every time I go to CR, i always do it quick and have a fear of missing it. It is almost 6pm in the work and I didnt have any heavy lunch earlier and is really hungry.
still waiting on NY. almost another hour and they got the star wars stuff now. maybe another hour before the VF-19
damn, that darth vader SHF got sold out in less than a minute
i am refreshing mine every 5 seconds. when it registered, I copied the link it, then clicked, then transfer to this tab to paste to here.
when I saw it loaded, prolly another 5 seconds, it was already sold out.
I never secured any of my bandai valks at PO date but as much as possible, I want to join in the fun
(though being in Asia means I never need to stay up late, I just need to decline meeting invites )
or what tag they will omit so your search will not be accurate
40mins to go guys!! edit: 59 user(s) are reading this topic36 members, 21 guests, 2 anonymous users