or date when you ordered doesnt matter anymore. You should really send a constant follow up on them to get your 31A (the moment they have one). I still dont know where they are getting these stocks. Its almost half a year from the release date.
  19. chyll2

    Bandai DX VF-31

    manda has it for 21000 to 22000 yen. there is also a 31J kai at 28000 yen
  20. chyll2

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    NY is asking for our monies now.
  21. It was being shown on my feeds on FB. really awesome work, I think it suit any cel drawn mecha.
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