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Everything posted by waters7

  1. Renato, I've never actually had a chance to thank you for the translations I bought the LP's of both Macross Symphonic Suit And 'Ginga ni Furu yuki back in the 90's from a store in L.A. and like 3 years a go I was able to buy the actual CDs through Yahoo Japan. The music in Symphonic Suite along with Rhapsody in Love are some of the best non-tv Macross music ever released, that Haneda guy is truly a genius!!!
  2. And yet, there will be quite a few Robotech fans out there that will say that SC 3D is way better than Yukikaze or Macross Zero At the end, it doest sound that SC will be the Daikatana of the Robotech Franchise. Any how, I like to sufer, so I'll pick it up as soon as it comes out
  3. Kamikase I'm not from Chile but still would like to help you out with your project I'm also working in a Robotech/Macross/Southern Cross/MOSPEADA site in spanish If there is anything I can help you with, just let me know
  4. And I always thought that Macross 7 as a show was closer to the original Macross concept of "making fun of" the monster of the week concept than the original SDF Macross. My 2 cents.. PS: I like Macross 7, but why did they have to play planet dance over and over for the first half of the series?
  5. Well, let's wait and see if Shadow Chronicles is the Daikatana of the OVAs
  6. Finally a distributor was announced at comicon check the article here
  7. And here I though that Hugh Jackman was about 5'11!! Another actor that seems very tall in movies and TV is Cal Gov Arnold Schwarzenegger. He seems to be around 6'2-6'3 but in reallity he is about 5'11 (my height)
  8. I dislike HG because of the way they do business with Robotech & Macross. And my comment was based on the attitude that some of these people have towards Robotech and the original japanese shows, so don't be calling people names just because u feel like or have a different opinion than mine BRL, great interview, I like Greg's opinion about Leonard I wish the spanish fans could look at this as most of the time, they think that Leonard is some type of villain trying to take over earth and kill everyone in the REF. If you don't mind, I would like to translate that interview. regards...
  9. I found that comment really insteresting too. I wonder if Tony is planing in going the way of "Oh yeah, we create something new from scratch, and thanks to us, Macross became a major hit through out the whole world, blah blah blah" when he creates his documentary or if he is actually planing to do some major research on the subject.... How deep was this guy really involved in the Robotech production?
  10. I understand that Tatsunoko owns the distribution rights for the animation from MOSPEADA and Southern Cross. Big West (yes, the same company that produces all the Macross spin offs & sequels) owns merchandise rights over Southern Cross (as part of the deal with the Super Dimension triology of series) & the way things look, Toynami has a license for MOSPEADA merchandise. What I'm curious about, and I believe everybody is, how far can HG stretch their license and that if Tatsunoko can turn around and take Shadow Chronicles and do the same thing that HG did with Macross, MOSPEADA and Southern Cross (create a "new" series, with animation from a different show).... Edit: for typos
  11. Well guys... according to CNN.com the original Star Wars Triology is coming to DVD with out the extra crap that Lucas added to the movies... just follow the link for more info Good news huh??? regards...
  12. I tried to order from them once (a few DVD's and some saint seiya manga). The manga was pre-ordered but usually, when you buy something that is pre-ordered or back ordered, the stores offer to send the items that are available to ship and leave the other stuff pending. Unfortunately, this is not the case with animediscount.com as they didn't only hold any items from being mailed, but the suckers took like 2 months to issue a refund when I told them to cancel the saint seiya manga. I'm not using that store even if they give stuff away for free. now deepdiscountdvd.com is another story, I loved that store (purchased a few gundam "box sets" from them), they are fast, great shipping (even the free one) and the prices are unbeatable. regards...
  13. Of course, 1up.com couldn't help them selves but publish some quotes from some "important" people within the industry. 1up.com article Is it just me, or is it true that the people over at 1up.com always try to bash everything not related to Sony/PS2-3?? He probably went back to kindergarten to finish school.
  14. Hey Sumdumgai, do you know by any chance if they take the deposit amount upfront from your credit card or they just open up a voucher?? I used to use Rinkya as my deputy service, but after I had some issues with them (they had one of my items as pending for almost 2 months, when I finally told them that I was gonig to contact my credit card company to stop payment if they didn't solve the problem, they cancel my membership because according to them, Yahoo Japan doesn't offer refunds if the item is never received in their warehouse in Japan), I stop using them. The fees look quite reasonable to me, so I would like to give crescent-shop a shot. Please let me know regards....
  15. check this out Very interesting
  16. According to Tommy Yune, one of the main reasons why the Macross saga characters look different is because they do not want the new fans to get confuse with what is Robotech and what is Macross. The new administration is trying to get away from the similaraties between characters between the Macross saga and SDF Macross. If you ask me, this is a good thing because the last thing you want (as a fan of either universe) is that confussion about what is Robotech and what is Macross. Finally, stupid hardheaded purists for both sides have something less to argue about.
  17. I'm there for Robotech, not HG or their business practices, I do like Robotech, just as I like Macross, Southern Cross or Mospeada Do you have to be agressive all the time?? take a chill pill, it was just a question That's what actually surprises me because this forum might have more people like that than in RT.com
  18. Hey 1st Border Red Devil, are you the same person as Brooklyn Red Leg at the RT.com forums??? If so, what are you doing in a website full of Macross retards (as BRL likes to call them)???
  19. Well Jenius, I'm making my comments based on the process that most major anime projects go through before being released to the masses. When they (HG) "created" Robotech back on the days, it was consider a low budget project by it's creators. HG didn't require a lot of money to put Robotech together. They actually got lucky that the show did rather well in TV ratings, opening the doors for more tv stations in getting the show. I'm pretty sure that HG has enough money in the bank as capital or in assests to get a loan for this project, but based on today's industry standards, It doesn't seem that they have enough capital to produce to show based on: 1.- Them taking to long to make the project 2.- Not able to release it even on their own time frames Somebody with the capital, the know how & most important, the support of sponsors who will cover the cost of the unexpected things, can produce an OVA of the same or even better quality than Shadow Chronicles in 1 year or even less. Unfortunately, HG is private and we can't get their annual income reports in order to come out with better ideas about their financial status, but then again, can you tell me about a company that will spend all this time and man hours for nothing?? Because so far, all that they have produced is a mini series of comics that only a few fans were happy enough to buy (more out of nostalgia and curiosity), a series of "collectables" that fall apart the moment that you take them out of the box. This my friend, doesnt talk good about a company, specially when it comes to getting money for new projects. If somebody ever backed up HG on the Shadow Chronicles project, probably pulled out long time ago (oh matchbox, where are you??) Regards...
  20. It's funny because according to the new RT creative staff, they didn't want to go with sponsors for the project because of the limitations involved in creativity. They have the mentality that if some one else comes along, they will force them to do things differently than first thought. I find this kind of ironic, because no sponsors means that they have to absorb all the costs of the project. Nowadays, making a movie like the one they want to make with Shadow Chronicles, cost a lot of $$$$$$$$$ Harmony Gold doesnt have the capital to invest in a project like this and besides, they are betting big with something that it was so dependable on shock value back in the 80's, because let's be honest, all the people that saw Robotech back in the days, kept coming back because there was nothing else on TV that presented the same concepts (soap opera type of story, deep character development, giant robots) except on Japan. Trying to do the same thing in an age where you can pick up anime even at walmart, it's really hard, if not impossible. Harmony Gold has no marketing tactics what so ever, I'm actually quite surprise that they were able to get this far with the shadow chronicles project and I'll be more surprise if a big distributor decides to back up the release of this OVA. Anyhow, I want to watch Shadow Chronicles because of the nostalgia and not because I'm expecting something along the lines of a Miyazaki film. Let's see how it goes when they release it to celebrate the 25 years of the Robotech series PS: by the way, does somebody know what is in the works for the 25th anniversary of Macross??? regards...
  21. IIRC The Super Dimension banner was something that Big West came out with. Tatsunoko obtained the rights to develop a new series (Southern Cross) with the Super Dimension banner from scratch, where as the other two Super Dimension series (Macross & Orguss) were developed by Studio Nue & Artland. All Super Dimension series were produced by Big West Regards...
  22. here is a cnn review about the nintendo revolution.
  23. Can this be true?? I mean, I know that the original X Box didn't do really good in Japan, but I thought that the 360 will do a lot better. Any comments??? Regards...
  24. Don't worry about it We are on the same boat here, so let's hope that HG one day will vanish forever so we can all have Yamatos at cheap crazy prices... regards...
  25. Well, going out of business it's a totally different situation than being bought by somebody else. In this case, I believed that it was mentioned that HG was going to be sold to ADV. When you purchase a company or a fraction of it (I doubt it that ADV would be interested in HG's real state side of the business), you are purchasing all of their agreements, licenses, even their employees from that company. Then you can decide if you (as the new owner) want to continue the agreements, licenses, partnerships of the previous managament. If you decide to continue the relationships all remains the same, if you decide not to keep the relationship then you can go with a buy out option. If the company goes bankrupt or dissapears for any reason othen than because they are being sold, then the game plan changes completly. This situation will apply to your statement, but unfortunately, I do not believe that Harmony Gold it's going out of business yet, even if it's owner goes to jail (look to what happened to Martha Stewart). Regards...
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