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Everything posted by waters7

  1. I actually have all 4 Robotech artbooks at hand and neither Artbook 1 or 3 (the ones that detail Robotech and Robotech II production process respectively) make mention of a network executive providing "feedback" for the production of Robotech or Robotech II. Again, is rather odd that a network executive will provide feedback on a show that is specifically produced for syndication and not for his/her network.
  2. This is funny as hell. Seto, I keep reading about how supposedly Robotech's production was influenced by a network executive. I would like you to provide a link to this information. As far as I remember, the only mention of a network in the Robotech production history was made when Macek mentioned that he used NBC's Child Programing guidelines as reference while producing Robotech. I also find it very odd that a Network executive will have a say on the production, specially since Robotech was made for syndication.
  3. HG can only claim trademark infrigment if the expo in question is using the name to advertise/promote products related or similar to Robotech without a HG lincense Since this a technology expo and has nothing to do with the Robotech we all know, HG has no grounds for a C&D of any kind. On a similar note has any one posted a translation or a detailed summary of the japanese rulings???
  4. does anybody know what happened to the deal where Toynami was to distribute in North America the Bandai re-issue of the original Takatoku VF-1?
  5. Candy Candy is another property that went thru something similar. You can find more info here
  6. According to Animerica, this whole issue started when Toycom received a C&D letter from Harmony Gold circa 1999. At the time, Toycom was working with Yamato (according to Wikipedia, Toycom was Yamato's U.S. division during that time) to distribute part of their valkyrie line in the U.S. The Animerica article stated that Harmony Gold send the C&D letter under the basis of having ownership of "all Macross" outside of Japan. It is my understanding that Toycom was promoting their product on anime conventions and the 1999 NY toyfair and after receiving this letter, the product was put on hold while they consulted with Yamato. The article does not explain what transpired afterwards however, it is easy to assume that Yamato probably consulted with Big West about this issue with HG having "all ownership of Macross" Eventually, the head of Toycom (George Sohn) broke off the deal with Yamato and negotiated with Harmony Gold to produce a line of Robotech veritechs. These veritechs were produced by a new company with the name of Toynami which by the way, was founded by George Sohn
  7. My guess is that we have to look at the circumstances that brought Big West and Tatsunoko together on the production of SDF Macross for clues. As we know, Big West hit a wall when they realized that neither Studio Nue nor Artland had the manpower to produce a TV series like SDF Macross. Maybe Big West went shopping for a partner to co-produce the series but in the end, we all know that it turned out to be Tatsunoko that was brought in to help with the production. As far as I understand, Tatsunoko is listed as producer for SDF Macross & DYRL and I couldn't find them in the credits of Flashback 2012. The japanese webiste of Tatsunoko also lists SDF Macross and DYRL only as part of their production catalog (actual entries for SDF Macross and DYRL ) Moving forward, When Big West pushed for new Macross productions, the circumstances of each production where different. For starters, Macross II, Macross Plus, Macross Zero did not have the obligation of producing one new episode every other week. This eliminated manpower that a company like Tatsunoko could provide (in the case of Macross II and Plus). Second, when Big West produced Macross 7 and Frontier it had enough sponsors (in other words, $$$$) and a lot of people involved in the productions that no further "help" from a company like Tatsunoko was required to produce the animation. I always have seen the association between Tatsunoko and Big West on SDF Macross and DYRL more like a necessity than an actual move that was pre-planned. Because of the success of the franchise, Big West and Studio Nue are now in a position to produce new animation at their pace and terms, thus eliminating the need of a "last minute" helper like Tatsunoko. Maybe Tatsunoko showed interested in participating in subsequent Macross productions but who knows...
  8. There goes my website project
  9. I had my posting privileges at robotech.com revoked by MEMO because according to Pizza I was either Seto or I was writing stuff on his behalf. I'm sure that there are some people that will say that i'm just trying to stir the pot however, the information provided and the current state of the LAM production point to the same direction. Like Azrael, until I hear from anybody within WB or any of the production companies involved that the LAM is under production, I will take all the hype from HG about this project with a grain of salt.
  10. As a long time Robotech fan, I realize that as long as HG is involved in some way with the Robotech franchise, we (the general public) will not see any production worth mentioning it. Sure, we will have productions like Shadow Chronicles but let's be honest, Shadow Chronicles did not bring in nothing new to the franchise (or new fans for that matter). I don't think that Robotech is epic. Also, I don't believe that Macek is some kind of genius. Sure, I recognize the fact that the original 85 had a large following, that it was popular (thanks in big part to the OSM) and I also realize that some of the changes made to the original shows by HG probably helped to it's acceptance among the TV stations at the time... I fail to understand how some of the fans can go nuts when the show is criticized or mentioned on the same paragraph with Macross. It's funny how they feel that by elevating Robotech status to "epic" or by creating debates of "my show is better than yours" will validate somehow their fanaticism of the show. But even with all this drama, at the end of the day I still want to put together a nice spanish language website that will provide information about all the real information behind each production and product to the my fellow peers in latin america. The only thing I have to be very careful thou is to not become another puppet of HG On the LAM topic... I went to California to visit my family a couple of weeks ago (and to watch my NY Rangers play the LA Kings). During this trip, I happened to meet some one that works with Akiva Goldsman (one of the listed producers of the Robotech LAM). According to this person, this "Robotech project" is not an immediate priority to the produces involved and that outside of the standard treatment that all franchises receive when they are licensed for a movie adaptation (basically identifying a theme for the movie and the script drafting), there are no current plans to move this project forward. As a matter of fact, Akiva G. is more interested in moving of the direction of producing a movie with the Teen Titans brand. In regards to HG's involvement in the LAM project, this person mentioned IF the movie is produced, outside of a executive producer credit, HG will not be involved in the actual production (so much for having a "say" in the project). I wonder if Carl Macek was brought in to assist Tommy with writing new leases for that property in Beverly Hills. Anyhow, back to Macross 7 Regards...
  11. Pizza, HG did not go to this convention under the same terms that they go on other conventions within the US. When I first met MEMO, he told me that his intention was to create a US anime convention (it is my believe that MEMO got acquainted with the current HG staff when he worked on a convention as security). After he gained MOD status at robotech.com, he became more involved with the spanish forums. Late 2004 and well into 2005, he convinced some people in Argentina that he had the funds to sponsor a convention with Robotech (and the staff at HG) as the main attraction. It turned out that MEMO could not afford to sponsor the whole event and this plan was scratched. Eventually, MEMO met this person from Chile that happened to be involved in the consortium that organizes anime related conventions in Chile. The people from Chile was able to pull the whole event together and MEMO used his association with Tommy and Co to convince them to go with him to Chile for this convention (I know that he also paid for two spanish voice actors from the 1987 dub to go out as well) According to a very close source to the whole ordeal, MEMO was unable to recover the money invested on this trip and ever since then, he has been making empty promises of more conventions like this. I know this info falls more into the gossip/drama department but is very entertaining.... I noticed that Doug is reading this thread... he might be looking for new topics to discuss on his 900+ lessoners podcast
  12. Adding more to this, the whole thing that got me involved on the licensing debate was this thread over at robotech.com On this thread, this same person that Jason C is talking about gave some "inside" information to the bloke that started the thread. Supposedly, this information come originally from Tommy with his ok for this information to be released. The thread focuses mainly on the distribution and the spanish dub of shadow chronicles in Latin America but towards the end of the first post, the focus moves to the licensing issue of Macross. According to this character, HG owns all rights of Macross and DYRL outside of Japan, he then states that Kawamori and Mikimoto are very happy about WB using their designs on the Robotech live action movie. He also mentions something about a contract not allowing them going outside of Japan and that all the rumors about them being mad (at Robotech) are just fan rumors. On a personal level, I do not like this kind of misinformation, so eventually I called this character out on some of his BS and obviously, this landed me on the ban list on the website. What I find funny about this situation is the distance that some of this people will go in order to keep the integrity of their presence in the fandom. One thing is when you work for the company and another thing is when you kiss so much butt with the hopes that maybe, one day, the master will look your way and throw you a bone. At the end of the day, is just a freaking cartoon that was very successful (within the context of it's own production) and sparked the interests of those who saw it, but outside of this, as a Robotech fan, I fail to see how Robotech is this franchise of epic proportions with hundreds of thousands of fans through the world. I normally don't like to rant for some like this, but I just happened to remember that thread at robotech.com and decided to share my experience with you guys. Regards...
  13. I'm sorry if this has been asked before but I would like to know if there is a good, and I mean very good arcade stick that you guys will recommend to some one that is looking for a stick compatible for all PS fighting games (PS1, PS2 and PS3). I'm thinking about buying the X-Arcade Dual Joystick ... so far I've read great reviews about it but I would like to know if there is anything else worth taking a look at. I'm sorry if this has been asked before, I tried the search option but it brought up a lot of threads that had nothing to do with arcade joysticks. Thank you in advance!
  14. Quick question guys.... Does anybody know how to convert an .mkv file to .avi or any other format that will allow me to burn the file to a DVD? Thanks in advance
  15. Hello, Kawamori's work on the diaclone toy line is considered as "work made for hire" under copyright law. In other words, since Studio Nue (and by extension, Kawamori) was comissioned by Takara to "create" some of the dioclone designs, any royalties derivated from the copyright will go directly to Takara/Hasbro only. I hope this helps
  16. I'll love to see a Blu-ray release with subtitles. Count me in if you ever want to collect signatures for this petition.
  17. The saddest part about that forum is that according to them (the members and mods), anything done by Tommy Yune doesn't deserve to be part of the Robotech canon because Macek was not involved in the production. Heck, they consider all the comics published back in the 80s and 90s as the true story for Robotech. They also claim that Macek is the only one who should be making Robotech sequels
  18. I'm surprised that he is missing in action from that RT.com thread.... maybe he is busy discussing his next move with Kevin. Next thing we will read from him is that we finally understood the point that he was trying to make about Tatsunoko being able to produce derivatives works from SDF Macross outside of Japan
  19. Hello, Normally I do not post around here that often (actually it has been a while since I last posted here at mw). Currently I'm under the impression that a lot of my fellow Robotech peers are unable to tell what is distinctively Robotech and what is distinctively Macross. Sadly, until H.G. decides to come and say "listen, we do not own the concepts that make up SDF Macross", most of the Robotech fans will not really understand the rulings from the 2002 & 2003 court cases. Or maybe they simply chose not to understand. I was wondering Gubaba about the nature of the information that you shared with Shaloom (sorry guys, a little bit off topic )
  20. Actually, He is talking about a book, not a LD or VHS The Macross specials are compilations of a few Macross episodes, for example, the Macross Special I consists of the first 2 episodes of the series the same way as they were broadcasted for the first time in TV. The Macross special II consists of episode Pineapple Salad and Ai Wa Nagareru. Keep in mind that these material date
  21. Sorry about the delay, here are the pictures http://robotechla.com/macross_special_1.jpg http://robotechla.com/macross_special_2.jpg I had to take pictures of the LD covers because I have one of them all in one printers and the sucker has some borders in the scanner aera that would not allow me to make a good scan of the covers. The pictures are around 1800 X 1800 in case you want to make wallpapers with them (hey if you do, let me know as I would like to have them as wallpaper ). regards...
  22. If any one wants a pic of the Macross Special I LD with out the Obi, I'll be more than happy to make a scan...
  23. We do have 1 at Mandalay Bay but it's not as clean as the one from the picture
  24. It's funny, I like their quotes from MTV ""...virtually any game available..", CNN "...by far the most safe and secure download system..." and NBC "Easy to use...the #1 service" 800 million games, WOW!!!!
  25. Sure can, I'll do it tonight I also need to scan a copy of the map of the road to refless point in MOSPEADA.
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