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Everything posted by waters7

  1. If current practice from ADV of their current licenceses are any indication, then they will probably explore a way to bring more Big West licenced stuff from Japan, but we have to consider that Toy "we make crappie versions" nami might have a licence that might extend beyond HG's ability to market any Macross related stuff with any other company. So in other words, even if HG goes the way of disco music, Toynami's current licence might be carried over to ADV. Regards...
  2. I need to clear something up... Frank Agrahma it's not related to Tatsunoko in any way, they just formed a partership to distribute SDF Macross outside japan. Tatsunoko only had (or still has) a licence from Big West to do this. Tatsunoko has (and this was decided by the japanese supreme court) a copyright for the animation of SDF Macross, in other words they were the creators of the animation of SDF Macross (even if we don't like it). In business practice, because pretty much the animation itself it's based on ideas and concepts owned by Big West/Studio Nue, Tatsunoko it's not doing a new show based on Macross because of several legal & financial reasons. Harmony Gold has been able to maintain their claim that hey own everything related to Macross outside Japan, because nobody has stepped up to the plate to challenge them in court. Until the memo (that HG uses to justify their ownership of Macross) becomes public, we are going to be in the black about how much did Tatsunoko pass to HG and if they really include anything related to Macross. Regards...
  3. Just like Agent 1 said, I guess I have too much money to spend and I'm a Macross whore... but regardless, I'm buying this set for several reasons: 1.- because I'm a completist (is this a word?) 2.- even though I didn't believe this before, but my Animeigo set it's starting to crack (on 2 discs) 3.- I do not feel making a back up of the animeigo set. 4.- and because I feel a curiosoty towards the new dub Hopefully, ADV will be able to deliver a good dub (I'm not expecting an excellent dub, but hey I'm crossing my fingers), a good sub work and that they will include a few more extras than linear notes. In regards of Harmony Gold and their business practice with Macross and Robotech.... heck!! they are doing what they are doing because they can, and in this country (USA), people (or business for that matter) do things because they can and can get away with it. It's not their fault that people will buy one thing and then turn around and the next day buy the new enhanced remastered extended 5.1 surround edition. Have they (HG) lied to us in the past about everything??? of course they have... so why are we complaining about how they threat their fan base??? Lie to me once, shame on you, lie to me twice, shame on me. regards...
  4. Also, one of the bridge bunnies makes a brief presentation in one of the Macross 7 dramas (Docking Festival) and as a matter of fact, IIRC she is a commander for one the immigration fleets. I'm not so sure if it's Shammy or Kim regards
  5. Actually Totoro, the art of volumes I & II from the VHS edition, it's featured on the LD edition as well. Only difference, is that the cover for volume II (VHS) it's featured on the back on the LD vol I, and the cover for the volume I (VHS) it's features in an insert on LD volume I.
  6. Totoro, I saw that at ebay and I was about to put $50 on it, but then I realized, I do not know that LD.
  7. The worst of the worst: Male: Collin Ferrell Orlando Bloom All the guys from Beverly Hills 90210 Female: Olson Twins Pamela Anderson Katie Holmes Jennifer Lopez Hillary Duff
  8. My Holy Grail The Macross Special #3 on Laser Disc I have the other 2 (Macross Special 2 first episodes and Macross Lynn Minmay Special) but the 3rd special, it's really hard to comeby (even on Yahoo Japan). If you ever come across this Laser Disc, let me know regards...
  9. I actually saw somebody that looked like a Microsoft employee, setting up a kiosk at a local Las Vegas Gamestop last week. They told me that it was going to be running for this week, but I haven't been able to go back since then. Can't wait to get my new puppy!!!
  10. I've got 3 volumes of the bubblegum crisis 2040 anime essential collection 6 Saint Seiya Volumes Excel Saga box set and Burn Up X... can't recall the name correctly, but it's also a box set. It took them forever, but I guess I can't complain because at least I saved $150 on the DVD's regards...
  11. Finally, I received my order yesterday According to the Work Order that came with it, my order went through on the 13 of Sept. (I placed my on friday Sept 3rd). The gift that came with it was a DVD called Generator Gawl... has any heard of this series before??? It doesn't look interesting to me, I might sell it on ebay for a dollar regards...
  12. You know, back on the Beta days, one of the main things that turned customers away from the format was, the limited amount of time available on each tape for recording. One of the main things that caught the attetion of the customer towards the VHS format, was the capibility of recording for longer periods of time on 1 tape. If sony wants to dominate the market, they must, by all reasons, allow the production of blue ray burners, because, this factor (even though it might not sound that important), it's a plus for a lot of people that like to record their shows. I know, there is TIVO out there, but when it comes to recording to actual media (CD, DVD, VHS, etc.), there still are a lot of people who would rater have a tape or DVD.
  13. Nope, at least, not me... still waiting for the weekend. If by saturday I do not have a package on my mail box or my front door, I'm calling my bank on monday to have the charge removed. regards...
  14. I place my order all the way back on sept 2, but since it was late in the afternoon and a friday, I knew that nothing was happening 'till monday (next business day), anyways, I sent them a e-mail asking about why the order is taking too long to process (my CC was charged on 09/05) . Well, like a week a go a received an email quoting the large volume of sales as an excuse as to why my order hasn't ship. Oh well, I'm giving them 1 more week, if no package by then, I will call my CC company to the charge removed. Kind of reminds to discountanimedvd.com regards...
  15. I'm just curious, how was Harmony Gold, able to trademark something when they only have the rights for distribution. I thought that you were supposed to have some type of copyright in order to trademark a property. Regards...
  16. Usually, the ADV sale its for items that either were returned because of a glitch (packing, box is missing a piece, etc.) or because the customer didn't like the product. ADV usually refurbishes (is this a word?) the DVD's and put them back in the stand for sale. Make sure you check the terms & conditions for sales & returns regards...
  17. Neither... My DVD tabletop player stops playing after the 1st episode and then gives me a message about the disc being dirty. My PC dvd player just crashes after the first episode. If i tried to play any other episode from the DVD menu, it gives me the same results with both my tabletop & PC player. I believe it's the brand (Fuji) I bought them at sam's club, but I'll return them and get a better brand. Any suggestions??? Hey man, thanks for all of your advice!!!!
  18. Thank you for your advice!!! I was able to burn a copy of the 1st volume of the Animeigo set but only the first episode its playable (if thats a word). I guess there is something wrong with the DVD's that I purchased, I guess that I have to returned them and get a refund Regards...
  19. Hurin, I tried to make a copy of the Animeigo's SDF Macross DVD set with Nero Ultra edition. Unfortunately, it didn't work out as I expected, anyways I want to ask you if there is a program that can copy DVDs without any problems.... I feel that my Animeigo is going to break and before that happens, I would like to know my best options for making a perfect back up. Regards...
  20. hmmmm I wonder what happened to uncle Macek and the rest of the crew of the original 85 tv series???? Well if they have any pride the people at harmony gold should never take this award and if they do, they should at least accept the importance of the work that the original japanese staff did back in the 80's with the original shows. Anyways, in my mind they (Harmony Gold) are a bunch of opoortunists that live from the work done by others. regards
  21. She is, she is the one on the right side of Mika Doi, right next to her
  22. Check THIS OUT Roughly, 800 dollars for a resin kit??? Any rich fans out there?? Edit for spelling
  23. Not, not really but Tatsunoko brought up to Harmony Gold and Carl Macek, several designs for Southern Cross that never made it to the actual show. Now, when the Sentinels was canned, Tatsunoko used several of the Sentinels's designs in another show called Zillion. I read somewhere in RT.com forums, that another company was interested in buying Takara, I do not know for sure if that comments holds any water or not, but hopefully this (Takara buying Tatsunoko) will open the door for future Macross pprojects outside of Japan. One can only hope. Regards...
  24. What happened to the pics!!???
  25. Hey Hurin, are the files still available for download??? I tried them this morning and they wouldn't download (maybe it was a problem with my connection). Another question, is that Decrypter going to work for any given DVD??? I'm planning on making perfect copies of all my anime DVD collection, but do not know where to start or which program to use for that matter. Regards PS: Great work!!!
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