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Everything posted by chyll2

  1. good luck doing the same tomorrow.
  2. it is almost impossible not to touch one VF and not swoosh it around. I always does when I re-arrange something from the display.
  3. 25 more hours before we start F5-ing.
  4. he dont even need to resurrect the thread, the steps and guide are actually posted if you click the link
  5. here is the current status now of my low viz Strike VF-1A
  6. so no news if this will have an add-on parts like the three unmanned fighters similar to RVF-25?
  7. Bandai would have made a perfect solution for us, but they decided to release the Red Frame we want as P-bandai.
  8. I am displaying mine in our living room which can be lit naturally by sunlight via window it is not much but sunglight is still there. No yellowing yet but imo, it is just a matter of time at which by the time it did (maybe years from now), I have legit reason to customize it
  9. it is already painted since the dye was not uniform and blotchy. Painted it using AS-11 Medium Sea Gray edit: yeah, it looks like a primed model as well I might try to check the landing gear area again. The seam or gap is there even when the landing gear is folded up.
  10. took the engine intakes from a donor valkyrie since it have two parts that requires masking and another painting. need tip on how to line up the fuselage cleanly without glue. I alredy sanded down the pegs and it just wont line up (I cant get where the resistance is coming)
  11. Thanks, I was actually happy when I saw it. From what I heard, it can be better and faster if I used a iDye Poly and not Rit. Random rant, today should be my Painting day but the weather ended up being bad (heavy clouds like it is gonna rain any moment). I can only spray paint using cans so I need to do it outside
  12. it is a matter of securing two spare Strike parts which is harder and harder each day thanks to Arcadia
  13. Almost forgot about it. Thanks!
  14. The series started good. I like how everyone really die fast, and how they are overwhelmed with the invading Aliens. I want to know how they can advance their weaponry or at least develop a good strategy against them but none of these happened since there is a lot of fanservice, harem and useless politics. At the end, I decided to stop watching near the 20 episode mark because I cant bear to waste my time checking if the next episode will redeem the series or not.
  15. GBP with Strike Cannon
  16. Just an update. it seems to have worked, but my genius idea of mixing different brands of dye (local dye available, color black) is the cause of my dismay. it would have worked fine if only I had more patience and experimented with it. Anyway, my purpose of the experiment is to have a good color base so that at least, when paint start to chips, there will not be a big contrast since the plastic is really bright white I will paint this with tamiya AS-11 spray can and if it the detail is still there, I will plan a camo paint scheme (I got AS10 and AS25 lying around)
  17. @wm_cheng hopefully, NY can deliver stocks similar with the 25S. The problem with the stocks with bandai toys is that most of the people in Japan scalp them and upon release them, sell them at higher SRP or auction them.
  18. Currently ruining a VF-1 Assembly kit. It just wont take the dye at all. (it does though, in a splotchy and un-even manner)
  19. I am not a Star Wars fan but I really like the new look of Vader.
  20. Thanks, I thought it is ready for purchase
  21. only NY offers them readily at 7k yen.
  22. looks like the No Step marking is smaller and more appropriate than the one they used in YF-30. Hopefully I can get a PO on this.
  23. That gerwalk hack I really dont think it will be possible at all
  24. Yeah, I remove the toy and returned them to Bandai Stand in the mean time while I figure things out. Thanks for saying the tools you used but I dont have any powered tool at the moment. Anyway, I will look for one if I knew someone that have one. I actually have a plan to have all of my Valks coated in matt or satin finish.
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